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HI! I’m Gregor. @gr2m on Twitter & GitHub Co-Creator of Hoodie ( Introduced “noBackend” in May 2013

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noBackend? 1. Where does it come from 2. Experiences from 1 year of noBackend 3. Outlook

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Where does it come from? Being tired of: 1. Repeating my self 2. UX being compromised by technology 3. Knowing there is a better way

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“But … browser’s can’t do that” “Who cares, if it works?”

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Hoodie can do all of this* —with plugins

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1 year of noBackend

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Front-Trends, Warsaw, 2013

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QCon, San Francisco, 2013

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JSConfEU, Berlin, 2013

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The big 5 joined the club: —Apple (CloudKit, 2014) —MicroSoft (Azure Mobile Services, 2014) —Amazon (AWS-Services, 2014) —Google (Cloud Plattform, 2014) —Facebook (Parse, 2013)

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Hoodie’s going strong. It’s also the only open source alternative.

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Outlook —Services (BaaS) —Products (App Servers like Hoodie) —Workflows (Design Driven Aproach in Dev Teams)

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Shameless Plug

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We build prototypes and apps in a heartbeat <3

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Looking to hire the best? We get your word out <3

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All the moneyz goes towards development of Hoodie. <3

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Thanks <3