• Linux experience since 1998
• FreeBSD (jail)
• Some limited exploration of LXC
• Bread and Butter were Windows systems
My Starting Point
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•Veeam Introduced Object Storage Capacity Tiers for Repositories
•My company decided to try Minio S3
•For Multitenancy Minio advised us to leverage containers with
•I figured I would read up about Kubernetes on the weekend and be
good to go on Monday
What Happened?
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•I installed Docker Swarm
•It was easier but less flexible
•I was intrigued by Kubernetes and decided no matter what to learn
this new technology.
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•KCNA (Entrance Certification)
•CKAD Application developer
•CKA The best known and crème de la crème in the container
•CKS Security Specialist. The name says it all
The Exams
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•I was a beta tester for this exam.
•Multiple Choice, Proctored
•Plenty of good free resources on the internet
•Kodekloud’s Devops Learning Path will cover what you need
•Considerations: Cost? Do you really need this Certification?
•Side node CNCF are introducing a new KCSA exam in Q3
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•Proctored, Performance-based
•People claimed this was easier than the CKA, but that was not my
•Knowing the material is not enough
•Time management and Question weight factors are crucial
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•I did this when it was 3 hours (I failed the first time)
•Like with the CKAD know the Kubernetes documentation
•Since the introduction of the CKS, there is less security in this exam
•The CKA is a prerequisite for the CKS
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•Valid only for 2 years, considered by some the hardest
•Unlike the CKA for the CKS you need to know some 3rd party tools
•Falco, Trivy, App Armor
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•Self Assessment = Practice Tests, Killer Shell ( you get 2 free Killer
Shell time limited attempts with your CNCF exam purchase but if
you would like more you can purchase here https://killer.sh/ )
•Setup your own practice environment (minikube, kind, rancher
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•Read through the Kubernetes Documentation and do the Tasks
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•Commands must be in muscle memory
•Practice taking example yamls from the documentation and then
changing them for your tasks during the exam
•Memorize locations of these yaml files
•Don’t forget Kubectl --help
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• kode.wiki/3IpQoK5
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Explain your solution through your blog, GitHub Repo or record a demo video and upload it on
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