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Raise accessibility  awareness at work as an Android developer Android Worldwide Tiphaine | Oct 2022

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◉ Android Engineer in Japan ◉ MedPeer Inc (Kakari) @tahia910 2 Tiphaine

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“ Why is accessibility not considered at work? 3 ?

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◉ Started on the wrong foot due to complaints ◉ Don’t know how to deal with the problem ◉ The risk of doing nothing is not clear ◉ Don’t want more work 4 Challenges Ref:Deque Systems

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“ If you know your enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you will never be defeated. 5

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The problem and how to deal with it What? 6 1

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Types of Disabilities 7 Visual Motor Cognitive Auditory

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◉ Difficulties distinguishing colors ◉ Can’t read the text ◉ Can’t see the screen 8 Visual Problems

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◉ Troubles clicking small buttons ◉ Difficulties with some gestures ◉ Can’t use the touch screen 9 Motor Problems

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◉ Troubles reading long text ◉ Difficulties comprehending words ◉ Can’t understand the UI 10 Cognitive Problems

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◉ Difficulties hearing properly ◉ Can’t perceive sound ◉ Can’t understand without subtitles 11 Auditory Problems

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◉ Font size change ◉ Color correction ◉ TalkBack 12 Braille Display Assistive Technology Ref:Emerald Coast

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Assistive Technology 13 ◉ Display size change ◉ Voice input / control ◉ Switch Access Ref:Google

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14 And many more! Definitely can’t remember them all 😱

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“ 15 Just follow the guideline to solve everything!

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WCAG 2.0 ◉ Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 ◉ Recommended by W3C ◉ Also used for mobile apps ◉ A list of requirements to follow 16

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Four Principles 1. Perceivable 2. Operable 3. Understandable 4. Robust 17

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Levels of Conformance 18 A Single A 25 items Minimum AA Double A 13 items Better AAA Triple A 23 items Best

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You are not alone ◉ BBC ◉ Orange ◉ MDN ◉ And many more! 19

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◉ Started on the wrong foot due to complaints ◉ Don’t know how to deal with the problem ◉ The risk of doing nothing is not clear ◉ Don’t want more work 20 Challenges Ref:Deque Systems

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Why? Merits and risks for business 2 21

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Marketing Boost ◉ Improve your company’s image✨ ◉ Keep up with industry trends ◉ Differentiate yourself from your competition 22

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Respond to expectations ◉ Attract loyal customers ◉ Broaden your reach ◉ Avoid negative publicity 23

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◉ Having a guideline helps write cleaner code ◉ Reusing components increases productivity ◉ Implementing UI tests eases maintenance Improve developers’ life 24

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25 Usability Accessibility Ref:BAsixs Satisfactory Safe Usable Accessible

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26 Ref:Our World In Data, UN (1, 2) In 2050, one in 6 people will be over 65 Median age projection worldwide AGE

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Future 2050 seniors are currently in their 30s All heavy smartphone users 27

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Your user base is changing ◉ Your current users are aging ◉ Your country’s population might be shrinking ◉ Aging troubles start before 65 years old 28

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“ Survivor bias: Logical error of focusing on who made it past a selection process, overlooking those who did not. 29

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30 Don’t improve accessibility Disabled people unable to use the product “So there’s no need to consider them” Disabled people seen as a minority Don’t appear in user stats (+ Low awareness in society) Ref:pacingpixie / HubSpot

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The invisible population ◉ You might be the reason you don’t see them ◉ People can’t talk due to social pressure ◉ The target is different from government stats 31

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It helps everyone ◉ It’s not “Disabled vs Normal People” ◉ You can be temporarily/situationally disabled ◉ “Don’t assume anything” 32

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Create a better product ◉ Constraints drive creativity ◉ Better skills ensure higher product quality 33 BAD DESIGNS DISABLE PEOPLE Ref:btrax

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34 (󰑔) Digital accessibility related lawsuits Ref:UsableNet (report)

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It is required by law 35 Ref:W3C, Disability:IN, eSSENTIAL Accessibility ◉ Mandatory for private sector: Australia, Canada, China, EU, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, UK... ◉ Mobile apps are also targeted

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◉ Started on the wrong foot due to complaints ◉ Don’t know how to deal with the problem ◉ The risk of doing nothing is not clear ◉ Don’t want more work 36 Challenges Ref:Deque Systems

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Integration process How? 37 3

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38 Planning & Analysis Design Implementation Testing Maintenance You want to check at each stage Ref:TPGi

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Roadmap 39 1 Observe

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Observe ◉ How much attention is paid to the problem? ◉ What is the current state of your app? ◉ Who is the decision maker? ◉ Who are your allies? 40

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Roadmap 41 1 Observe 2 Research

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Research ◉ Basics (targets, problems, assistive technologies) ◉ Why you need accessibility ◉ WCAG ◉ Inclusive Design 42

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Roadmap 43 2 3 Plan Research 1 Observe

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44 Plan ◉ Set achievable, incremental goals ◉ Identify problems, create tickets ◉ Prioritize tickets, complete them Ref:W3C, Web担当者Forum / 弁護士ドットコム

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“ 45 Do what you can within your reach, little by little, continuously

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◉ Start with small & easy changes ◉ Go gradually (ex: one ticket per sprint) ◉ Integrate checks into existing processes 46 Think on the long term

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Roadmap 47 3 Plan 1 Observe 2 Research 4 Implement

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48 WCAG Perceivable level A items Just screen reader support All screens & released on time 🎉 WCAG Perceivable level A items kakari for Clinic

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Roadmap 49 4 5 Maintain Implement 2 Research 1 Observe 3 Plan

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Document & Educate ◉ Checklist ◉ Training ◉ Internal Guideline ◉ Policy 50

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Accessibility Statement ◉ Explain your current situation ◉ Provide a way of contact for feedback ◉ Display your accessibility certification ◉ Reference the local legislation 51 Ref:W3C, NDA, GOV.UK, Essential Accessibility

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Track Progress Don’t track the use of assistive technology 52 Ref:AdrianRoselli, W3C, Mightybytes, StackExchange

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◉ Number of WCAG criterions met ◉ Goals previously set ◉ Number of tickets done ◉ Number of inquiries 53 Track Progress

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◉ People are not rejecting you ◉ Build a welcoming culture ◉ Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself ◉ Get support from people with influence 54 Workplace Relationships

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Roadmap 55 6 Share 2 Research 4 Implement 1 Observe 3 Plan 5 Maintain

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Spread the word ◉ Communicate internally on progress ◉ Inform your customers ◉ Get feedbacks 56

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Small acts in your daily life ◉ Just sharing info on SNS is enough 👍 ◉ Be considerate when posting 57

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References ◉ Pragmatic Accessibility: A How-To Guide for Teams (Google I/O '17) - Google Developers ◉ Android Accessibility by Tutorials - Victoria Gonda ◉ noteアクセシビリティ施策 - note ◉ Ameba Pickのアクセシビリティ向上への取り込みに ついて - CyberAgent 58

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Thanks! 59 Theme:SlidesCarnival Special thanks: @purunkaoru @y2kit_1127 @Gabrielle_Lng