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103 years of event sourcing experience Results of our empirical research on event sourcing

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Michiel Lead Software Architect @ AFAS Software PhD candidate @ University Utrecht @michielovereem Overeem

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Continuous Migration of Mass Customized Applications • Cloud architectures • Model-driven development • Evolution

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M. Overeem, M. Spoor, and S. Jansen, “The Dark Side of Event Sourcing: Managing Data Conversion,” in IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), 2017, pp. 193–204.

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Data upgrade Deployed with Executed by Executed by Data upgrade Application upgrade Lazy transformation Upcasting In place transfor- mation Multiple versions Copy and transfor- mation Basic & Complex Event Basic & Complex Stream Basic Store Complex Store Big Flip Rolling Upgrade Blue-Green Expand- Contract Blue- Green Deployed with Combined with Weak schema A framework based on literature and a prototype. But do we really understand event sourcing?

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RQ2 RQ3 RQ1 What types of systems apply event sourcing and why? How can event sourced systems be defined? What are the challenges faced in applying event sourcing?

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1. Problem 2. Solution 3. Consequences

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RQ2 RQ3 RQ1 What types of systems apply event sourcing and why? How can event sourced systems be defined? What are the challenges faced in applying event sourcing?

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4 3 18 25 engineers with 103 years of combined experience

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And 3 engineers who are not doing event sourcing...

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No content

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No content

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State State’ Event

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Events = Transactions Or not?

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Project administration Marketing automation Website building Payment processing Content management Classified advertising …

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Store (19) S M L Traffic (19) S M L Schema (14) S M L

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Rationale Flexibility Complexity Trending Audit Immutability Strict Cut-off Mutable Technology .NET JVM PHP Ruby,Scala,Go

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DDD Yes No MSA Yes No CQRS Yes No

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No one returned to ‘current state’!

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“An event is a discrete data object specified in domain terms that represents a state change in an ESS.”

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“The project function takes one or more event streams and creates a projection with the data from the given events.”

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“The accept function takes a projection P and a command C. The command is validated using the data in the projection, and the accept function either results in an error or in an event “

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What does a event sourced system with CQRS looks like?

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No content

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Steep learning curve Learning curve Finding your way

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Evolution Small steps, but how to stay stable?

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Missing tools Related to the learning curve? Or the trend?

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How long do these take?

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Eventually consistent Things might take a while

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Applications that do not evolve in response to changing requirements or changing technology become less useful -Lehman, 1974

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Which streams are in the store? Which event types are in which stream? Which attributes does an event have?

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DDD Yes No “You align the events with real world events. You are dealing with changes that have a native equivalence. Doing DDD leads to less fragile design.”

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Versioned Events (2/24) only introduce new events and streams “I try to keep my domain abstraction pure."

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Weak Schema (11/24) aka tolerant reader Easy, but incomplete

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Upcasters (12/24) Transform at runtime “The approach I took, and which is my impression that everyone takes …”

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Upcasters (12/24) Transform at runtime “Then we made our upcasters permanent…”

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Immutability, not a binaire option

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Immutability Strict Cut-off Mutable Rationale Flexibility Complexity Trending Audit

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“So one of the things you should never ever do is change existing events. An event written persisted to datastore is not like a hand wavy thing. It is a fact.”

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“So one of the things you should never ever do is change existing events. An event written persisted to datastore is not like a hand wavy thing. It is a fact.” “Historians rewrite the past too…”

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“So one of the things you should never ever do is change existing events. An event written persisted to datastore is not like a hand wavy thing. It is a fact.” “Historians rewrite the past too…” “These rewrites aren't destructive first of all.”

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“So one of the things you should never ever do is change existing events. An event written persisted to datastore is not like a hand wavy thing. It is a fact.” “Historians rewrite the past too…” “These rewrites aren't destructive first of all.” “When your events form a contract with the outside, you have to keep those.”

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In-place transformation (5/24) Just as in the old days “Now that would pretty much break the whole premise of having a proper audit trail.”

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Copy-transform (14/24) When you just need to start over “if you have like 10 billion events you just can't do it”

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Copy-transform (14/24) When you just need to start over “if you have like 10 billion events you just can't do it” 1. Create a new store from the old one. 2. Create a new stream inside of the store, based on old streams. 3. Create new events in an existing stream.

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Versioned Events Weak Schema Upcasters In-Place Copy- Transform 14/24 5/24 12/24 11/24 2/24

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Some last topics

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Does my event store look big?

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Year ending Classified ads

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Privacy… Privacy

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Custom event store structure Encryption Destructive technique

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What about all those read models?

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Rebuilt Sync

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It depends. Your context. Your solution.

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Hopefully, published soon! M. Overeem, M. Spoor, S. Jansen, and S. Brinkkemper, “An Empirical Characterization of Event Sourced Systems and their Schema Evolution,” to be published.

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Copyright Nasa Goddard Michiel Overeem @michielovereem All (business) applications can apply event sourcing and benefit from it. There is room for your solution!