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Performance de Interações no DOM

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Introduction ! • JavaScript interactions have a "scripting" timing; • That pure JS versus "Write less" jQuery; • JavaScript layouting; • GPU vs CPU; • CSS layout, paint and composite layer in animations; • For each ~16ms we have 1 frame and 60 in 1 second;

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JavaScript and jQuery Scripting Time window.pageYOffset vs. $(window).scrollTop() more than 100 times faster ! window.innerHeight vs. $(window).height() more than 220 times faster ! el.clientWidth vs. $el.width() more than 50 times faster Tested at!

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JavaScript Layouting Everytime we need to do things like this:! ! el.clientHeight; el.clientWidth; el.offsetTop; ! We force the browser to re-calculate the layout, so if we do:! ! $el.height(); $el.width(); $el.offset().top; ! We have less performance :(

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How we use the GPU We can trigger the GPU using:! ! ! CSS3 transitions! CSS3 3D transforms! Canvas Drawing! WebGL 3D Drawing

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But... We need to say to the browser that we want to use the GPU on our element in 2D animations cases:! ! ! transform: transale3d(0, 0, 0); ! or ! .accelerated { transform: transale3d(0, 0, 0); }

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... it is a hack :( but the strongest and best way to do that yet.! ! ! transform: transale3d(0, 0, 0); ! or ! .accelerated { transform: transale3d(0, 0, 0); }

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The (future) salvation: will-change The will-change property still is an experimental technology and its compatibility is limited.! It tells what will gone change for the browser be able to do specific optmizations for CSS Properties.! ! .el { will-change: transform; } ! ! Browser support! Chrome 36+! Firefox 36+! Opera 24+! Safari (not supported)! Internet Explorer (not supported)

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Saving your battery Using the GPU we expend much more battery than using our conventional CPU, so the browser doesn't enable it by default for 2D animations. !

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Saving your battery For that reason you should take care enabling it all the time too. Enabling many times at the same element can make all performance transition be worst.! !

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Composite vs. Layout vs. Paint

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Talking about frames ~60Hz! (1 second / 60fps = ~16ms)! ! ! Best animations practices is try to keep the frames in 60fps! and the best way is working with the GPU.! ! And ok, but how to double check it?!

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Timeline DevTool

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Timeline DevTool

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Good to know ! • Layout doesn't work with float numbers;! ! • Painting is fast, but still use only the CPU! ! • The composite layers are transfered to the GPU like bitmaps, combined and then drawn on the screen! • The "layer" is an independent subtree of the DOM, composited at the GPU and possible to move, stretch and fade without repainting!

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Sources css-transitions ! ! ! ! ! !