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How We Use Cloud Run and its Friends! Yuki Ito (@mrno110) Kauche Tech Talk

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Kauche Architect Yuki Ito @mrno110

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No content

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Agenda ɾWhat is Cloud Run ɾArchitecture ɾObservability

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Agenda ɾWhat is Cloud Run ɾArchitecture ɾObservability

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What is Cloud Run Cloud Run is a managed compute platform that enables you to run containers that are invocable via requests or events. Cloud Run is serverless: it abstracts away all infrastructure management...

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Agenda ɾWhat is Cloud Run ɾArchitecture ɾObservability

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Agenda ɾWhat is Cloud Run ɾArchitecture ɾObservability

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Architecture Run Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler

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Architecture - Key Concepts - ɾEverything runs on Cloud Run ɾEverything runs as a API

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Architecture - Key Concepts - e.g.) VS. Cloud Functions Trigger Run Pub/Sub Functions Run Firestore Functions

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Architecture Run Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler

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Architecture ✅ Everything is Managed by API De fi nitions ✅ Reuse same implementation logic as APIs ✅ Use same Monitoring environments

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Architecture Run Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler

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Job Run Pub/Sub

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Job resource "google_pubsub_topic" "foo" { name = "foo" } resource "google_pubsub_subscription" "job-foo" { name = "job-foo" topic = push_config { push_endpoint = "" } }

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Job Run Pub/Sub 💀 ❌ ✅

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Job Run Pub/Sub Service Account

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Job Run Pub/Sub OIDC Token (JWT)

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Job resource "google_project_iam_member" "pubsub-is-sa-token-creator" { project = "" role = "roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" member = "serviceAccount:service-@gcp-sa-pubsub... } roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator

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Job resource "google_service_account" "job-api-invoker" { // ... account_id = "job-api-invoker" } resource "google_pubsub_subscription" "job-foo" { name = "job-foo" topic = push_config { push_endpoint = "" oidc_token { service_account_email = "job-api-invoker@..." audience = "" } } }

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Job Run Pub/Sub Public Keys OIDC Token (JWT) JWKS 🔑 JWT Veri fi cation

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Job Run Pub/Sub 💀 ❌ ✅

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Architecture Run Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler

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Agenda ɾWhat is Cloud Run ɾArchitecture ɾObservability

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Agenda ɾWhat is Cloud Run ɾArchitecture ɾObservability

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Observability • Logging • Trace • Monitoring Dashboard

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Observability • Logging • Trace

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Logging • Request logs • Container logs Cloud Run has two types of logs: automatically sent to Cloud Logging

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Logging • Request logs • Container logs Cloud Run has two types of logs: automatically sent to Cloud Logging

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Logging Cloud Run generates Request Logs

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Logging Cloud Run generates Request Logs Not enough...

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Logging • Request logs • Container logs Cloud Run has two types of logs: automatically sent to Cloud Logging

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Logging Container (Application) logs

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Logging Container (Application) logs Structured Log

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Logging Request Logs + Container Logs Correlating

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Logging Correlating Request Logs Container Logs

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Logging Correlating

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Logging Container (Application) logs { "message": "grpc request", "logger": "grpc.request_logger", "method": "/customer.v1.CustomerService/GetXXX", "level": "info", "timestamp": 1613885945098.689 "": "projects/.../traces/xxx", }

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Logging Container X-Cloud-Trace-Context: projects/.../traces/xxx Header

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Logging Correlating

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Logging Correlating Request Logs Container Logs

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Observability • Logging • Trace

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Observability • Logging • Trace

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Trace Cloud Trace

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Trace OpenTelemetry OpenTelemetry is a collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs. Use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces) to help you analyze your software’s performance and behavior.

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Trace OpenTelemetry

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Trace OpenCensus

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Trace OpenTelemetry + OpenCensus (Bridge)

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Agenda ɾWhat is Cloud Run ɾArchitecture ɾObservability

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Architecture Run Tasks Pub/Sub Mobile App External Service Mobile API Web Hook API Job API Scheduler

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AD 7/20 (Wed)