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Scaling Ruby with JRuby Thomas E. Enebo (@tom_enebo) Charles O. Nutter (@headius)

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• JRuby co-leads • Red Hat Charles Thomas Ruby Java Beer

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What is JRuby? Ruby Implementation (2.5.7 compatible) …which happens to run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

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JRuby • Lots of memory improvements • Better support for Java module system • .jruby.java_opts file to manage JVM options • Improved startup time for most commands • Dozens of issues fixed • coming out next week? next (2.6.x)

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Why JRuby? What are the differences? - JRuby - C Ruby

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Native Threads vs Global Interpreter Lock

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require 'benchmark' ary = (1..1000000).to_a loop { puts Benchmark.measure { 10.times { ary.each {|i|} } } } Unthreaded require 'benchmark' ary = (1..1000000).to_a loop { puts Benchmark.measure { (1..10).map { { ary.each {|i|} } }.map(&:join) } } Multi-threaded

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Ruby 2.5.7 unthreaded JRuby unthreaded Ruby 2.5.7 threaded JRuby threaded

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Time (in seconds) 0 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36 Unthreaded Threaded 0.15 0.23 0.35 0.34 CRuby JRuby (lower is better)

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Virtual Machine vs Going It Alone

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Ruby Teams Hiro Marcin Nahi Subbu Douglas Christian Karol Tom Charlie Hiro charli Nahi zzak nurse hsbt matz ko1 nobu OS (libc, ...) JRuby MRI

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Ruby Teams Hiro Marcin Nahi Subbu Douglas Christian Karol Tom Charlie Hiro charli Nahi zzak nurse hsbt matz ko1 nobu OS (libc, ...) JRuby MRI JVM POSIX

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JVM Ruby Teams Hiro Marcin Nahi Subbu Douglas Christian Karol Tom Charlie Hiro charli Nahi zzak nurse hsbt matz ko1 nobu OS (libc, ...) JRuby MRI Better ??? POSIX

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!Perspective! ??? Total control can be great!

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Shoulders of Giants JVM J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose Hiro Marcin Nahi Subbu Douglas Christian Dmitry Tom Charlie JRuby

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All the stuff! JVM J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose J. Rose Garbage Collection Native JIT Profiled Optimizations Native Threading Tooling Cross Platform

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Alternate JVMs • Hotspot: standard OpenJDK Java VM • OpenJ9: open source version of IBM's J9 JVM • New GC and JIT tuning options • Startup time and JIT code-caching features • GraalVM: replaces Hotspot JIT with Graal JIT • New JIT optimizations, ahead-of-time native compilation

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JVM is everywhere++! • Unix++, Windows • Exotic platforms: zLinux, OpenVMS, AS/400 • Mobile: Android’s Dalvik, Embedded JVMs

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Java bytecode == portability

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actionmailer-javamail, active_documentum, activerecord-jdbc-adapter, activerecord-jdbcdbf-adapter, activerecord-jdbcderby-adapter, activerecord-jdbch2-adapter, activerecord-jdbchsqldb-adapter, activerecord-jdbcmssql-adapter, activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter, activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter, activerecord-jdbcsqlite3- adapter, activerecord-netezza-adapter, activerecord-vertica-adapter, akephalos, akephalos-nerian, akephalos2, akka-actor-jars, akka-remote-jars, akubra_llstore_migrate, Antwrap, async-http-client-jars, atomic, atoulme-Antwrap, autotest-java, bbrowning-deltacloud-client, bbrowning-deltacloud-core, bcrypt- ruby, bee_java, berkeley-db-java-jars, bert, bio-maf, blockenspiel, boc, bond, bosdk, bouncy-castle-java, boxed-geminabox, brute-fuzzy, bryanl-gherkin, bson, buby, buildr, buildr-resolver, buildrizpack, butternut, capistrano-java, capybara-java_script_lint, carrierwave-neo4j, carrierwave_imagevoodoo, cassandra-jars, chrest, cloby, commons-io-jars, concurrently, contextual, coupler, cucumber-java, cucumber-jvm, cuke4duke, cuuid, dm-ldap-adapter, dm-lucene-adapter, do-jdbc_sqlserver, do_derby, do_h2, do_hsqldb, do_jdbc, do_mysql, do_openedge, do_oracle, do_postgres, do_sqlite3, do_sqlserver, doubleshot, dripdrop, dubious, duby, engineyard-visualvm, epall-limelight, errbit_zmq_handler, eurydice, euston, euston-daemons, euston-eventstore, euston-projections, euston-rabbitmq, euston- websites, eventmachine, excemel, faye-websocket, ffi, fig, file-find, fishwife, foreman, forkit, forkjoin, gamelan, gemshit, geoip-jars, get_back, gherkin, glassfish, gravitext-util, gravitext-xmlprod, grizzly, guava-jars, hadoop-find, hashdot-test-daemon, hiredis, hitimes, hope, hostor, hot_bunnies, hourglass, hpricot, http_parser.rb, inline_javascript, iudex, iudex-async-httpclient, iudex-barc, iudex-brutefuzzy-protobuf, iudex-brutefuzzy-service, iudex-char-detector, iudex-core, iudex-da, iudex-filter, iudex-html, iudex-http, iudex-http-test, iudex-httpclient-3, iudex-jetty-httpclient, iudex-rome, iudex-simhash, iudex-worker, ivy-jars, iyyov, jactive_support, java-autotest, java-inline, java2ruby-xmldsig, java_bin, java_inline, java_override, java_properties, java_streamify, java_testing_guff, javabean_xml, javaclass, javaeye4r, javagems, javajake, javaobj, javaobjs, javaobs, javaparse, javasand, javascript-securehash-rails, javascript-state-machine-rails, javascript_auto_include, javascript_eraser, javascript_features, javascript_i18n, javascript_localize, javascript_safe_logger, javascript_util_asset_pack, javascripto, javascripto-rails, jdbc-derby, jdbc-hsqldb, jdbc-jtds, jdbc-openedge, jdbc-openedge-internal, jdbc-postgres, jdbc-sqlite3, jedis-jars, jena-jruby, jessica, jettr, jetty, jetty- jsp, jgeoip, jms4r, jpdfer, jrack_handlers, jrtm, jruby-activemq, jruby-akka_jars, jruby-elasticsearch_jars, jruby-httpclient, jruby-launcher, jruby-management, jruby- metrics, jruby-pageant, jruby-vijava, jruby_gc_stats, jruby_sandbox, jruby_threach, jrubyconf-button, jsmetric4java, json, json-jruby, jsound, kb-activerecord-jdbc- adapter, kirk, kyotocabinet-java, ladle, latex-decode, launchy, libnotify, limelight, linecache, logback, logback-jars, looksee, lumix, mack-javascript, markdownj, maven_irb_plugin, metrics-core-jars, metrics-java, mguymon-buildr, mikka, mini_aether, mirah, mirah_model, miso-java, mixology, mm_mq, mongrel, msgpack-idl- java, msgpack-jruby, multimeter, naether, nanoc-javascript-concatenator, neo4j, neo4j-admin, neo4j-advanced, neo4j-community, neo4j-core, neo4j-enterprise, neo4j-spatial, neo4j-will_paginate, neo4j-wrapper, netty-jars, ning-compress-jars, nio4r, nokogiri, nokogiri-fitzsimmons, nokogiri-maven, nosqoop4u, ontomde- demo-java5, ontomde-java, ontomde-java-frontend, ontomde-uml2-java, ontomde-uml2-kbjava, open_nlp, pacer, pacer-dex, pacer-neo4j, pacer-orient, pelops-jars, persvr, pg_array_parser, protobuf-jars, pry, puma, qtjruby-core, qwirk_active_mq_adapter, qwirk_jms_adapter, rabbitmqadmin-cli, ragweed, rails_javascript_helpers, rakejava, rave, rcov, realityforge-jekyll, realityforge-jekylltask, redcar-bundles, redcar-clojure, redcar-filter-through-command, redcar- groovy, redcar-icons, redcar-javamateview, redcar-javascript, redcar-mirah, redcar-svnkit, redcar-xulrunner-win, RedCloth, refinerycms-javascripts, reigns, revo- nokogiri, rika, rjack-async-httpclient, rjack-commons-codec, rjack-commons-dbcp, rjack-commons-dbutils, rjack-commons-pool, rjack-httpclient-3, rjack- httpclient-4, rjack-icu, rjack-jackson, rjack-jdom, rjack-jets3t, rjack-jetty, rjack-jetty-jsp, rjack-jms, rjack-jms-spec, rjack-logback, rjack-lucene, rjack-maven, rjack- mina, rjack-nekohtml, rjack-protobuf, rjack-qpid-client, rjack-rome, rjack-slf4j, rjack-solr, rjack-tarpit, rjack-xerces, rmagick4j, rmodbus, rtm-javatmapi, rtm- majortom, rtm-ontopia, rtm-tinytim, rtm-tmql, rubeus, rubinius-core-api, ruby-blockcache, ruby-debug-base, ruby-maven, ruby2java, rubydoop, rubyjedi- nokogiri_java, scala-inline, scala-library-jars, scriptty, slf4j, slf4j-jars, slyphon-zookeeper, slyphon-zookeeper_jar, smackr, smartimage, SNMP4JR, solr_sail, spiegela- jruby-httpclient, sproutcore, spymemcached, sqldroid, steamcannon-deltacloud-client, steamcannon-deltacloud-core, stilts-stomp-client, supermarket, svm_toolkit, swt, theduke, thick, to-javascript, torquebox-base, torquebox-cache, torquebox-configure, torquebox-container-foundation, torquebox-core, torquebox- messaging, torquebox-messaging-container, torquebox-naming, torquebox-naming-container, torquebox-security, torquebox-server, torquebox-vfs, torquebox- web, twitter4j4r, UDJrb, unageanu-javaclass, unimidi, universe-javascript, url_escape, weakling, webbit-jars, wildnet-jackson, wildnet-netty, wildnet-server, wildsonet-hazelcast, wildsonet-netty, wildsonet-server, wildsonet-streamer, wrest, wrong, xdojava, xqruby, zookeeper No build tools!

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Ruby C Extensions vs Java Native Extensions

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Why Extensions? • Performance • Access Existing Library (e.g. openssl)

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C Extensions • API is massive • API is specific to C Ruby’s implementation • It is the implementation • Huge support cost (if non-CRuby wanted to support it) • At odds with concurrent Ruby execution

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Java Native Extensions • API is massive • API is specific to JRuby’s implementation • It is the implementation* • Allows Concurrent Ruby Execution • Support cost minimal • Common Gems Supported * We have plans for a formal API

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oj: Optimized json • Fast json parsing and dumping with many options • Common transitive dependency with its own API • Needed for many popular apps/libraries

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oj for JRuby! • 10700 lines of Java (vs 20k lines of C) • Almost ready: 469 runs, 4883 assertions, 12 failures, 1 errors • 5 date/time differences • Streaming IO missing • No optimization work yet

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Load Performance 0M 0.3M 0.6M 0.9M 1.2M small medium large 0.13 0.29 1.1 0.05 0.11 0.36 0.06 0.11 0.72 MRI (oj) JRuby (json) JRuby (oj) Millions of loads per second (higher is better)

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Dump Performance 0 0.75 1.5 2.25 3 small medium large 0.44 0.86 2.3 0.22 0.44 1.1 0.33 0.73 2.1 MRI (oj) JRuby (json) JRuby (oj) Million of dumps per second (higher is better)

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Scripting Java

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Scripting Java • Access Java libraries using a Ruby syntax • Or Scala, or Clojure, or Kotlin... • Alternatives to existing Ruby libraries • APIs which may not exist in Ruby • More options!

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Brakeman Pro

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Fun Stuff event(:player_egg_throw) do |e| e.hatching = true e.num_hatches = 120 e.player.mesg "hatched" end Purugin

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JRuby Performance

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Startup Time • Runtime optimizations give us excellent performance • ...eventually! • Startup time, warmup time are impacted • We continue working to reduce this impact • We compare some common commands

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JRuby Architecture Ruby (.rb) JIT Java Instructions (java bytecode) Ruby Instructions (IR) parse interpret interpreter interpret C1 compile native code better native code java bytecode interpreter execute C2 compile Java Virtual Machine JRuby Internals deoptimize Performance improves the longer your app runs

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0s 1.5s 3s 4.5s 6s gem list 5.025s 0.678s CRuby JRuby --dev

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JRuby Flag: --dev • export JRUBY_OPTS="--dev" • Disables JRuby's JIT • Reduces JVM JIT • Don't use when benchmarking! • 30-40% reduction • More improvements coming total execution time (lower is better) 0s 1.5s 3s 4.5s 6s gem list (200 gems) 3.0s 5.0s JRuby JRuby --dev

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0s 1.75s 3.5s 5.25s 7s rails console 6.7s 4.96s CRuby JRuby --dev

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OpenJDK Class Data Sharing • Pre-validate and cache class data • Combined with --dev gives best current JRuby startup •

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Java 13 total execution time (lower is better) 0s 1.5s 3s 4.5s 6s gem list (200 gems) 2.84 3.358 5.589s 2.962s 5.025s JRuby JRuby --dev JRuby --dev --dev + CDS

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App Performance • Sinatra and Roda • • Comparing CRuby, JRuby, and TruffleRuby • RedMine bug tracker and wiki • • Real-world Rails application on JRuby, CRuby

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Peak Performance • After initial startup, warmup, data caching • JRuby generally gives better peak performance • Be aware of warmup time

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Sinatra and Roda requests/second (higher is better) 0 12500 25000 37500 50000 Sinatra Roda 5,846 4,257 44,703 42,468 14,489 12,284 CRuby JRuby TruffleRuby

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Redmine Issue View, rendered and json (higher is better) 0 req/s 35 req/s 70 req/s 105 req/s 140 req/s issues/13 issues/13.json 137 req/s 50 req/s 91 req/s 41 req/s CRuby 2.6.2 JRuby 9.2.9

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Warmup Time • Large applications take longer to warm up • Working on new JIT metrics, profiling to reduce this curve • Ahead-of-time compile to JVM bytecode should help

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Sinatra performance over time, requests/second 0rps 12500rps 25000rps 37500rps 50000rps 5s 10s 15s 20s 25s CRuby JRuby

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Roda performance over time, requests/second 0rps 12500rps 25000rps 37500rps 50000rps 5s 10s 15s 20s 25s CRuby JRuby

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Redmine issues/13.json warmup, one-minute cycles 0 35 70 105 140 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th CRuby 2.6.2 JRuby 9.2.9

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Redmine memory usage (lower is better) 0MB 375MB 750MB 1125MB 1500MB Memory usage for 8 workers vs 8 threads 800MB 1,430MB 1,100MB CRuby JRuby (default) JRuby (300MB heap)

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Monitoring and Profiling

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JVM Tooling • Visual VM: monitor and profile threads, GC, managed heap • Mission Control: visualize Flight Recorder output • Flight Recorder: low-overhead system profiling in OpenJDK • async-profiler: command line profiles, flame graphs of CPU, alloc • All JVM tools work to monitor and profile JRuby apps

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VisualVM • Standalone graphical console for monitoring, profiling • Open sourced as part of OpenJDK project •

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Visual VM and Visual GC

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JDK Flight Recorder • JVM flag: -XX:+FlightRecorder • JRuby flag: -J-XX:+FlightRecorder or put in JAVA_OPTS • Add --flight-recorder to JRuby launcher? • No overhead or profiling until you start recording • And usually less than 1% overhead for that

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JDK Mission Control • Control center and visualizer for Flight Recorder data • Start and manage recordings • Browse recorded data •

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async-profiler • JVM extension for lightweight sampled profiles • Install jruby-async-profiler gem • jruby -J-agentpath:/lib/ • Simplified command lines coming soon • See

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Final Words

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During Development • JRUBY_OPTS=--dev • BE WARY of .ruby-version • Don’t share gem paths between Ruby implementations • Java and C extensions clobber each other

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Java 9+ Module System • New restrictions on access to core Java classes • You'll see warnings about JRuby or Ruby accesses • Config file for JVM flags: .jruby.java_opts • All your JVM options into a single file • Current dir, home dir, JRuby bin/ dir

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Java Modules and .jruby.java_opts WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.drbg.DRBG (file:/Users/headius/.m2/repository/org/ bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.61/bcprov-jdk15on-1.61.jar) to constructor WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.drbg.DRBG WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/java.nio.channels=org.jruby.dist --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens

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Getting Help • JRuby on GitHub: • Issues, Wiki • Chat with JRuby devs, users • jruby on Matrix • #jruby on Freenode IRC • Mailing list:

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JRuby Workshop • Free-form "getting started" plus hackfest • Get JRuby installed and try it out • Test out your libraries • Try to get your apps running

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Thank You! • @headius, @tom_enebo • • • Chat with JRuby devs, users • #jruby on Freenode IRC • jruby on Matrix • Mailing list: