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從 Styled System 看下⼀一代 CSS 技術 Anna Su

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Anna Su Front-end Engineer

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技術演變 CSS

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傳統 CSS @池⽥田曉⼦子

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SASS LESS index.sass .breadcrumb { display: flex; } .breadcrumb-item { display: flex; &.active { color: $breadcrumb-active-color; } }

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BEM OOCSS SMACSS index.sass .breadcrumb { display: flex; } .breadcrumb__item { display: flex; &.breadcrumb__item--active { color: $breadcrumb-active-color; } }

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的時代 元件化

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CSS Module breadcrumb.sass .breadcrumb { display: flex; .item { display: flex; &.active { color: blue; } } } Breadcrumb.js import React from "react"; import styles from "./breadcrumb.scss"; const Breadcrumb = () => { return (
); } export default Breadcrumb;

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CSS Module breadcrumb.sass .breadcrumb { display: flex; .item { display: flex; &.active { color: blue; } } } Breadcrumb.js import React from "react"; import classNames from "classnames"; import styles from "./breadcrumb.scss"; const cx = classNames.bind(styles); const Breadcrumb = () => { return (
); }; export default Breadcrumb; classnames

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CSS in JS Breadcrumb.js import React from "react"; import styled from "styled-components"; const Wrapper = styled.div` display: flex; `; const Item = styled.a` display: flex; color: ${props => ( ? "blue" : "black")}; &::after { content: "/"; } &:last-child { &::after { content: ""; } } `; const Breadcrumb = () => { return ( products

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不容易易修改樣式 UI component library

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Ant Design

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@slider-rail-background-color-hover: #e1e1e1; @slider-track-background-color: @primary-3; @slider-track-background-color-hover: @primary-4; Ant Design Less variables

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找到對應的 class 名稱,再覆蓋樣式 如果需要變更更樣式

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const StyledSlider = styled(Slider)` .ant-slider-handle { width: 24px; height: 24px; margin-top: -10px; } `;

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簡介 Styled System

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是⼀一個 Library Styled System 幫我們快速建立 API ⼀一致的 UI 元件

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提供 style props API Styled System

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Button B U T T O N Button

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import { space, layout, typography, border, color } from 'styled-system'; const StyledButton = styled.button` cursor: pointer; ${space} ${color} ${layout} ${typography} ${border} `; Button !

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import { space, layout, typography, border, color } from 'styled-system'; const StyledButton = styled.button` cursor: pointer; ${space} ${color} ${layout} ${typography} ${border} `; Button !

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import { space, layout, typography, border, color } from 'styled-system'; const StyledButton = styled.button` cursor: pointer; ${space} ${color} ${layout} ${typography} ${border} `; Button !

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import { space, layout, typography, border, color } from 'styled-system'; const StyledButton = styled.button` cursor: pointer; ${space} ${color} ${layout} ${typography} ${border} `; Button !

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import { space, layout, typography, border, color } from 'styled-system'; const StyledButton = styled.button` cursor: pointer; ${space} ${color} ${layout} ${typography} ${border} `; Button !

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Button ! Button B U T T O N Button

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⼤大幅降低 props 命名不⼀一致的問題

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Label1! Button2 Button1 Label2 Label1 Button1!

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Label1! Button1! Button2 Button1 Label2 Label1

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const StyledButton = styled.button` padding: ${(props) !=> props.padding}; margin-left: ${(props) !=> props.marginLeft}; width: ${(props) !=> props.width}; height: ${(props) !=> props.height}; font-size: ${(props) !=> props.fontSize}; font-family: ${(props) !=> props.fontFamily}; line-height: ${(props) !=> props.lineHeight}; border: ${(props) !=> props.border}; border-radius: ${(props) !=> props.borderRadius}; color: ${(props) !=> props.color}; background-color: ${(props) !=> props.backgroundColor}; cursor: pointer; … `; const StyledButton = styled.button` ${space} ${layout} ${typography} ${border} ${color} cursor: pointer; `;

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可⾼高度⾃自定義的 theme Styled System

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const theme = { breakpoints: ['768px'], space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64], fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32], colors: { black: '#000', blacks: ['#ccc', '#999'] white: '#fff', primary: '#456000', }, !!... }

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const theme = { colors: { black: '#000', white: '#fff', primary: '#456000', }, !!... }

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export const Box = styled.div` ${color} `; const theme = { colors: { black: '#000', white: '#fff', primary: '#456000', }, !!... }

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import React from 'react'; import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'; import theme from './theme'; const App = props !=> ( {!/* application elements !*/} ! ) export default App; const theme = { breakpoints: ['768px'], space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64], fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32], colors: { black: '#000', blacks: ['#ccc', '#999'] white: '#fff', primary: '#456000', }, button: { !!... }, breadcrumb: { !!... } … pagination: { !!... } }

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const theme = { breakpoints: ['768px'], space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64], fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32], colors: { black: '#000', blacks: ['#ccc', '#999'] white: '#fff', primary: '#456000', }, button: { !!... }, breadcrumb: { !!... } … pagination: { !!... } }

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const theme = { breakpoints: ['768px'], space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64], fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32], colors: { black: '#000', blacks: ['#ccc', '#999'] white: '#fff', primary: '#456000', }, button: { !!... }, breadcrumb: { !!... } … pagination: { !!... } }

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const theme = { breakpoints: ['768px'], space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64], fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32], colors: { black: '#000', blacks: ['#ccc', '#999'] white: '#fff', primary: '#456000', }, button: { !!... }, breadcrumb: { !!... } … pagination: { !!... } }

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⾃自訂不同的元件變異異 Styled System

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const theme = { buttons: { size: { large: { height: 40, padding: '0 10px', }, small: { height: 26, padding: '0 10px', }, default: { height: 32, padding: '0 10px', }, }, }, … } Button Button Button Default Small Large

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const theme = { buttons: { size: { large: { height: 40, padding: '0 10px', }, small: { height: 26, padding: '0 10px', }, default: { height: 32, padding: '0 10px', }, }, }, … } Button Button Button Default Small Large

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Button! const Button = styled.button` ${buttonSizeStyle} `; const buttonSizeStyle = variant({ prop: 'size', key: 'buttons.size', }); Button Button Button Default Small Large

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Button! Button Button Button Default Small Large const theme = { buttons: { size: { large: { height: 40, padding: '0 10px', }, small: { height: 26, padding: '0 10px', }, default: { height: 32, padding: '0 10px', }, }, }, … }

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Primary Default Danger Button Button Button

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const theme = { buttons = { default: { color: "white", backgroundColor: "gray" }, primary: { color: "white", backgroundColor: "blue" }, danger: { color: "black", backgroundColor: "tomato" }, … }

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import { buttonStyle } from "styled-system"; const Button = styled.button` ${buttonStyle} `;

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Button! Button! Button! Button.defaultProps = { variant: 'default', }

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const theme = { buttons = { default: { color: "white", backgroundColor: "gray" }, primary: { color: "white", backgroundColor: "blue" }, danger: { color: "black", backgroundColor: "tomato" }, … } Button Button Button Primary Default Danger Button!

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Button Danger Button! Large

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能夠靈活變更更 RWD 樣式 Styled System

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const theme = { breakpoints: ['576px', '768px'] };

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const breakpoints = ['576px', '768px'];

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const Article = styled.div` width: 100%; … @media (min-width: 567px) { width: 50%; … } @media (min-width: 768px) { width: 25%; … } `; const breakpoints = ['576px', '768px'];

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Anna Su Front-End Developer 935-721-3322 935-721-3322 Anna Su Front-End Developer

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Anna Su Front-End Developer 935-721-3322 935-721-3322 Anna Su Front-End Developer import { flexbox, space, typography } from 'styled-system'; const Info = styled.div` display: flex; ${flexbox} ${space} ${typography} `; !

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style props API Theme Specification Variants Responsive Styles

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建立⾃自⼰己團隊的 UI Component 透過 Styled System

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請設計師提供 Design System

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@css day 2019

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@css day 2019

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@css day 2019

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可以在開發時,更更全⾯面思考該如何抽象化樣式 Design system

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⽤用 Styled System 開發元件需要注意的細節

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theme 使⽤用 array 設定樣式時, 需要花比較多時間思考

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theme.js const theme = { breakpoints: ['40em', '52em', '64em'], space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64], colors: { blacks: ['#000', '#ccc', '#aaa', '#eee', '#999'] }, button: { !!... }, breadcrumb: { !!... } … pagination: { !!... } }

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const theme = { breakpoints: ['40em', '52em', '64em'], space: [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64], colors: { !!... }, button: { !!... }, breadcrumb: { !!... } … pagination: { !!... } } 有邏輯的 Array space value = 2 的 n 次⽅方 space index = n + 1

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const theme = { colors: { primary: '#4560B0', primaryDark: '#233771', primaryHover: '#6A7FBF', primaryLight: '#B9C4E3', danger: '#f44336', icon: '#aaa', link: '#4A90E2', border: '#ccc', } } 有語意的 key

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const Title = styled.h2` ${space} margin: 0; `; Hello! module 的順序在上⽅方 造成樣式被覆蓋

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const Title = styled.h2` margin: 0; ${space} `; Hello! 建議 module 統⼀一放在 樣式下⽅方

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export const Box = styled.div` box-sizing: border-box; ${space} ${layout} `; Hello! const Title = styled(Box)` line-height: 1.42; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; `; 擴充元件時, 注意樣式被覆蓋

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export const Box = styled.div` box-sizing: border-box; ${space} ${layout} `; Hello! export const Title = styled(Box).attrs({ m: 0 })` line-height: 1.42; font-weight: normal; `; 擴充元件時, 建議使⽤用 attach props

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使⽤用第三⽅方 UI Library Styled System

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const StyledSlider = styled(Slider)` .ant-slider-handle { width: 24px; height: 24px; margin-top: -10px; } `; @slider-rail-background-color-hover: #e1e1e1; @slider-track-background-color: @primary-3; @slider-track-background-color-hover: @primary-4; !

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! !

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紅⾊色! 的逆襲? HTML

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‣ ‣ Brad Frost | The Technical Side of Design Systems | UI Special, CSS Day 2019 ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ Reference

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