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Was ist Behaviour Driven Development? Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash

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Hände hoch! ▪ Wer kennt BDD? ▪ Wer kennt die „Given When Then“ Schablone? ▪ Wer kennt die drei Phasen von BDD?

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Was ist eigentlich das Problem? Photo by Abraham Barrera on Unsplash

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Wann bemerken wir Fehler? From Engineering Practices for Continuous Delivery by Neal Ford

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BDD ist die fehlende Verknüpfung 6 „Bridging the communication gap“ (Gojko Adzic) Business / Stakeholder Dev-Team

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BDD Definition „BDD practitioners explore, discover, define, then drive out the desired behaviour of software using conversation, concrete examples, and automated tests.“ 7 From Cucumber for Java Book by Seb Rose, Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy 1. Phase: Discovery 2. Phase: Formulation 3. Phase: Automation

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TDD Cycle 8 From Growing Object-Oriented Software by Nat Pryce and Steve Freeman

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BDD Cycle (Development) 9 From Growing Object-Oriented Software by Nat Pryce and Steve Freeman

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Test Automation Pyramid 10 UI Service Unit

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Testing Iceberg ▪ die Fachabteilung ist betroffen (BDD) ▪ technisch (TDD, …) 11 Wer hat ein Interesse daran, die Tests zu lesen?

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Die drei Phasen von BDD Discovery Formulation Automation 12 Gemeinsames Gespräch zwischen Fachabteilung, Entwickler, Tester, … Entwickeln von gemeinsamem Verständnis und allgemeingültiger Sprache. Das gemeinsame Gespräch wird aufgenommen / verschriftlicht Es wird also die Spezifikation definiert. Die Beispiele werden in Szenarien abgeleitet. Die Szenarien werden mit dem dazugehörigen Test- und Produktiv-Code untermauert. Es entsteht eine lebendige Dokumentation.

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Develop BDD Workflow 13 #1 Pick a User Story #2 Requirement Workshop #3 Formulate #4 Review #5 Automate #7 Supplementary tests #6 Implement (TDD) #8 Release From Discovery by Gaspar Nagy and Seb Rose

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Discovery Photo by Aneta Ivanova on Unsplash

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Impact Mapping Story Mapping Code Examples Acceptance Criteria User Stories Epics User Activities Reise agiler Anforderungen 15 From Impact Maps and Story Maps by Christian Hassa Example Mapping Erinnerung daran, eine Konversation zu haben Warum? Outcomes Wie? Spezifikation Deliverables Impacts Goals früher später

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Develop BDD Workflow 16 #1 Pick a User Story #2 Requirement Workshop #3 Formulate #4 Review #5 Automate #7 Supplementary tests #6 Implement (TDD) #8 Release From Discovery by Gaspar Nagy and Seb Rose Example Mapping Discovery

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Example Mapping 17 From Introducing Example Mapping by Matt Wynne Gemeinsames Verständnis

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Example Mapping 18 verifizieren illustrieren treiben Regeln Tests Beispiele (Anforderungen, Akzeptanzkriterien)

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Example Mapping Pizza Bestellung Beispiel 19

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Formulation & Automation Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

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SpecFlow 21 From SpecFlow Home Page

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Develop BDD Workflow 22 #1 Pick a User Story #2 Requirement Workshop #3 Formulate #4 Review #5 Automate #7 Supplementary tests #6 Implement (TDD) #8 Release From Discovery by Gaspar Nagy and Seb Rose

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SpecFlow Feature File Beispiel 23 Feature: pizza-change-delivery-address As a customer I want to change the delivery address after ordering a pizza when not picked up yet so I can recover from delivering to the wrong address Scenario: Pizza waiting for pickup, changing delivery address should be accepted Given "Peter" orders some pizza to "home" address And the pizza is waiting for pickup When the customer wants to change the delivery address to "work" Then the system should accept the change Scenario: Pizza already picked up, changing delivery address should be denied Given "Tim" orders some pizza to "home" address And the pizza is picked up by the driver When the customer wants to change the delivery address to "work" Then the system should deny the change with message "Already picked up"

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Develop BDD Workflow 24 #1 Pick a User Story #2 Requirement Workshop #3 Formulate #4 Review #5 Automate #7 Supplementary tests #6 Implement (TDD) #8 Release From Discovery by Gaspar Nagy and Seb Rose

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Live Coding Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

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Fazit ▪ Problem? Signifikanter Anteil an Fehlern durch falsch verstandene Anforderungen – Anforderungen der Fachabteilung verstehen und deren Umsetzung nachweisen ▪ Wann? Wenn die Fachabteilung ein Interesse am Ergebnis hat. ▪ Vorteile • Verkürzte Feedbackschleife, Fehler frühzeitig entdecken • Allgemeingültige Sprache • Lebendige Dokumentation ▪ Herausforderungen • Bereitschaft des Fachbereichs • Automatisierung erfolgt methodenübergreifend

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VIELEN DANK FÜR EURE AUFMERKSAMKEIT! FOLGT MIR twitter: @skorzinetzki FOLGT DER LISE twitter: @lisegmbh web:

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