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© Copyright 2019 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Hannah Foxwell Jérôme Wiedemann 8th October 4 Questions to Ask Your Dev Team

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Why would I want to talk to developers? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Everything takes too long! Devs don’t care about production! @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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They don’t know what they need! I can do this cloud thing myself! @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Who are we? Hannah Foxwell Jérôme Wiedemann Associate Director for Pivotal Labs Platform Services EMEA Associate Director for Pivotal Labs Platform Services EMEA We’re on a mission to build wildly successful Platform Teams. Technology is the easy part. People are the hard part! @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Question 1: How are we going to work together? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Good fences make good neighbours. @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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IaaS Platform Application Platform Team Mission: “Build an amazing product and valuable service for my users!” Dev Ops Application Team Mission: “Build an amazing product and valuable service for my users!” Infrastructure Team Mission: “Build an amazing product and valuable service for my users!” @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Some other patterns... Platform Eng AppDev WARNING: Only if you absolutely have to. Avoid silos with good communication and collaboration. Dev Ops AppOps Platform Ops Platform Application Dev Ops Tools Platform Application Dev Ops SRE Too much centralisation can become a constraint, but providing self serve tools can help developers focus on what’s important! SRE can be a separate team or it can be a set of practices adopted by everyone. @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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I Need More @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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The Platform is a Product Story 1 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1 Story 3 Story 2 Application Users Application Developers Platform Users Product Manager Platform Engineers Product Manager Think of application developers as your customers! @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Question 2: What is your path to production? How can I help make it easier? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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"Production is the happiest place on earth" Josh Long - @starbuxman @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Production is where we deliver value to our users @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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So why are we so scared of production? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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DORA's Aspect of Delivery Performance Source: @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Automation helps you build reproducible workflows @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Test Driven Development helps you build confidence @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Safely release code by including feature toggles @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Question 3: What level of reliability do our users need? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Reliability is Fundamental @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Reliability is Everyone’s Goal @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Reliability is a Team Sport @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Service Level Indicators (SLIs), Service Level Objectives (SLOs) and Error Budgets @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Service Level Indicator (SLI) is a metric Service Level Objective (SLO) is a threshold @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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SLO Error Budget (per 28 Days) 99% 403 mins 99.5% 202 mins 99.9% 40.3 mins 99.95% 20.2 mins 99.99% 4.03 mins 99.999% 0.04 mins Your Error Budget is the inverse of your SLO @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Who gets to use the Error Budget? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Sharing Responsibility for Users Happiness IaaS Platform Application SLO = 99.99% Error Budget = 4.03 minutes SLO = 99.95% Error Budget = 20.2 minutes SLO = 99.9% Error Budget = 40.3 minutes @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Agree an Error Budget Policy before you need one @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Example Error Budget Policy Service is performing at or above SLO Service has exceeded Error Budget in the preceding 4 week window A single incident consumes more than 20% of Error Budget over 4 weeks Continue to release changes as normal within agreed release policy Halt all changes and releases other than P1 and P2 issues or security fixes Post-incident review. Must include at least 1 action to address the cause @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Question 4: What are we going to do when things go wrong? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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100% availability is NOT the right expectation @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Only actionable alerts should trigger incident response @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Replicate user interactions @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Build confidence with fire drills @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Blameless incident retrospective @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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So in summary... @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Talk to each other @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Ask these 4 simple questions: 1. How are we going to work together? 2. What is your path to production? 3. What level of reliability do our users need? 4. What are we going to do when things go wrong? Let’s work together! @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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Are we getting better at this? Ask these 4 simple questions: 1. How are we going to work together? 2. What is your path to production? 3. What level of reliability do our users need? 4. What are we going to do when things go wrong? @HannahFoxwell @romrider42

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