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Debugging Unveiled Johannes Bechberger

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If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in. — Edsger Dijkstra “

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➜ java \ lines 36

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➜ java lines Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: lines at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException( at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.newByteChannel( at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel( at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.newByteChannel( at java.base/java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider.newInputStream( at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.newInputStream( at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedReader( at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.readAllLines( at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.readAllLines( at LineCounter.countLines( at LineCounter.main(

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Let’s look at the code

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public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Path file = Path.of(args[0]); int count = switch (args[0]) { case "lines" -> countLines(file); case "code_lines" -> countCodeLines(file); default -> { System.err.println("Usage: java ... " + " "); System.exit(1); yield 0; } }; System.out.println(count); }

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public static int countLines(Path file) { return Files.readAllLines(file).size(); } public static int countCodeLines(Path file) { int count = 0; for (String line : Files.readAllLines(file)) { if (!line.isBlank() && !line.startsWith("//")) { count++; } } return count; }

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Any ideas?

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Let’s use a debugger

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... and more

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Slight focus on IntelliJ

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Why debug? •Find and fix bugs! •Analyze the code •Add more logging on the fly •Change behavior on the fly •Analyze memory issues •And much more — Egor Ushakov “

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Question time

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Any OpenJDK developers here?

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Guessed so But still feel free to correct me.

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Who of you used a debugger before?

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Who of you remotely debugged before?

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Good to know my audience

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Debugging Testing Profiling Toolbox

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Introduction Remote JDWP On Demand Architecture

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General Architecture

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IntelliJ JDI JDWP Agent JVM Java JDWP JVMTI VSCode Java Debug Server DAP Java JPDA eclipse debugger based

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Introduction Remote JDWP On Demand Architecture

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Remote Debugging

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-agentlib:jdwp= transport=dt_socket, server=y, suspend=y, address=*:5005 Any issues?

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-agentlib:jdwp= transport=dt_socket, server=y, suspend=y, address=*:5005

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Differences between remote and non-remote? None

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Little Known Gems

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Introduction Remote JDWP On Demand Architecture

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On Demand Debugging

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➜ java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y, suspend=y,address=*:5005,onjcmd=y src/test/java/ & ➜ echo $! # get pid # wait some time and then start debugging on demand ➜ jcmd $! VM.start_java_debugging jcmd 97145 VM.start_java_debugging 97145: Debugging has been started. Transport : dt_socket Address : *:5005

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On Exception Debugging throw new Ex(""); start debugging

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Firewalls only dt_socket

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Let's go on a short journey

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I went to Devoxx Belgium

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Writing a blog post on the train

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What a train station

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Meeting some people loosely related to Java

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Looking into a JDWP agent bug at the Coretto booth

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That has been there for ages

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A mysterious Bug

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Introduction Remote JDWP On Demand Architecture only 120 more slides

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JDWP From IDE to JVM calls

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IntelliJ JDI JDWP Agent JVM Java JDWP JVMTI VSCode Java Debug Server DAP Java JPDA

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Packets length id flags (= 0) command set command data 4 bytes 4 bytes 1 byte 1 bytes 1 bytes variable Request/Event length id flags (= 0x80) error code data 4 bytes 4 bytes 1 byte 1 bytes variable Reply

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And lot's of these From connection start to first suspend

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JDWP From connection start to first suspend

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Debugger JVM "JDWP-Handshake" "JDWP-Handshake"

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Debugger JVM VM Start Event Initial thread

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Debugger JVM ID sizes fieldID, methodID, objectID, refTypeID, frameID size

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Debugger JVM Enable class prep events

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Debugger JVM Request version VM version and name

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Debugger JVM Request capabilities

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Debugger JVM Request new capabilities since JDWP 1.4

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Debugger JVM Request all classes [kind, id, signature, status] Reason for slow start of session

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Debugger JVM Request all threads [thread id]

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Debugger JVM Enable thread start events

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Debugger JVM Main and notify threads started thread ids

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Debugger JVM Prepared URLClassPath.FileLoader class thread id, kind, type id, signature, status

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Debugger JVM Prepared LineCounter class thread id, kind, type id, signature, status

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Debugger JVM Get line table of methods Obtain information on class [code index, line]

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Debugger JVM Get source file of class Obtain information on class

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Debugger JVM ... and more Obtain information on class

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Debugger JVM Set breakpoint JVM supports breakpoints Do you know any runtimes that don't? Python < 3.12

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Debugger JVM Resume

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Debugger JVM Hit breakpoint

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Debugger JVM Hit breakpoint

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Debugger JVM Get current frames, ...

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Debugger JVM Resume

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Debugger JVM ...

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Debugger JVM VM Death

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Many commands are available wp-protocol.html * 95 to be precise with JDK 20 *

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Debugger JVM VM Death But does the JVM have to die?

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Who killed the JVM?

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Debugger JVM It dies on its own or via Exit

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So we can reattach a debugger?

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Terminate Disconnect Eclipse

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Close tab Stop (Re)connect IntelliJ

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Conditional Breakpoints

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Any performance problems?

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Do conditional breakpoints have JVM support?

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defined nowhere

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Many packages

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No support Emulated via breakpoints and evaluation

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Debugger JVM Handshake, ... line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Set breakpoint at count++ line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Suspend line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Get value of line line.contains("//") import;

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Debugger JVM Create String "//" line.contains("//") string reference

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Debugger JVM Get methods of String line.contains("//") method references

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Debugger JVM Invoke contains method line.contains("//") false

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Debugger JVM Resume line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Invoke contains method line.contains("//") false

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Debugger JVM Suspend event line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Get value of line line.contains("//") import java.nio.file.Files;

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Debugger JVM ... line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Resume line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM ... line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Suspend event line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM Get value of line line.contains("//") // Count lines in a file

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Debugger JVM Create String "//" line.contains("//") string reference

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Debugger JVM Invoke contains method line.contains("//") true

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Debugger JVM Get frame and stack info line.contains("//")

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Debugger JVM line.contains("//")

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This explains the breakpoint options

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Any guess how watches, eval expression, ... are implemented?

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Reasons for this

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JVMTI is a terrible API, we should get rid of it as much as possible. — Anonymous Java Architect “

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Conditional Breakpoints are complex ... and slow, especially with large conditions

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Any ideas of improvements? if you could control both IDE and JVM

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I came up with one

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Implement a Caching and Prefetching tunnel Cloud Application Developer Debugger Internet get x x get x x get y y get y y JDWP

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Implement a Caching and Prefetching tunnel Cloud Application Developer Debugger Internet get x x JDWP get y y C o n get x x JDWP get y y C o n get x,y x, y get x,y x, y HTTP

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Is DAP better?

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But... IntelliJ JDI JDWP Agent JVM Java JDWP JVMTI VSCode Java Debug Server DAP Java JPDA

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Extract methods ... and potentially use hotswap

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Recompile class and hot swap

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Add condition to code ... and potentially use hotswap

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Question time

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Are methods with breakpoints interpreted? Yes, they are deoptimized. src/hotspot/share/code/codeCache.cpp#L1425

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Do you know safepoints?

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What do they have in common with stepping? Stepping is also implemented with safepoints

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Are methods interpreted during single stepping? Yes, they are deoptimized. src/hotspot/share/prims/jvmtiEventController.cpp#L205

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# of resources on this topic? None, just one from Apache Harmony 2011

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More IDE features and how they are implemented using JDWP

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Hot Swap

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Debugger JVM Redefine classes request [class id, byte code bytes]

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Debugger JVM Get methods and fields

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Set Specific Value

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Debugger JVM Get visible classes

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Debugger JVM Get value of args[1]

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Debugger JVM Get methods of Path

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Debugger JVM Invoke of method

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Debugger JVM Set stack frame value request thread, frame, slot + slot value

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Force Return

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Debugger JVM Force early return request thread, return value

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Does forced return, execute finalize blocks?

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Does forced return, execute finalize blocks? No No further instructions are executed in the called method. Specifically, finally blocks are not executed. “ — JDWP documentation for JDK 17

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Drop/Reset Frame

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Debugger JVM Pop frames request

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Debugger JVM Get frames

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Throw Exception

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Debugger JVM Create RuntimeEx instance

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Debugger JVM Stop request thread, throwable

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It's arcane But better than Python and fast enough PyData 16th November DIY Python Debugger and really versatile

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Debugging Testing Profiling Toolbox

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@parttimen3rd on Twitter parttimenerd on GitHub @SweetSapMachine