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A Look Into HTTP.rb And why you shouldn’t use Net::HTTP janko-m @jankomarohnic

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Implementation Net::HTTP variants Net::HTTP pure ruby REST Client Net::HTTP HTTParty Net::HTTP open-uri Net::HTTP libcurl variants Typhoeus libcurl Curb libcurl Patron libcurl wrapper Faraday wrapper pure ruby HTTP.rb pure ruby HTTPClient pure ruby

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Let’s just use Net::HTTP What could possibly go wrong?

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Net::HTTP.get(URI("")) #=> "…" Net::HTTP.get_response(URI("")) #=> #"")) #=> # Net::HTTP.post_form(URI(""), {}) #=> # Net::HTTP.put(URI("")) # NoMethodError: undefined method `put’ Net::HTTP.delete(URI("")) # NoMethodError: undefined method `delete’

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No content

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uri = URI.parse("") use_ssl = uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: use_ssl) do |http|, URI.encode_www_form(params)) end 1. parse the URL string 2. determine whether we need to use SSL 3. open the TCP connection 4. encode the post parameters 5. send the request

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uri = URI.parse("") begin Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|, URI.encode_www_form(params)) end rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::ENETUNREACH, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EPIPE retry end

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uri = URI.parse("") begin Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|, URI.encode_www_form(params)) end rescue SocketError, EOFError, IOError, SystemCallError retry end SocketError EOFError IOError SystemCallError = ConnectionError?

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Downsides of Net::HTTP • Wide and verbose interface • e.g. 3 mutually inconsistent ways of making requests • Poor OO design • Exposes low-level exceptions • Ugly codebase (it’s in stdlib)

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Implementation Net::HTTP variants Net::HTTP pure ruby REST Client Net::HTTP HTTParty Net::HTTP open-uri Net::HTTP libcurl variants Typhoeus libcurl Curb libcurl Patron libcurl wrapper Faraday wrapper pure ruby HTTP.rb pure ruby HTTPClient pure ruby

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Implementation Net::HTTP variants Net::HTTP pure ruby REST Client Net::HTTP HTTParty Net::HTTP open-uri Net::HTTP libcurl variants Typhoeus libcurl Curb libcurl Patron libcurl wrapper Faraday wrapper pure ruby HTTP.rb pure ruby HTTPClient pure ruby

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HTTP.rb gem "http"

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uri = URI.parse("") use_ssl = uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: use_ssl) do |http|, URI.encode_www_form(params)) end"", form: params) Net::HTTP HTTP.rb

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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response = HTTP.get("") response # => # response.status # => # response.status.code # => 200 response.status.ok? # => true response.status.success? # => true response.headers # => # response.headers.to_h # => {"Content-Type"=>"text/html", …} response.body # => # response.body.to_s # => "…"

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HTTP.headers("Accept" => "application/json") .basic_auth("janko", "password") .follow(max_hops: 2) .get("") http = HTTP .headers("Accept" => "application/json") .basic_auth("janko", "password") .follow(max_hops: 2) http #=> # http.get("") http.get("")"http//", json: {…})

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begin response = HTTP.get("") rescue HTTP::ConnectionError retry end HTTP::Error !"" HTTP::ConnectionError !"" HTTP::RequestError !"" HTTP::ResponseError # $"" HTTP::StateError !"" HTTP::TimeoutError $"" HTTP::HeaderError

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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url = "[1999].mp4" Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)) url = "[1999].mp4" url = URI.encode(url) Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)) url = "[1999].mp4" url = URI.decode(url) url = URI.encode(url) Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)) HTTP.get("[1999].mp4") #=> URI::InvalidURIError #=> URI::InvalidURIError #=> URI::InvalidURIError

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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require "timeout" Timeout.timeout(5) do HTTP.get("") end "Ensure" blocks might not get executed HTTP.timeout(connect: 3) .get("") HTTP.timeout(connect: 3, write: 3) .get("") HTTP.timeout(connect: 3, write: 3, read: 3) .get("") # 5 seconds allowed for entire call HTTP.timeout(:global, connect: 1, write: 2, read: 2) .get("")

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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HTTP.get("") # connect + write + read + close HTTP.get("") # connect + write + read + close HTTP.get("") # connect + write + read + close HTTP.persistent("") do |http| http.get("/") # connect + write + read http.get("/") # write + read http.get("/") # write + read end # close Typhoeus.get("") # connect + write + read Typhoeus.get("") # write + read Typhoeus.get("") # write + read

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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source ="matrix.mp4") source.size #=> 500 MB destination ="matrix-transcoded.mp4", "w") while (chunk =*1024, buffer ||= "")) destination.write(chunk) end destination.write( IO.copy_stream(source, destination)

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require "socket" socket ="", 80) socket.write "GET / HTTP/1.1" + "\r\n" + "Host:" + "\r\n" + "Content-Length: 0" + "\r\n" + "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" #=> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + "\r\n" + # "Content-Type: text/html" + "\r\n" + # "Content-Length: 1270" + "\r\n" + # "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + # "\r\n" + # " …" socket.close

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require "socket" socket ="", 80) socket.write "GET / HTTP/1.1" + "\r\n" + "Host:" + "\r\n" + "Content-Length: #{body.size}" + "\r\n" + "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" socket.write #=> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + "\r\n" + # "Content-Type: text/html" + "\r\n" + # "Content-Length: 1270" + "\r\n" + # "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + # "\r\n" + # " …" socket.close

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require "socket" socket ="", 80) socket.write "GET / HTTP/1.1" + "\r\n" + "Host:" + "\r\n" + "Content-Length: #{body.size}" + "\r\n" + "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" IO.copy_stream(body, socket) # streaming! #=> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + "\r\n" + # "Content-Type: text/html" + "\r\n" + # "Content-Length: 1270" + "\r\n" + # "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + # "\r\n" + # " …" socket.close

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require "socket" socket ="", 80) socket.write "GET / HTTP/1.1" + "\r\n" + "Host:" + "\r\n" + "Content-Length: #{body.size}" + "\r\n" + "Connection: close" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" IO.copy_stream(body, socket) # streaming! while (chunk = socket.readpartial(16*1024)) # streaming! # parse response end socket.close

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Slide 32 text, body: "this is my body") # string, body: enumerable) # #each, body: io) # #read & #size # File streaming, body:"path/to/file.txt")) # StringIO streaming, body:"content")) # Pipe streaming, body: IO.popen("shell command")) # Multipart form data streaming, form: { file:"path/to/file.txt") })

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response = HTTP.get("") response.body # nothing has been read yet response.body.to_s # reads whole response body # or response.body.readpartial # reads first chunk response.body.readpartial # reads next chunk # or response.body.each { |chunk| … } # yields chunks response = HTTP.get("") # reading headers before download fail "too large" if response.content_length > max_size # streaming download to disk"export.csv", "w") do |file| response.body.each do |chunk| file.write(chunk) end end

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Streaming bodies ↓ Constant memory usage Less disk I/O

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• Pure ruby implementation • Clean and Chainable API • Correct URL parsing • Native timeouts • Persistent connections • Streaming bodies • Compressing and decompressing bodies

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HTTP.use(:auto_deflate) post(url, body:"file.txt")) # compression # POST /path HTTP/1.1 # Content-Length: 214328782 # Content-Encoding: gzip # # [compressed content] # HTTP/1.1 200 OK Request body

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HTTP.get("") # GET /file.txt HTTP/1.1 # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Content-Length: 423847673 # Content-Encoding: identity # # [raw content] response.body.each { |chunk| … } # as is Response body

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HTTP.use(:auto_inflate) get("") # GET /file.txt HTTP/1.1 # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Content-Length: 214328782 # Content-Encoding: gzip # # [compressed content] response.body.each { |chunk| … } # decompression Response body

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Compressed bodies ↓ Faster upload/download Less network resources

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Celluloid, Reel, Socketry (Nio4r), …

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