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Let’s take a glance at the future of containers! Uchio Kondo / GMO Pepabo, Inc. 2018.12.05 JapanContainerDays v18.12 Introduction to CRIU

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Señor-Principal Engineer @ GMO Pepabo, Inc. Uchio Kondo @udzura Technical department, Dev Productivity/R&D Team RubyKaigi 2019 at Fukuoka Local Organizer Chair on CNDJ at Fukuoka, 2019.04

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Scope of Today’s Talk •What is CRIU? •Dive into the inside of CRIU •How can we use CRIU? • Migration • Reduction of bootstrap cost •How to combine CRIU into a runtime?

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#containerdaysjp #TerraceRoom

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Scope of Today’s Talk •What is CRIU? •Dive into the inside of CRIU •How can we use CRIU? • Migration • Reduction of bootstrap time •How to combine CRIU into a runtime? For Developers/Operators Using Containers For RUNTIME Developers

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What is CRIU?

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CRIU is: C/R In Userspace • a project to implement checkpoint/restore(C/R) functionality for Linux • Generally, VMs are able to be dumped and restored. • CRIU is this functionality for processes/containers • • ex. crtools

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Whet CRIU is for • CRIU is developed as a project of Virtuozzo • • CRIU is currently used by OpenVZ (, 
 LXC/LXD and Docker. You can use criu command alone.

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CRIU can create checkpoint • ... for PROCESSES. • Dumping memories, fds, socket state...

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Hey, containers are PROCESSES!!

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Containers are PROCESSES • So CRIU can create checkpoints for containers! • CRIU has many of functionalities to make container’s checkpoint. e.g. Network, Namespace, cgroup...

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Docker + CRIU demo

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Note... • Checkpoint won’t work with 18.03~... I used 17.06 for now • moby@master fixed this issue

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Enable docker checkpoint • Following instruction in master/experimental/ • Preparation: Install CRIU by yourself (and Docker v17.06 :) • (Ubuntu Bionic has criu package v3.6) • Add --experimental flag to dockerd startup command, then restart

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Enable docker checkpoint

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Checkpoint/Restore demo • Run simple container that count number on memory • e.g. • Then create checkpoint: • And restart with --checkpoint option
 • Thus, the count is rollbacked to checkpoint! • (If no --checkpoint, count is restarted by 0)

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Checkpoint/Restore demo • Using criu command internally to checkpoint/restore

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Resources about CRIU • Slide from OpenVZ team: • • One of most reliable articles written in Japanese: •

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Dive into the inside of CRIU

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How can we invoke CRIU • There are 2 modes: • Via cli: criu command. Normally we use this • Via API: server/client model

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cli model Shell CRIU command Kernel Target
 process Syscalls, /proc files ...

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Server/client model • CRIU can be a service: criu service • Client can access this service via socket, using protobuf • CRIU provides some of protobuf wrapper: • C wrapper (called ) • Python wrapper • Go wrapper(experimental)

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Server/client model Program CRIU service UNIX domain socket Kernel libcriu Target
 process Syscalls, /proc files ... protobuf

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Detail of container C/R process • docker checkpoint/restore uses CRIU • Let’s look into how docker use CRIU!!!

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Processes that docker hosts

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Detailed processes overview dockerd docker-containerd containerd-shim Container’s process \_ \_ \_

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Linux Namespace dockerd docker-containerd containerd-shim Container’s process \_ \_ \_ Host’s Linux Namespace Container’s Linux Namespace

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Assigned cgroup dockerd docker-containerd containerd-shim Container’s process \_ \_ \_ Systemd-managed cgroup (docker.service) Container’s Each cgroup

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How CRIU make images CRIU Target
 process Syscalls, /proc files ... Kernel • CRIU gets the information of process via syscall, /proc file, iproute2 utilities...

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How CRIU make images • Then dump them into images - normally processes will be killed at this time. Memory dump Network conf File descriptors cgroup params Process attrs ...... CRIU Target
 process Syscalls, /proc files ... Kernel

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How CRIU restore images CRIU Restored
 process • CRIU will use these images on restore Memory dump Network conf File descriptors cgroup params Process attrs ...... Kernel

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The raw images

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crit: image utility • CRIU is bundled with crit command, which can decode images in CRIU format.

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How can we use CRIU?

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Case 1: Migration

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P.Haul Project • Extension to make live migration with CRIU possible. • Super experimental • Not so active

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P.Haul works? • Example of node-to-node migration using sample process • mtouch/HOWTO • There is also a example for docker 1.9.0... and cannot reproduce now • docker/HOWTO

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Migration demo P.Haul looks too inactive! So I implemented it Using my container... I’ll show later!

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Case 2: Reduction of
 Bootstrap Cost

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Containers with slow bootstrap • Especially big applications: Legacy Rails, JVM, ... • These applications cannot enjoy enough the merits of lightweight aspect of containers. • e.g. A small Rails project takes 2,500ms~ to become ready. • Jenkins project takes 5,000ms~ to listen 8080...

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FYI: “FastContainer” • An architecture to handle containers • A container will be bootstrapped on first request, and automatically shut down after some minutes. • This means containers are restarted repeatedly, and this force containers to be refreshed and clean. • cf. “Phoenix Server” in the book “Infrastructure as Code” • Used in our PaaS service: • See @matsumotory’s paper/slide nisu-zao-kushi-ying-dekiruheng-chang-xing-wochi-tusisutemuakitekutiya

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FYI: “FastContainer” Web Proxy Web Request Dispatcher FastContainer Runtime CMDB ❌ FastContainer Killed 1. Check 2. Boot 3. Forward 4. Terminate

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Experiment overview Environment Containers Bench Host Service Meshing: Runtime:

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Experiment codes ab -g bench-rails.tsv \ -s 120 -c 1 -t 90 -n 1000000 -k -l import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = np.loadtxt("/path/to/bench-rails.tsv", delimiter="\t", skiprows=1, usecols=(1,4), dtype=int) data = np.rot90(sorted(data, key=lambda x:x[0]), k=-1) plt.plot(data[0], data[1], linewidth=1, color="orange") plt.ylim(0, 2700) Benchmarker Script For Visualize

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Needs fast boot up • One of bottleneck of this architecture is “slow boot” apps • Comparison of Apache HTTPD vs Rails application: ms/r unixtime Apache(phpinfo) RoR(no bootsnap)

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Normal FastCon lifecycle ngx_mruby Haconiwa Containers Restart on next request Stop after “Lifetime” Haconiwa

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Lifecycle with CRIU ngx_mruby Haconiwa Containers ReSTORE on next request Make image just before stop, In async process haconiwa restore Image

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Using CRIU to make boot fast • Comparison of hot-start Rails application and cold-start (from criu image) Rails: RoR(no bootsnap/From CRIU image) RoR(no bootsnap)

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No-downtime kernel upgrade? • Is it possible?: Yes(logically).

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Kubernetes integration? • There seems to be no plan yet...(I want more info) • A project in UBC class refers this: • project2/project_m6r8_s8u8_v5v8_y6x8_proposal.pdf

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Restore :)

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How to combine CRIU into a runtime?

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I’ll introduce My container runtime...

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Haconiwa • Highly Configurable container runtime written in mruby • Non OCI-compatible for now (I am planning...) • Implemented basic container features: • Linux namespace, cgroup, chroot/pivot_root, capability/uid/ gid, rlimit, seccomp, apparmor... • Implemented some “hooks”: • Lifetime hooks, async timeout/interval hooks, sighandlers

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Haconiwa accepts DSLs

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What I’m working on now • Bundling CRIU features into Haconiwa • haconiwa checkpoint: • To create checkpoint from a running container • haconiwa restore: • To make a restored container, with some spec changes

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CRIU deep features: • These are what I used in haconiwa development: • Restoration process hooks(action script) • Change cgroup name on restore • Replace supervisor program by --exec-cmd

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Restoration process hooks • CRIU has a hooks which are invoked as the checkpointing or restoration is processed: Action Script. • e.g. post-dump, post-restore, setup-namespaces... • Haconiwa use this action script to change container’s IP from dumped one as written in a new DSL.

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Change cgroup name on restore • Haconiwa’s container has name option, which decides its cgroup name. • When you want to change name between dumped and restored containers, you must also change new one’s cgroup name. • Criu’s --cgroup-root option to solve this

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Replace supervisor program • Haconiwa has its own hooks, and restore process should also restore these hooks by DSL. • This is out of CRIU’s feature • Hooks are implemented in “container supervisor”, rather than container itself • So I implemented to set “supervisor for restored containers” upon a restored container. And hooks are invoked in SV

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Replacement process Haconiwa sv \- criu restore \- Container Haconiwa sv \- haconiwa _restored \- Container exec() wait() in new program Restore done!

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See official document •

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Haconiwa x CRIU Demo

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Live Rails Migration Using haconiwa C/R

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Demo Overview Load Balancer Victim container Restored container Image On shared storage Victim Host Dest Host http://Mac:10080 http://Mac:11080 Nonstop!

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Conclusion • CRIU can create checkpoints for containers, and restore. • I introduced 2 use cases: • Migration • Reduction of bootstrap cost • There is no Kubernetes integration yet, but may be soon? • I have been developing CRIU integration with my container runtime :)

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