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Effective React Testing Jeremy Fairbank @elpapapollo

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@testdouble helps improves how the world build software.

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In beta now!

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My shiny new React application…

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…without tests.

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No content

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No content

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API Design

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redux-thunk +

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Components Test expected output.

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Reducer Test state changes as expected.

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Actions Test actions through reducer tests. Test thunks for coordination.

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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No content

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1. Automatic with create-react-app 2. Or add yourself:
 yarn add jest
 npm install --save jest

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Enzyme JavaScript testing utilities for React. yarn add enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16

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TDD with Components expect "Hello. I'm Jeremy from Test Double."

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Unit Tests Recap

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Unit Tests Recap

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Unit Tests Recap Easy to write

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Unit Tests Recap Easy to write Fast

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Unit Tests Recap Easy to write Fast Isolated design feedback

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Unit Tests Recap Easy to write Fast Isolated design feedback

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Unit Tests Recap Easy to write Fast Isolated design feedback Tedious to test all components

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Unit Tests Recap Easy to write Fast Isolated design feedback Tedious to test all components Coupled to implementation

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Unit Tests Recap Easy to write Fast Isolated design feedback Tedious to test all components Coupled to implementation No interaction with other components

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Snapshot Tests Recap

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Snapshot Tests Recap

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree Fast

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree Fast Fill in test gaps quickly

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree Fast Fill in test gaps quickly Regression safety

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree Fast Fill in test gaps quickly Regression safety

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree Fast Fill in test gaps quickly Regression safety No design feedback

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree Fast Fill in test gaps quickly Regression safety No design feedback Break from markup changes

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Snapshot Tests Recap Easily test component tree Fast Fill in test gaps quickly Regression safety No design feedback Break from markup changes Prone to human error

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Integration Tests Recap

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Integration Tests Recap ⚙⚙

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Integration Tests Recap ⚙ Test component’s interaction with child components ⚙

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Integration Tests Recap ⚙ Test component’s interaction with child components ⚙

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Integration Tests Recap ⚙ Test component’s interaction with child components Coupled to child component implementation ⚙

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Integration Tests Recap ⚙ Test component’s interaction with child components Coupled to child component implementation Redundant test coverage ⚙

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Integration Tests Recap ⚙ Test component’s interaction with child components Coupled to child component implementation Redundant test coverage Harder to debug ⚙

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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Reducer Action New State State Testing Redux

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Unit Tests “Redux”

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Unit Tests “Redux”

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Unit Tests “Redux” Easier to write Fast Isolated design feedback

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Unit Tests “Redux” Easier to write Fast Isolated design feedback

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Unit Tests “Redux” Easier to write Fast Isolated design feedback Thunk tests coupled to implementation

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Unit Tests “Redux” Easier to write Fast Isolated design feedback Thunk tests coupled to implementation No interaction with the rest of the application

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Integration Tests “Redux”

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Integration Tests “Redux” ⚙⚙

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Integration Tests “Redux” ⚙ Test reducer, actions, and API library together ⚙

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Integration Tests “Redux” ⚙ Test reducer, actions, and API library together Test entire application ⚙

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Integration Tests “Redux” ⚙ Test reducer, actions, and API library together Test entire application ⚙

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Integration Tests “Redux” ⚙ Test reducer, actions, and API library together Test entire application More setup ⚙

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Integration Tests “Redux” ⚙ Test reducer, actions, and API library together Test entire application More setup Harder to debug ⚙

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Integration Tests “Redux” ⚙ Test reducer, actions, and API library together Test entire application More setup Harder to debug Doesn’t test user interaction ⚙

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End-to-end Testing

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Test entire application in browser End-to-end Testing

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Test entire application in browser Simulate user interactions End-to-end Testing

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Test entire application in browser Simulate user interactions Interact with a real API (with test data) End-to-end Testing

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Test entire application in browser Simulate user interactions Interact with a real API (with test data) Focus on happy path End-to-end Testing

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yarn add cypress

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E2E Tests Recap

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E2E Tests Recap

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E2E Tests Recap Test all pieces working together in user scenarios

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E2E Tests Recap Test all pieces working together in user scenarios Cypress makes E2E pleasant and easier to debug

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E2E Tests Recap Test all pieces working together in user scenarios Cypress makes E2E pleasant and easier to debug

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E2E Tests Recap Test all pieces working together in user scenarios Cypress makes E2E pleasant and easier to debug Slow

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E2E Tests Recap Test all pieces working together in user scenarios Cypress makes E2E pleasant and easier to debug Slow Break from markup changes or pepper source code with identifiers

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E2E Tests Recap Test all pieces working together in user scenarios Cypress makes E2E pleasant and easier to debug Slow Break from markup changes or pepper source code with identifiers Still harder to debug than unit tests

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E2E Integration Unit Snapshot $$$ $

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Snapshot E2E Integration Unit $$$ $

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Write tests!

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Thank you! Jeremy Fairbank @elpapapollo Slides: Code: