Working with
Craft Commerce
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Small / Medium
Start Ups
Protein Powder, Craft Beer, Decorating, Womens Fashion, Fitnesss Wear,
Preserves & Jams, Health, Mens Fashion, Toxic Free Cosmetics
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Convincing clients to use a not so well known and a
relatively new eCommerce platform
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Feature List
Bene ts
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We can extend and plug easily
(More on this later...)
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But, as developers we liked...
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Gateway settings in con g (+Others)
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Single checkout and custom data
Add to cart, update cart, update delivery & billing etc
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Highly custom delivery options
Although confusing at first (But clients love this customisability)
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Inactive / Active Carts
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Custom Order Statuses & Emails
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Addresses get created and linked to users (Email address) on checkout
(And the same address fields for account, billing & delivery!)
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“It’s better than CartThrob”
Adam Ascroft, 2017
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A few problems a long the way...
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Lack of 3rd Party Integration (At the moment...)
Most enquiries ask for integration with full lment
applications, or delivery applications.
Currently none exist, or are beta.
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Promotions can’t be PER variant
Making discounts on a black pair of jeans di cult
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Can’t reorder products
It would be good if products acted like structure entries
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Lack of refund features
Always been missing (Unless using Shopify or Magento)
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Discounts & Sales are limited
There aren’t many coupon options e.g. Buy X get X
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Extend, Extend, Extend...
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Extending Commerce helps get missing features, back
Sprout Lists
Abandonded Carts
Abandoned Cart Recovery
Social Login
Tag Manager
Category Sources
Popular Products
Commerce Widgets (Shameless plug)
One Dashboard
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Category Sources
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What we have preset...
Product Fields / Types
Order Statuses
Member Groups
Noti cations
Order PDF’s
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Same product, basket & checkout
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Product Fields / Types
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Noti cations / Globals
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Bene ts
- Development time reduced
- Bug and UX xes are xed across all projects
- Commerce CMS feels the ‘same’ between projects
- Continuously improve for ALL clients (If paying support)
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- Limited to basket / checkout features
- Design is limited
- Updating elds etc between ‘Bug Fixes’ can be messy
- A lot of ‘Up front’ development
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Case Study
Crafty Beer Cans
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- Mixed Cases / Singular / Packs
- Stock Control
- Age Veri cation
- MailChimp Integration
- Filter
- Discounts
- Can Club / Membership