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What’s New in Firebase GDE Firebase @jirawatee Jirawat Karanwittayakarn GDE Firebase @naluinui Somjintana Korbut

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Help developers succeed by making it easy to build and grow apps Our Mission

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monthly active apps 3M+

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Run your app with confidence Accelerate app development

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Accelerate app development

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Events NEW! BETA

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Events BETA

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Events BETA

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CFO Full text search in 3 steps 1. Setup TypeSense Cluster & Add schema 2. Install Extensions to sync data from Firestore 3. Write search UI ✨

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Emulators BETA

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Environment variables NEW!

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.env (.env.local

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Store and access sensitive configuration NEW! Cloud Secret Manager

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NEW! Cloud Functions v2 Public Preview

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Cloud Build Cloud Run Eventarc Cloud Functions Generation 2

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One request per instance Many requests per instance

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Firebase Alerts Events Crashlytics App Distribution Billing

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Changes and enhancements in Cloud Functions v2 ⚡Concurrency 🌐 Secure your callable and HTTP functions with a new CORS 🚨 Firebase Alerts events 🔌 Firebase Extension events ✔ Task Queue functions ⏳ Long-running in HTTP Functions (Up to 1 hour timeout) 🖥 Modern JavaScript (config functions globally, options objects, and modular imports)

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NEW! PREVIEW Web Updates

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Phones Desktops Wearables Thermostats TVs Laptops Tablets React, Angular, Vue, Next.js, Nuxt, Astro, Gatsby, Remix, and many more!

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Firebase Deploy to the rescue naluinui-macbook$ firebase deploy

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NEW! Data Viewer

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Slide notes: ● A user accessing an app on a variety of device types

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of Flutter developers use Firebase 62%

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Fully-supported Integration

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Updates for Flutter NEW!

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import ‘package:firebase_crashlytics/firebase_crashlytics.dart’; // Initialize Firebase. await Firebase.initializeApp(); Firebase Flutter X

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recordFlutterFatalError (FlutterErrorDetails flutterErrorDetails ; recordError(dynamic exception, StackTrace? stack, {dynamic reason, Iterable information = const [], bool? printDetails, bool fatal = false}) async; Firebase Flutter X

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struct Review { init?(dictionary: [String : Any]) { guard let name = dictionary["name"] as? String, let category = dictionary["category"] as? String, let city = dictionary["city"] as? String, let price = dictionary["price"] as? Int, let ratingCount = dictionary["numRatings"] as? Int, let averageRating = dictionary["avgRating"] as? Float, let photo = (dictionary["photo"] as? String).flatMap(URL.init(string:)) else { return nil } self.init(name: name, category: category, city: city, price: price, ratingCount: ratingCount, averageRating: averageRating, photo: photo) } // ... } // Usage let myReview = Review(dictionary: Without Codable struct Review: Codable { // ... } // Usage let myReview = try Review.self) With Codable

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func signInAndGetProfile(usingEmail email: String, password: String, completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void) { Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { result, error in guard let result = result else { completion(.failure(error!)) return } let path = "\(result.user.uid)/fullProfile" let profileRef = Database.database().reference(withPath: path) profileRef.getData { error, snapshot in if let error = error { completion(.failure(error)) return } do { let profileData = try UserProfile.self) completion(.success(profileData)) } catch { completion(.failure(error)) } } } } Using Callbacks: 20 lines of code func signInAndGetProfile(usingEmail email: String, password: String) async throws -> UserProfile { let result = try await Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) let path = "\(result.user.uid)/fullProfile" let profileRef = Database.database().reference(withPath: path) return try await profileRef.getData().data(as: UserProfile.self) } async/await version: 4 lines of code

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NEW! Firebase App Check General Availability

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Firebase Google Cloud API endpoints

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App Attestation Resource Access

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SafetyNet App Check App Attestation 1 Cloud Storage App Check Resource Access 2

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App Check Attestation Providers SafetyNet Device Check App Attest reCAPTCHA V3 reCAPTCHA Enterprise Custom Attestation

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Play Integrity API NEW!

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Run your app with confidence

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App Distribution

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NEW! General availability

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New build available!

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NEW! Personalization

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NEW! Real-time ale s General availability

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App start time Network calls Screen renderings Web page loads Out-of-the-box Metrics

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App Quality Insights window

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Go to the Crashlytics dashboard to get started

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Better Together

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Thank you! GDE Firebase @jirawatee Resources Jirawat Karanwittayakarn GDE Firebase @naluinui Somjintana Korbut