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Machine Learning Workflow

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Table of Contents

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1. Background 2. Business Understanding 3. Objective metrics 4. Data Selection and Cleansing 5. Data Understanding 6. Data Splitting and Leakage 7. Data Preprocessing 8. Feature Engineering Table of Contents

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9. Fitting Machine Learning models 10. Cross Validation 11. Offline Metrics Analysis 12. Ablation and Error Analysis 13. Output Postprocessing 14. Model Explanation 15. A/B testing 16. Reproducible Research and Models 17. Model Deployment and Retraining Table of Contents

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1. Background New Data Scientist in a Company Characteristics - Don’t know where to start - Has so much energy, wants to solve all business problems with SOTA ML. - Only has Math/Stats/CS/Business skills.

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1. Background Company X Characteristics - Want to hire data scientist to solve problems with ML in business.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X doesn’t have any data - New DS needs to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS needs to build ML system - New DS doesn’t understand business process, doesn’t know what kind of ML services need to be built for the company.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS need to build ML system - New DS don’t understand business process, don’t know what kind of ML services need to build for the company.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X has messy data. - New DS can only work if the data is clean. - New DS doesn’t understand how to clean the data.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS split train-test data - Accuracy 98% - There is a data leakage.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS build ML model. - Fresh grad. - Background in Stats. - Only fit, never predict.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS build ML model. - Build a Decision Tree - Accuracy 100% in training.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS build ML models. - Use a kaggle style modeling - Ensemble 100 models

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS build ML models. - 80% accuracy offline

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS build ML models. - Company X ask for prediction explanation. - New DS build model with Deep Learning.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - New DS build ML models. - His code is not reproducible.

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New DS 1. Background Company X Problems - Company X don’t have any data - New DS need to build ML system

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Business Understanding

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2. Business Understanding - It is important to understand the data generating process, user journey and business process (BP) in a company - You can create your ML services by automating any process in BP. - Verification process - Identification process - Scoring/estimation process - etc.

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2. Business Understanding

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2. Business Understanding KTP automatic information extraction (CV) Entity Matching modeling Data spoofing modeling Credit Scoring

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2. Business Understanding - Your goal is to make ML services with high ROI - You show how “smart” you are by making usable ML services

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2. Business Understanding NOT your goal: - Applying state of the art model

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Objective Metrics

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3. Objective Metrics - You need to make an objective metrics for every ML service that you made - Be SKEPTICAL with your objective metrics - Every objective metrics needs to be correlated with business metrics

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3. Objective Metrics Netflix Recommendation System case: - Objective: - We want to recommend movies to users - User journey: - Every users give rating for some movies

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3. Objective Metrics

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3. Objective Metrics Netflix Recommendation System case: - Objective: - We want to predict rating for every movies for every users - Objective metrics: - RMSE, regression problem

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3. Objective Metrics

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3. Objective Metrics Netflix Recommendation System case: - We don’t really care about RMSE. - Case 1: - Movie 1 : Rating 4 - Movie 1 : Rating Prediction 5 - Case 2: - Movie 2 : Rating 2 - Movie 2 : Rating Prediction 4

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3. Objective Metrics Netflix Recommendation System case: - We care about top N recommendation - Change objective metrics to precision-recall as an information retrieval problem - Change objective metrics to top@K precision-recall - Decision-support metrics: - ROC AUC, Breese score, later precision/recall - Error meets decision-support/user experience: - “Reversals” - User-centered metrics: - Coverage, user retention, recommendation uptake, satisfaction

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Data Selection and Cleansing

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing ML tutorial:

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing Data in your daily job:

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing Data in your daily job: - Need to be cleaned - Need to be joined - Need to be selected for a given service

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing Case Fintech: - People are afraid to invest in fintech because they never had any experience in crises. - Bank Perkreditan Rakyat have data before and after the financial crises. - We need to build a Credit Scoring with 96-99 data to simulate a financial crises.

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing

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4. Data Selection and Cleansing

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Data Understanding

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5. Data Understanding Why we need to understand our data: - We need to find patterns which might affect our model/objective metrics. - We need to find anomalies which will decrease our model accuracy. - In the next section, we can generate new variables from this understanding to ease our model to learn and fit.

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5. Data Understanding - We can understand our data by doing Exploratory Data Analysis

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5. Data Understanding -- Type of Distribution Multimodal distribution has 2 or more mode.

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5. Data Understanding -- Case Analysis

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5. Data Understanding -- Case Analysis ● Self-reported candidates are more likely to post when they are Accepted. ● They are likely to post results for multiple applications. ● More successful candidates are likely to post their personal numbers. ● Ostensibly, the quality of applicants who engage heavily with an online forum are far more serious about their application than the entirety of the test-taking pool, leading to better results/numbers. Sources:

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5. Data Understanding -- Type of Distribution

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5. Data Understanding -- Type of Distribution After outlier detection

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5. Data Understanding -- TS, Normal Scale Astra International Stock Price 2002-2018

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5. Data Understanding -- TS, Log10 Scale Astra International Stock Price 2002-2018

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Data Splitting and Leakage

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Accuracy: 100% Training data Future data Accuracy: 5% 6. Data Splitting and Leakage

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6. Data Splitting and Leakage - We need to simulate future data from our current dataset. - This simulation can help use to infer our model prediction power with future data. - Strictly speaking, it assumes a stable

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Randomly split your training dataset into; ● the set we used to fit our model, and ● the set we use only to validate our model performance, that’s it. 6. Data Splitting and Leakage

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Set of Hypothesis Fitted Model Model Performance Fitting Predict Results Predicted Output Train Test 6. Data Splitting and Leakage

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Accuracy: 100% Training data Test data Accuracy: 5% 6. Data Splitting and Leakage

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6. Data Splitting and Leakage Data Leakage is the introduction of information about data target in input data.

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6. Data Splitting and Leakage

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6. Data Splitting and Leakage

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6. Data Splitting and Leakage Credit Score Credit Group Derived Prediction

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Data Preprocessing

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7. Data Preprocessing We need to convert our data into consumable format by ML model.

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7. Data Preprocessing - ML model only can accept numerical input Jenis Kelamin Pria Pria Wanita Jenis Kelamin, Pria : 0, Wanita : 1 0 0 1

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7. Data Preprocessing - ML model only can accept numerical input Negara Indonesia India Malaysia Indonesia India Malaysia 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

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7. Data Preprocessing - Some ML model only can accept inputs with similar mean-variance.

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7. Data Preprocessing - Some ML model only can accept inputs with similar mean-variance.

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Feature Engineering

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8. Feature Engineering We need to convert our data into more representative input to increase our model accuracy.

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8. Feature Engineering Linear vs Quadratic Input for Regression

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8. Feature Engineering Embedding with TSNE

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8. Feature Engineering The effect of every feature engineering experiments needs to be validated in future data or, we can do cross validation.

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Fitting ML Model

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● If the model is too simple, the solution is biased and does not fit the data. ● If the model is too complex then it is very sensitive to small changes in the data. 9. Fitting ML Model

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Bias Variance Complexity Underfitting: you have an overly simple model High Low Low Overfitting: your model fit signal and noises. Low High High 9. Fitting ML Model

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9. Fitting ML Model - Every model have their own hyperparameter to tune. - We tune this hyperparam using cross validation.

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9. Fitting ML Model

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Cross Validation

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10. Cross Validation - We need to verify our experiments with “future data simulation”. - Cross validation will simulate unavailable future data.

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Randomly split the data into k-folds, then 1. Pick one fold as a validation set 2. Fit the model to the k-1 folds 3. Repeat those steps until you get k fitted models 4. Then, compute the CV Score as, 10. Cross Validation -- K-fold

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CV Score is your model performance. 1. Select the best model, with best combination of Hyperparam which has the best CV Score. 2. Then, build your final model by fitting the selected model into the whole training data. 10. Cross Validation

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If we repeat the process of randomly splitting the sample set into two parts, we will get a somewhat different estimate for the test MSE 10. Cross Validation

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10. Cross Validation

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10. Cross Validation

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10. Cross Validation - Every experiments should be validated with cross validation. - Model hyperparam - Preprocessing - Feature Engineering - Every variables

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Offline Metrics Analysis

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11. Offline Metrics Analysis - Remember our Objective Metrics, now we need to validate it. - There might be some tradeoff between metrics.

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11. Offline Metrics Analysis Let’s revisit our Netflix Recommendation System case: - We will focus on Diversity Metrics vs Accuracy Metrics. - More diverse recommendation will increase Netflix CTR - More accurate recommendation will increase Netflix CTR - Diversity and Accuracy are negatively correlated.

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11. Offline Metrics Analysis

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11. Offline Metrics Analysis

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Ablation and Error Analysis

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12. Error Analysis - We want to know the source of error in our prediction. - Thus we can improve our model accuracy by making a feature which represent the error.

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12. Error Analysis

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12. Error Analysis

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12. Ablation Analysis - We want to measure every additional complexity to model accuracy. - If the additional complexity does not affect model accuracy, then we will drop that experiment.

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12. Ablation Analysis Recommendation System PACMANN AI RMSE SVD-like 0.88 SVD-like, user-bias, item-bias 0.85 SVD-like, user-bias, item-bias, time-bias 0.83 Neural Collaborative Filtering (NBF) 0.87 NBF - WARP 0.87 NBF - BPR 0.87

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12. Ablation Analysis

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Output Postprocessing

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13. Output Postprocessing - Probability from a classifier is only an approximation of real probability. For example, probability 90% "credit default" from a classifier does not imply 9 from 10 cases will be default.

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13. Output Postprocessing - This problem of bias of probability from classifier very often the result of ML classifier which not approximate probability in their model. For example, Random Forest calculate average class, SVM calculate distance from separator line.

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13. Output Postprocessing

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13. Output Postprocessing We need to calibrate the probability with Platt Scaling

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Model Explanation

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14. Model Explanation - Most of the time, if you are working with business stakeholders, you will be asked by business people the reasoning of model output. - This problem is related to ML Interpretability

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14. Model Explanation

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14. Model Explanation - Most interpretable model for regression: - Linear Regression - Most interpretable model for classification: - Logistic Regression with Weight of Evidence

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14. Model Explanation

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A/B Testing

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15. A/B Testing - Now we have a working model and we want to deploy the system. - We want to measure the effect of the model to our objective metrics in online fashion.

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121 Population Sample Sample A Sample B We separate these samples into two set 15. A/B Testing

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122 Sample A Sample B 15. A/B Testing

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123 Sample A Sample B New ML Model Treatment 15. A/B Testing

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Reproducible Research

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16. Reproducible Research - We want to have a reproducible model - Give the same output every time it train. - We need to find source of variation in the model.

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16. Reproducible Research - Source of variation: - Data: - Data definition - Data preprocessing - Feature Engineering - Model: - Different hyperparameter - Source code - Environment

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16. Reproducible Research - Partial solution: Build 1 yaml for every source of variation.

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16. Reproducible Research

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Deployment and Retraining

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17. Deployment and Retraining - We already validate the model, we want to deploy the model into our system - There are two kinds of ML serving: Online and Offline.

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17. Deployment and Retraining - Online: - Train your machine learning model - Build preprocess and feature engineering which can be hitted by new data. - Deploy to your server as an API - Offline: - Train your model - Predict your data, write into DB

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We believe everyone can be Data Scientist