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“Long and very long videos on Facebook achieved the best overall performance and the greatest reach in 2020”. S O C I A L B A K E R S 2 0 2 0

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“Engagement remained significantly stronger on Instagram, which had 22x more interactions thah facebook (in Q2 2020 it was 18.7x), while 61,9% of all brand posts were on Facebook.” S O C I A L B A K E R S 2 0 2 0

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Facebook Live es el formato con más engagement en esa red social. En Instagram son los carruseles. S O C I A L B A K E R S 2 0 2 0 Live Video Link Image Status Video 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Facebook Organic Interactions by Post Type MEDIAN POST INTERACTIONS Carrusel Image Video 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Instagram Organic Interactions by Post Type MEDIAN POST INTERACTIONS

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Estas son las 20 marcas de más rápido crecimiento en 2020 M O R N I N G C O N S U L T 2 0 2 0 THE 20 FASTEST GROWING BRANDS OF 2020 The Fastest Growing Brands ranking is determined by measuring growth in the share of consumers who say they would consider purchasing from a brand over the course of the year. JAN. 1 1 % 2 6 % 1 5 . 1 4 % 1 6 % 1 1 . 5 1 0 % 1 7 % 6 . 9 1 0 % 1 7 % 6 . 3 2 2 % 2 8 % 6 . 1 1 6 % 2 2 % 6 . 1 1 4 % 1 9 % 5 . 1 1 8 % 2 3 % 4 . 8 2 2 % 2 7 % 4 . 8 1 4 % 1 8 % 4 . 6 1 2 % 1 7 % 4 . 6 6 2 % 6 6 % 4 . 5 6 % 1 1 % 4 . 5 1 8 % 2 2 % 4 . 5 8 % 1 2 % 4 . 3 1 8 % 2 2 % 4 1 7 % 2 1 % 3 . 7 1 2 % 1 5 % 3 . 6 1 3 % 1 7 % 3 . 6 1 9 % 2 3 % 3 . 6 NOV. GROWTH

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“29% of internet users across 7 countries frequently watch livestreams from influencers they follow on social media. And among those who do that, 80% say they’re likely to buy products as a result.” G L O B A L W E B I N D E X 2 0 2 0 LIVESTREAM MARKETS ARE MOBILE-FIRST MARKETS % who frequently watch livestreams of influencers on social media % who which are likely to buy products from influencers they follow 45-83 29 - 80 15 8 6 23-79 17-70 India China France* UK* Germany* Brazil U.S.A GWI Zeltgeist September 2020 *Insufficient sample of influencer viewers 8,001 internet users in 7 countries aged 16-64

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“Online purchases are still largely driven by the “seamless” qualities of free delivery (60%) and an easy check- out (43%). But 29% want the experience to be entertaining..” G L O B A L W E B I N D E X 2 0 2 0 ENTERTAINMENT JUST AS IMPORTANT AS SUPPORT % who say the following would encourage them to buy a product when shopping online (in 7 countries) Free delivery /returns Quicl/easy check-out process If the shopping experience is entertaining GWI Zeitgeist September 2020 / 8,001 internet users in 7 conuntries aged 16-64 Ability to virtually “try-on” or “test” a product Live Q&A sessions with product experts Limited product availability If the brand supported people during COVID-19 If the brand supports social causes Viewing a live product demo Recommendation from an influencer 1 2 4 6 8 10 3 5 7 9 60 % 43 29 29 28 25 24 17 16 14

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A la hora de ver reclamos online durante la pandemia en Chile, el 31% dijo que la marca se demoró 24 horas o más en responder. El 25% dice que no tuvieron respuesta. El 49,8% de los problemas no tuvo ninguna solución. Eso sí, hay una oportunidad: el 76,3% de las personas recomendaría una marca que solucionó su reclamo. J E L L Y 2 0 2 0

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El 68% confirmó haber descargado TikTok en Chile durante la pandemia. Más del 42% de los chilenos le está dedicando entre 30 y más de 50 minutos de uso cada día y casi un 65% reconoce que al ver una marca en TikTok automáticamente su percepción cambia positivamente. J E L L Y 2 0 2 0 ¿QUÉ TIPO DE CONTENIDO PREFIERES EN TIKTOK? Bailes y coreografías 0 20 40 60 80 Humor con sonido Videos muy productivos Tips y tutoriales Historias de personas (puedes marcar más de alguna alternativa) 59,3% 74,5% 29,8% 55,8% 34,4%

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“The rise in ecommerce combined with the 16.4% growth in social media usage year-over-year encouraged companies to turn to influencer marketing and user generated content to promote brand awareness.” E M A R K E T E R 2 0 2 1 US SOCIAL COMMERCE BUYERS GROWTH, 2017-2023 millions and % change 2017 45.8 20.4% 16.3% 25.2% 12.9% 6.3% 5.2% 20.1% 53.3 63.9 80.1 90.4 96.1 101.1 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Social commerce buyers % change

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“The rate of ecommerce penetration in the US grew by 10 years in a 90-day period in 2020, reaching around 33%” M C K I N S E Y We just jumped ten years forward in 90 days’ time. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 012020 10 years’ growth in 3 months US e-commerce penetration, %

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“About two in three consumers attribute a high level of importance to responsive customer service in creating a positive experience with a brand on social media.” S P R O U T S O C I A L 2 0 2 0 Importance of each factor in creating a positive experience with a brand of company on social media Responsive customer service Relevance of content Understanding me as a customer Creativity of content Right number/amount/volume of ads Right number/amount/volume of posts Interactive content (% Absolutely essential/Very important) 67% 59% 52% 48% 46% 44% 41%

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“While most consumers today see social media as a way to communicate with friends and family, at least one in four use it to discover, learn, purchase or recommend products, services or brands.” S P R O U T S O C I A L 2 0 2 0 Current use of social media for general and communication purposes For products, services and brand-related purposes To communicate with friends, family and acquaintances To kill time To get breaking news For personal inspiration To learn about new trends To network To experience different point of view To communicate with co-workers/clients To follow influencers 68% To learn about products, services, brands 34% To discover new products, services, brands 33% To purchase products, services, brands 26% To recommend products, services, brands to others 25% To communicate with brands for customer support 17% 54% 39% 34% 31% 30% 28% 24% 23%

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Most businesses are currently using Facebook for marketing purposes At least half are using Instagram, Twitter and Youtube S P R O U T S O C I A L 2 0 2 0 SOCIAL PLATFORMS COMPANIES CURRENTLY USE FOR MARKETING PURPOSES 84% Facebook 64% Instagram 60% Twitter 57% Youtube 42% Linkedin 36% Facebook Messenger 36% Amazon 31% Google My Business 27% Whatsapp 23% Pinterest 22% Snapchat 21% Yelp 19% TikTok 18% Reddit 14% TripAdvisor 9% Twitch 3% Other

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GRACIAS :) [email protected]