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Code Dependencies & Composer Tom J Nowell, WC Sheffield @tarendai

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I’m Tom I work for Code For The People

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This talk is about managing code frameworks, shared code, dependencies, things don’t have to be painful

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Theme/Plugin Frameworks are born fully formed

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Things have to be wedged into frameworks

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We want themes and plugins to be fast and light

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Consolidate and Grab Only What You Need

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Modularise Things

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These are our dependencies

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Frameworks include everything from the get go

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We need something like ordering off a menu

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Enter Composer

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Composer describes a package, and what it needs to run

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{ “name”: “icit/wp-less”, “require”: { "php": ">=5.2.4", "leafo/lessphp": "0.4.0" } }

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Installing Composer ( Already installed with vvv )

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To install dependencies > composer install

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No content

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To update dependencies > composer update

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Dependencies get put in a vendor/ folder An autoloader is provided so there are no require/includes

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Packagist The PHP world has a headstart on us

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For packages not on Packagist { "repositories": [ { "type": "git", "url": "" } ], ...etc... }

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Questions? Tom J Nowell @tarendai