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Embracing Progressive Enhancement

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No content

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Objectives • Revisit the design of web and how it works • Progressive enhancement and its importance • Write code keeping progressive enhancement in mind • Peer review and learn form each other’s experience

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Learning syntax or making pretty interfaces is NOT an objective of this workshop

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Agenda • Zone in (25 mins) • Understand our project (15 mins) • Develop the project • HTML (40 mins) • CSS (20 mins) • JS (50 mins) • Zone out (15 mins) break

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Conduct • Ask, don’t be shy • Contribute, don’t withhold knowledge • Code, or at the very least assist • Give feedback, take feedback, keep it constructive • Mutual respect

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Q: Why do we not care about some web browsers?

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What’s the Web?

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Tim Berners-Lee, 1989

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Built upon amazing design principles

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Tim Berners-Lee Date: 1998 Status: personal view only

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Simplicity “Keep it simple, stupid!”

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Modular Design

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Being part of a Modular Design

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Tolerance “Be liberal in what you require but conservative in what you do”

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Test of Independent Invention “If someone else had already invented your system, would theirs work with yours?”

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Principle of Least Power

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An essay on W3C’s design principles • Introduction • Maintainability • Modularity • Minimum redundancy • Accessibility • Device-independency • Internationality • Extensibility • Learnability • Readability • E ciency • Binary or text format • Implementability • Simplicity • Longevity • Backwards compatibility • Interoperability • Repurposing of content • Timeliness • Use what is there • Design by committee • Expertise • Brevity • Stability • Robustness

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W3C Mission • Web for All • Web on Everything • Web for Rich Interaction • Web of Data and Services • Web of Trust

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As a result…

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It has been around for more than 2 decades

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Today, the web is turning ubiquitous

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Ubiquity comes with client fragmentation

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For a long time we’ve focussed on Graceful Degradation

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But now there are just too many browsers

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And oh! • Text mode browsers. • Screen readers. • Read it later services. • Flipboard • Bots, spiders. • …

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More variables • Devices Capabilities • Screen Dimensions • Methods of interaction • …

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“Inclusive Web Design For the Future” Steve Champeon and Nick Finck, 2003

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Progressive Enhancement

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Content HTML

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Content HTML CSS

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What is the Web, again?

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Protocol HTTP

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URLs for every possible resource on the web

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Files mostly HTML, CSS, JS and media

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Workshop Project

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Activity 1

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Identify Purpose Prioritise Goals

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Goals? • Consumable • Functional • Aesthetic • Fast • Accessible • Reachable/Locatable • …

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The Protocol: HTTP

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Methods Get, Put, Post, Delete

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URLs are for people

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“Cool URIs don’t change”

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Activity 2

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Give URL to everything

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HTML gives structure and meaning to content

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If a machine can understand it, the content becomes functional and accessible

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Think meaning, not looks

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Create Once, Publish Everywhere

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Again, what design principles!

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HTML is forward compatible i.e. older systems will happily work with new tags and attributes

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On the flip side, almost any code we write will appear to work

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Tags like and have subtle semantics Don’t use them for visual styling

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Use the right HTTP methods

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Style can assist functionality but it’s not a robust mechanism of delivering functionality

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Use colours to indicate meaning? What about folks who are colour blind?

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Use colons after field labels? That’s just a convention or a style

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Pretty robust Unknown rules are ignored

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Order rules carefully so that the newer rules are at the end

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Do all websites need to look exactly the same in every browser?

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It’s okay if the old browsers don’t achieve style parity

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Media Queries • width • height • device-width • device-height • orientation • aspect-ratio • device-aspect-ratio • color • color-index • monochrome • resolution • scan • grid

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Web is responsive Just keep it that way

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There’s NO mobile web

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“Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript”

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Javascript error handling isn’t as robust as HTML and CSS

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Procedures perhaps cannot have a “default” logic

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And so, Javascript can fail

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Murphy’s law

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Dependence on Javascript is a mistake

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Dependence on Javascript is a mistake

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Dependence on Javascript is a mistake

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Dependence on Javascript is a mistake

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Which is not to say don’t use Javascript

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Just be prepared for failures

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Avoid inline styles Instead, add or remove classes

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Make JS unobtrusive

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Browser sni ng? No!

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Detect Features not browsers, devices, etc.

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Enter Modernizr

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It’s Javascript time Exhibit restraint, plan well

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Parting thoughts…

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Design hacks are okay as long as you are following standards

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Hatred for browser bugs is di erent than hatred for old (or less featured) browsers

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Supporting the latter does not mean that you have to make them look or work the same way

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Polyfills are often unnecessary

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Using front-end frameworks doesn’t really prevent progressive enhancement

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When you ASSUME you make an ass out of u and me

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Q: Why do we not care about some web browsers?

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Because we’re not as flexible as the medium demands us to be

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A Dao of Web Design

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