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Angular replacements for jQuery-based libraries ! AngularJS Meetup Berlin, 8.01.2014

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Tymon Tobolski @iteamon

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Angular changed the way we think of client side javascript

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Dark ages jQuery as polyfill for broken browsers ! tons of various features ! libraries “based on jQuery"

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Browser support jQuery 2.0 - no more IE <9 angular IE8+

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Native JS APIs are pretty good and supported jQuery(“meta[name=csrf]”).attr(“content") jQuery(“.someClass”) $.each, $.map document.querySelector(“meta[name=csrf]”).getAttribute(”content”) document.getElementsByClassName(‘someClass”) Array.forEach, vs

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angular.element / jqLite addClass() after() append() attr() bind() children() clone() contents() css() data() empty() eq() find() hasClass() html() next() on() off() one() parent() prepend() prop() ready() remove() removeAttr() removeClass() removeData() replaceWith() text() toggleClass() triggerHandler() unbind() val() wrap() Most not really needed at all

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How angular apps look like today * from Ruby programmer perspective

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Services! Controllers! Filters! Directives

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Services! Controllers! Filters! Directives GOOD! GOOD! GOOD! POOR

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Directive == jQuery wrapper

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Most jQuery wrappers are very hackish

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Angular beginners think directives are magic

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Directive != ! jQuery wrapper

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Let’s talk about Real World

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Existing solutions!!

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jquery-ujs (rails) XHR DELETE + window.confirm() ! ! XHR form submission ~400 LOC

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angular-ujs XHR DELETE + window.confirm() ! ! XHR form submission 40 LOC

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date range picker impossible and crazy to write by yourself ! ! !

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date range picker impossible and crazy to write by yourself ! based on moment and moment-range! ! two way sync: UI ⁵ $scope

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app.controller("TestCtrl", function($scope){ $scope.range = moment().range("2014-01-08", "2014-02-22") } Code

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{{ }}
{{ }}

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! ▶
Select range:
Apply cancel
{{ model.start.format("ll") }} - {{ model.end.format("ll") }} Select date range

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$scope.selecting = false; $scope.visible = false; $scope.start = null; ! // ... !, function(date) { // ... scope.months[m].weeks[w][d] = { date: date, selected: ..., disabled: ..., start: ... }; }) ! // ... ! domEl = $compile(angular.element(pickerTemplate))(scope); element.append(domEl);

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Best practices Base as much as possible on data manipulation, not DOM ! Use proper data structures, not strings ! Defer intensive calculations until really needed ! Walk around watcher performance -

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Learn to write declarative directives ! Think of directives as reusable components, not wrappers ! Make the web better

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Thank you! Follow more on angular on our blog: Tymon Tobolski @iteamon