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Spring Boot Moduliths

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🧚 The fairy tale of a growing application

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Medimind Once upon a time, there was a small application… User Inventory Medication

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Medimind Each sprint, the application grew… User Inventory Medication Shedule

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Medimind And grew… User Inventory Medication Schedule

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Medimind And grew even more… User Inventory Medication Schedule Prescription

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Medimind Eventually nobody understood the application… User Inventory Medication Schedule Prescription Notification

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Notification Microservice Prescription Microservice Schedule Microservice Medication Microservice User Microservice Inventory Microservice Until one day, the Architect Wizard™ arrived, and transformed it into microservices…. User Inventory Medication Schedule Notification Prescription Mediminder gateway Event bus

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Notification Microservice Prescription Microservice Schedule Microservice Medication Microservice User Microservice Inventory Microservice Peace returned, until one day a microservice caught fire… User Inventory Medication Schedule Notification Prescription Mediminder gateway Event bus ❌ ❌

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Notification Microservice Prescription Microservice Schedule Microservice Medication Microservice User Microservice Inventory Microservice The fire spread… User Inventory Medication Schedule Notification Prescription Mediminder gateway Event bus ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌

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Notification Microservice Prescription Microservice Schedule Microservice Medication Microservice User Microservice Inventory Microservice The DevOps Heroes™ quickly restarted the microservice… User Inventory Medication Schedule Notification Prescription Mediminder gateway Event bus

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Notification Microservice Prescription Microservice Schedule Microservice Medication Microservice User Microservice Inventory Microservice And added extra infrastructure to prevent future problems User Inventory Medication Schedule Notification Prescription Mediminder gateway Event bus

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The end … ?

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What did we learn? ● High coupling is evil ● Microservices can help ● Extra resources ● Extra code ● Less focus on business code

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🤔 Is there an alternative?

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Medimind Modular monoliths User Inventory Medication Schedule Prescription Notification Spring Data Events

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Spring Data Events? @Entity // Extend from AbstractAggregateRoot public class Schedule extends AbstractAggregateRoot { @OneToMany private List completedEvents; public void addCompletedEvent(LocalDate eventDate) { this.completedEvents.add(CompletedEvent.of(this, eventDate)); // Call registerEvent() registerEvent(MedicationTakenEvent.of(this, eventDate)); } }

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Spring Data Events? @Component @RequiredArgsConstructor public class MedicationTakenEventListener { private final InventoryFacade facade; @TransactionalEventListener(phase = TransactionPhase.BEFORE_COMMIT) public void subtractFromInventory(MedicationTakenEvent event) { facade.removeQuantity(event.userId(), event.medicationId(), event.quantity()); } }

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How to prevent high coupling? ● Java access modifiers ● Java modules ● Moduliths

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Meet Moduliths /ˈmɑːd ͡ ʒəlɪθ/ Speciaal voor Kenneth in het fonetische schrift

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Add some dependencies… org.moduliths moduliths-core org.moduliths moduliths-test test

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Structure your code… 1. Create a new package for each module

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Structure your code… 2. Put exposed classes in a module package 1. Create a new package for each module

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Structure your code… 3. Put implementation details in a subpackage 2. Put exposed classes in a module package 1. Create a new package for each module

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… And write a test @ModuleTest public class InventoryModuleTest { @Test void moduleLoads() { } }

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… And write a test

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Pro’s & Con’s ● Developed by Spring Data lead ● Favours conventions over configuration ● Easy integration with Spring Boot ● Only bootstraps module during tests ● Small community ● Does not replace microservices

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Resources ● ● ● ●

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🙏 Thank you for listening!