Building DEF CON CTF
•Team building
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What is DEF CON?
“DEF CON is one of the oldest
continuous running hacker
conventions around, and also
one of the largest.”
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What is DEF CON?
“Black Hat… is more the
university… DEF CON is the
fraternity party.”
- USA Today, “Suits and punks convene in Las
Vegas for hacker conferences,” Aug. 1 2006
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What is DEF CON?
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What is DEF CON?
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What is CTF?
(Capture The Flag)
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Jeopardy-Style CTF
•Pick a problem
•Hack it
•Get points
Building DEF CON CTF
•Team building
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Team Building
“Dark Tangent is looking
for new CTF organizers,
want to help write a
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Team Building
Software vulnerability experts
Hardware engineers
Network ops deity
Web application generalist
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Team Building
•Opinionated smart people
•That need to work together
•On a software project with
dozens of moving parts
•On a very public stage
•With immovable deadlines
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Team Building
Always have an
exit strategy
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Building DEF CON CTF
•Team building
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Self-contained questions
Open Entry
48 hours over a weekend
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No content
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Quals Scoreboard
Heroku 1GB Dynos
$50/month Postgres
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Quals Scoreboard
No Redis
No memcached
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Quals Scoreboard
No push
Only polling
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Quals Scoreboard
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Quals Scoreboard
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Quals Scoreboard
Game Start Adjusting
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Quals Challenges
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Used Heroku
It ruled
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PHP, Python, x86, Golang
Started with Micro
Upgraded to Large
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PHP, Python, x86, Golang
Never use
Micro instances
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PHP, Python, x86, Golang
Sometimes you
get DoS’d
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ARM Challenges
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Quals Problems
I slept…
Through a part where we had to
edit a question and put
something on S3.
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Quals Problems
Some challenges
weren’t ready until
halfway through the
•IRC and Twitter: invaluable
•Have a reset password flow
•Don’t forget public views
•Fight bus numbers
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Building DEF CON CTF
•Team building
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No content
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Twenty Teams
Twenty Servers
One Network
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•Attack-defense style
•Teams get a server running services
•Find vulnerabilities in services
•Patch own vulnerabilities
•Exploit vulnerabilities on other teams
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Finals Scoring
Fifty-thousand flags
Five-minute rounds
Tokens from services redeemed for flags
Flags lost when stolen and downtime
Zero-sum for game theory reasons
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Finals Scoreboard
Rails, Apache, Passenger, Postgres
Ubuntu on Mac Mini
HTTPS Client Certificates
Kibana (Logstash, Elasticsearch)
No push, no polling, just meta refresh
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Finals Scoreboard
Client certs rule
No password resets
No hacking, no sniffing
Twenty CDs of certs and keys… eh
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No content
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No content
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Log Everything
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Tokens and Uptime
Console Ruby script
Restartable in a sensible fashion
Use Postgres and wall clock time as state
Save immediately, don’t queue
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Tokens and Uptime
Two weeks prior:
“I’m just going to call a shell
script, everyone else write your
own uptime checker.”
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Tokens and Uptime
Three hours in:
“Uh, how do we make these
shell scripts time out?”
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Tokens and Uptime
Ten hours in:
“We should run
these in parallel.”
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Tokens and Uptime
Sixteen hours in:
“Huh some team is
puking binary out.”
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Finals Problems
Teams could score
on themselves
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Finals Problems
Flags didn’t get
redistributed correctly
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Finals Problems
Have a better way to find
issues than rails console,
SQL, and log queries
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No content
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Finals Problems
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Finals Problems
Life’s easy when you
have 160 users and
they’re all right there
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Finals Team Boxes
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Finals Team Boxes
Services run as dedicated users
Teams have sudo to service
No root
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No content
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Finals Lessons
Scheduled downtime
is the best
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Building DEF CON CTF
•Team building