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Improving User Experience with CSS Animations Stéphanie Walter 2020 - @walterstephanie -

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Warning: this talks contains a lot of animations and motion.

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UX ❤ Animations How and where animations can help users

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Animations decrease cognitive load By making state changes more natural

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What happened in-between?

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Remember the flip book?

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Offload the in-between work to the computer / eyes

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Animations create feedback By showing the user a response was triggered

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“The system recognised the action”

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“Everything is fine, the system is currently working”

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Feedback on future state

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Animations grab user’s attention The human eye is attracted to moving things

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Subtle nudge to invite to discovery

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Avoid change blindness

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Distract users’s attention from loading time

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Don’t hijack user’s attention with dark patterns! Demo

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Animations provide spacial orientation Where do you come from? Where did you go? Where can I go?

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Where did it come from? Where did it go? via Val Head

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Help move towards different steps

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Prevent disorientation on context change

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Animations craft a unique experience By helping explain and creating emotional connexions

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Explain it with animations

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Capture emotions

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Bring delight

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Serve and reinforce the brand identity

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Animations should fit and illustrate the message without overwhelming users

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Semantics & Syntax

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Transitions A B Animations A B C D

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Transition Syntax

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Trigged on :checked

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Transitions are connected to triggers (hover, tap, etc.) and mostly used for UI feedback and to help users understand UI changes A to B (menu opening, etc.)

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Animation Syntax

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๏ Build the animations in CSS ๏ Attach it to a .class in CSS ๏ Trigger it by adding the class to JavaScript events on click, focus, blur, scroll, form submit, etc.

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Fun tool to play with ๏

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Animations are mostly used for more complex UI motion involving different stages, looping motion and “illustrative” animations

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opacity & transform = ❤ The two things the browser can “cheaply” animate

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CSS transforms ๏ Translate — transform: translate()

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CSS transforms ๏ Translate — transform: translate() ๏ Scale — transform: scale()

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CSS transforms ๏ Translate — transform: translate() ๏ Scale — transform: scale() ๏ Rotate — transform: rotate()

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CSS transforms ๏ Translate — transform: translate() ๏ Scale — transform: scale() ๏ Rotate — transform: rotate() ๏ Skew — transform: skew()

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SVG + CSS animations / transitions = ❤

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CSS custom properties (variables) can make your SVG animations easier

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Be careful when you use transforms on paths and elements inside a SVG document

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CSS default transform- origin: 50% 50% 0 SVG transform origin (expect root): 0,0

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SVG transform origin (0,0)

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You can build animations that follow a specific path with offset- path: path + offset-distance

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Ease and duration and timing How to build animations that feel right for your users

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Finding the perfect timing 100ms 0ms 200ms 300ms 400ms 500ms Fast Slower Slow Instant Fades, color animations User interactions that need quick response: hover, scalings, opening / closing menus Moving elements accross the page, complex animations Large movements, background element animations that bring mood Small changes / elements Large complex changes / elements

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Test it, test it and test it!

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Linear 100% 0 100% Progression Time

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Ease-in 100% 0 100% Progression Time

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Ease-out 100% 0 100% Progression Time

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Ease-in-out 100% 0 100% Progression Time

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With great power… Building inclusive accessible motion

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Motion might may people with vestibular disorders sick

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๏ Scaling and Zooming ๏ Spinning and Vortex Effects ๏ Multi-Speed or Multi- Directional Movement (parallax) ๏ Dimensionality or Plane Shifting ๏ Peripheral Motion A few potential triggers Source: Apple

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Checking for user preference to reduce (not remove) motion

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Communicating & documenting Animations are part of the whole design / dev process

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Storyboarding (like classic animation)

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Interface Transition 300ms 2s 3 - 8s Video player components load on the screen with a fade in transition Indeterminate waiting indicator Video plays as soon as loaded Building a timeline

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Loading Flow — list The whole screen with all the content should be loaded within 3 seconds maximum. For screens with lists, the first 10 items of the list need to be loaded almost immediatly (2sec). The then other items can be lazy loaded on scroll. Following Apple’s guidelines, we start by showing anything that is not dynamic: header bar, tabar, etc. in order to not have a blank screen. Tasks Manager 9 41 Settings History Tasks If the 1st content item takes more than 1sec to load, we display a loader Once the backend sent the information about how many tasks we have, we display the notification with the number. We also try to display quickly the static content like the heading title “owned by me” We display the first item as soon as they arrive on the screen. The items are displayed with a fade in animation from opacity 0 to opacity 1. Ideally we should display the items that will be at the top of the screen first to avoid having some content jump when the next items arrive. When user scrolls over the 10 items displayed, we lazy load the next items with the same philosophy: items are displayed with a fade in animation when they arrive on the screen The final loaded view: we load the 10 first items in the list. 0 sec 1 sec 2 sec Tasks Manager 9 41 Settings History Tasks Tasks Manager 9 41 Settings History Tasks 5 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 (3) Owned by me Pick Up No owner 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 Tasks Manager 9 41 Settings History Tasks 5 Owned by me 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 Tasks Manager 9 41 Settings History Tasks 5 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 (3) Owned by me Pick Up No owner 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 Firstname Lastname Owned by 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 Firstname Lastname Owned by 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 (2) Delegated to me 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 Tasks Manager 9 41 Settings History Tasks 5 Firstname Lastname Assigned to 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 (2) Delegated to me 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 Pick Up No owner 30.04.2020 17:44 Activated on Workflow type here LOREM IPSUM SUBJECT OF THE TASK GOES HERE (90618) - OPERATION 2019-1190 (3) Owned by me Tasks Manager 9 41 Settings History Tasks 5 Static documentation in the styleguide

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Prototyping UI animations with design tools

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Find inspiration to show and explain to the devs what you expect

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Design in tools, Decide in the browser!

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Defining an animation language as part of brand design system

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๏ Purpose (when and why animate) ๏ Types of animations (what to animate) ๏ Timing and speed ๏ Easing (custom curves) Documenting animation as Design Tokens

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Keep it Simple 1. Does it distract my users from accomplishing their tasks?

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Keep it Short 2. Does it annoy my user? Does it respond well? Is it too long?

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Keep it Meaningful 3. Does it provide useful information and adds value to the content or the interface ?

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Give user control 4. Can my user turn off/ pause animations? Even better: can they chose to turn them on?

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Test it! 5. Different timing, different devices, browsers, users!

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Going further

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Slide 92 text @WalterStephanie User Researcher & Product Designer Mobile expert. Pixel & CSS Lover