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Scala + Google Dataflow = Serverless Spark @pishen

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Google Dataflow? a Spark/Hadoop-like service with Serverless design on Google Cloud Platform

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Traditional Cluster EMR Spark EC2 Subnet setting? SSH setting? Firewall setting? Jobs How to see the dashboard? Memory setting? Routing table? What ports? Where is my key? How many GB do I have? Jumper? Tunneling?

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Google Dataflow Job GCE (Google's EC2)

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Google Dataflow Job GCE (Google's EC2) Subnet setting? SSH setting? Firewall setting? How to see the dashboard? Memory setting? Routing table? What ports? Where is my key? How many GB do I have? Jumper? Tunneling?

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Google Dataflow Job GCE (Google's EC2) Subnet setting? SSH setting? Firewall setting? How to see the dashboard? Memory setting? Routing table? What ports? Where is my key? How many GB do I have? Jumper? Tunneling?

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Google Dataflow

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def main() = { ... sc.textFile() .map() .reduce() ... } Traditional Submission EMR Spark assembly run! spark-submit

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def main() = { ... sc.textFile() .map() .reduce() ... sc.submit() } run! Google Dataflow API JSON DAG Job

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...)

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...)

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...)

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...)

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) actions

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() rdd.cache()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() rdd.cache()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() rdd.cache()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() rdd.cache()

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Traditional Planning source rdd val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() rdd.cache() r1

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) rdd.cache()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) rdd.cache()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) rdd.cache()

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Traditional Planning source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) rdd.cache()

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Google Dataflow source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) sc.submit()

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Google Dataflow source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) sc.submit()

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Google Dataflow source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) sc.submit()

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Google Dataflow source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) sc.submit()

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Google Dataflow source rdd r1 r2 val rdd = val r1 = rdd.count() val r2 = rdd.reduce(...) No actions at all! sc.submit() Doesn't need cache()

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Other Features ● Cloud Shuffle ● Streaming ● Built-in I/O Transforms

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Cloud Storage Datastore BigQuery Dataflow Pub/Sub Cloud Storage Datastore BigQuery Pub/Sub I/O Transforms

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Looks perfect, right?

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Dataflow The Ugly Part Apache Beam

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Dataflow Beam Java Beam Python Beam Go The Ugly Part 1st priority

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The Ugly Part Beam Java Beam Python Beam Go

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The Ugly Part sc.textFile("s3://bucket/*").flatMap(_.split("[^\\p{L}]+")) Spark p.apply("gs://bucket/*")) .apply("ExtractWords", FlatMapElements.into(TypeDescriptors.strings()) .via((String word) -> Arrays.asList(word.split("[^\\p{L}]+")))) Beam Java (p |'gs://bucket/*') | 'ExtractWords' >> beam.FlatMap(lambda x: re.findall(r'[A-Za-z\']+', x))) Beam Python lines := textio.Read(s, "gs://bucket/*") words := beam.ParDo(s, func(line string, emit func(string)) { for _, word := range wordRE.FindAllString(line, -1) { emit(word) } }, lines) Beam Go

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Dataflow Beam Java Beam Python Beam Go Scio

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sc.textFile("s3://bucket/*").flatMap(_.split("[^\\p{L}]+")) Spark sc.textFile("gs://bucket/*").flatMap(_.split("[^\\p{L}]+")) Scio

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sc.textFile("s3://bucket/*").flatMap(_.split("[^\\p{L}]+")) Spark sc.textFile("gs://bucket/*").flatMap(_.split("[^\\p{L}]+")) Scio SparkContext ScioContext RDD[String] SCollection[String]

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.collect .count .distinct .filter .flatMap .groupBy .keyBy .map .max .reduce .sortBy .take .zipWithIndex .count .distinct .filter .flatMap .groupBy .keyBy .map .max .reduce .take RDD SCollection actions

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RDD def count(): Long SCollection def count(): SCollection[Long] SCollection with single element

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.countByKey .groupByKey .join .mapValues .reduceByKey .rightOuterJoin .countByKey .groupByKey .intersectByKey .join .mapValues .maxByKey .reduceByKey .rightOuterJoin .sumByKey PairRDDFunctions PairSCollectionFunctions

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Spark val size: Long = rdd1.count val bSize: Broadcast[Long] = sc.broadcast(size) => x + bSize.value) val size: SCollection[Long] = scollection1.count val sSize: SideInput[Long] = size.asSingletonSideInput scollection2 .withSideInputs(sSize) .map { case (x, s) => x + s(sSize)) Scio

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The Power of Scala Macros @BigQueryType.fromQuery("SELECT user, ad FROM click_logs") class Row sc.typedBigQuery[Row]() .groupBy(row => row.user) .mapValues( =>

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The Power of Scala Macros @BigQueryType.fromQuery("SELECT user, ad FROM click_logs") class Row(user: String, ad: Long) sc.typedBigQuery[Row]() .groupBy(row => row.user) .mapValues( =>

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The Power of Scala Macros @BigQueryType.fromQuery("SELECT user, ab FROM click_logs") class Row sc.typedBigQuery[Row]() .groupBy(row => row.user) .mapValues( => row.ab).sorted.takeRight(100)) Compile error: Field 'ab' not found.

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5 steps to run a Scio job

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Step 0 1. Open a GCP project 3. Enable Dataflow API 2. Give your credit card to Google $300 free trial~!

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Step 1 brew cask install google-cloud-sdk Install Google Cloud SDK Setup gcloud gcloud init gcloud auth application-default login

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Step 2 libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.spotify" %% "scio-core" % "0.5.2", "org.apache.beam" % "beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java" % "2.4.0" )

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Step 3 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sc = ScioContext { val opts =[DataflowPipelineOptions]) opts.setRegion("asia-east1") opts.setProject("your-project-id") opts.setRunner(classOf[DataflowRunner]) opts } sc.textFile("gs://your-bucket/*.txt") .flatMap(_.split(" ")) .countByValue() .saveAsTextFile("gs://output-bucket/output-folder/") sc.close() }

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Step 4 sbt run

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Step 5 Check the Dataflow web console on GCP

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