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Honza Král @honzakral Explore your data with Elasticsearch

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Distributed Search Engine Open Source
 Based on Lucene 

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Document based JSON
 Dynamic Schema
 Some Relationships Nested Parent/Child

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{ "id": 7635, "accepted_answer_id": 7641, "answer_count": 9, "title": "Are you able to close your eyes and focus/think just on your code?", "body": "How do I ......?", "comment_count": 2, "comments": [{ "creation_date": "2010-09-27T19:31:27.200", "id": 9372, "owner": { "display_name": "sange", "id": 3092 }, "post_id": 7635, "text": "I sometimes close my eyes or stare at something ....." }, {......}], "favorite_count": 2, "last_activity_date": "2010-09-28T00:28:08.393", "owner": { "display_name": "flow", "id": 3761 }, "rating": 6, "tags": [ "focus", "concentration" ], "view_count": 368, "creation_date": "2010-09-27T19:16:57.757", "closed_date": "2011-11-13T12:12:05.937" } StackOverflow Question

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Full Text (unstructured) in or across fields phrase, fuzzy, ... scan api for data extraction relies on analysis

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Filtering (structured) exact matches, ranges, geo, ... fast cacheable as bitsets core filters are cached, not compound filters (bool/and/or)

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Under the Hood

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Bible concordance A simple form lists Biblical words alphabetically, with indications to enable the inquirer to find the passages of the Bible where the words occur. The first concordance, completed in 1230, was undertaken under the guidance of Hugo de Saint-Cher (Hugo de Sancto Charo), assisted by fellow Dominicans.

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Inverted Index

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Building an inverted index "Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design." django high level python web framework encourag rapid develop clean pragmat design fast

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Inverted index python file_1.txt file_2.txt file_3.txt web file_2.txt file_3.txt file_2.txt file_4.txt django file_3.txt flask jazz file_4.txt

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search(python AND django) python file_1.txt file_2.txt file_3.txt file_2.txt file_4.txt django file_3.txt flask jazz file_4.txt web file_2.txt file_3.txt

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Phrase search python file_1.txt (4) file_2.txt (1, 3) file_3.txt (11, 42) web file_2.txt (2) file_3.txt (10)

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search("python web") python file_1.txt (4) file_2.txt (1, 13) file_3.txt (11, 42) web file_2.txt (2) file_3.txt (10)

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Merging sorted lists.

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Flexible Easily distributable

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Metrics in Buckets Buckets split documents into groups can be nested Metrics calculated over documents in given bucket

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Buckets terms bucket per field value - "category" significant terms terms specific for this bucket - "uncommonly common" range per range - "age" geo_range/geohash_grid distance ranges (date_)histogram buckets per time interval - "daily" ...

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Metrics count/sum/avg/min/max/... (extended) stats including std deviation, sum of squares etc top_hits cardinality percentiles ...

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Mix and Match

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Example "aggs" : { "states" : { "terms" : { "field" : "state" }, "aggs" : { "age_groups" : { "histogram" : { "field" : "age", "interval" : 5 }, "aggs" : { "grades" : { "stats" : { "field" : "grade" } }, "gender" : { "terms" : { "field" : "male", "script" : "_value == 'T' ? 'M' : 'F'" }, "aggs" : { "grades" : { "stats" : { "field" : "grade" } } }... Analyze the grades per state Analyze per age_group Stats per state & age_group Stats per state, age_group & gender

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Example - Python DSL from elasticsearch_dsl import Search s = Search() s.aggs.bucket('states', 'terms', field='state') \ .bucket('age_groups', 'histogram', field='age', interval=5) \ .metric('grades', 'stats', field='grade') s.aggs['states']['age_groups'] \ .bucket('gender', 'terms', field='gender') \ .metric('grades', 'stats', field='grade') Analyze the grades per state Analyze per age_group Stats per state & age_group Stats per state, age_group & gender

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in near real-time Calculated in one pass

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Putting it all together Examples

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Faceted Navigation

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No content

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Faceted Search - Python from elasticsearch_dsl import * class LibrarySearch(FacetedSearch): doc_types = [Book, Magazine] index = 'library' fields = ['tags', 'title', 'description', 'author.*'] facets = { 'tags': TermsFacet(field='tags'), 'years': DateHistogramFacet( field='published_date', interval='year' ) }

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(more @ 16:45) Log Analysis

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Kibana (+logstash data)

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Example: recommendations Artist A user A artist likes Artist B Artist C user B artist likes Artist D Users represented as documents Artists represented as terms

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Simple recommendation s = Search() # get users that like the same artists s = s.query('terms', artists=user_likes) # get the most popular I don't know yet s.aggs.bucket('popular', 'terms', field='artists', exclude=user_likes) Popular != Relevant

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Better recommendation s = Search() # get users that like the same artists s = s.query('terms', artists=user_likes) # get the artists that are specific s.aggs.bucket('significant', 'significant_terms', field='artists', exclude=user_likes) Use the relevancy!

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Significant terms Use the term stats Compare to background Also as nested aggregation

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Super-connected nodes in graphs We just figured out the way to surf only the meaningful connections in a graph! Concept A Concept B Concept C useful useless

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Percolator Reversed search "Which queries match this document?" Classification Language detection Location Alerts Stored search Live search

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Suggesters terms, phrase "Did you mean?" context aware completion as-you-type FAST! custom score

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Distributed model Cluster Collection of Nodes Index Collection of Shards Shard Unit of scale Distributed across cluster Primary and replica node 1 orders products 2 1 4 1 node 2 orders products 2 2 node 3 orders 3 4 1 3 products

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Honza Král @honzakral Thanks!