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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 1 @jmortegac Testing Python Security José Manuel Ortega @jmortegac

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 2 @jmortegac ● Develop Python scripts for automating security and pentesting tasks ● Discover the Python standard library's main modules used for performing security-related tasks ● Automate analytical tasks and the extraction of information from servers ● Explore processes for detecting and exploiting vulnerabilities in servers ● Use network software for Python programming ● Perform server scripting and port scanning with Python ● Identify vulnerabilities in web applications with Python ● Use Python to extract metadata and forensics

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 3 @jmortegac

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 4 @jmortegac 1. Secure coding 2. Dangerous functions 3. Common attack vectors 4. Static analisys tools 5. Other security issues

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 5 @jmortegac Secure coding 1. Analysis of architectures involved 2. Review of implementation details 3. Verification of code logic and syntax 4. Operational testing (unit testing, white-box) 5. Functional testing (black-box)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 6 @jmortegac Unsafe python components

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 7 @jmortegac Dangerous Python Functions

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 8 @jmortegac Security issues Here’s a list of handful of other potential issues to watch for: ● Dangerous python functions like eval() ● Serialization and deserialization objects with pickle ● SQL and JavaScript snippets ● API keys included in source code ● HTTP calls to internal or external web services

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 9 @jmortegac Improper input/output validation

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 10 @jmortegac eval() eval(expression[, globals[, locals]])

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 11 @jmortegac eval() No globals

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 12 @jmortegac eval() eval("__import__('os').system('clear') ", {}) eval("__import__('os').system('rm -rf')", {})

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 13 @jmortegac eval() Refuse access to the builtins

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 14 @jmortegac eval()

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 15 @jmortegac Serialization and Deserialization with Pickle WARNING: pickle or cPickle are NOT designed as safe/secure solution for serialization

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 16 @jmortegac Serialization and Deserialization with Pickle

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 17 @jmortegac Serialization and Deserialization with Pickle

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 18 @jmortegac Serialization and Deserialization with Pickle

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 19 @jmortegac Serialization and Deserialization with Pickle

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 20 @jmortegac Security issues Overflow errors ● The buffer overflow ● The integer or arithmetic overflow >> print xrange(2**63) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long >>> print range(2**63) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in OverflowError: range() result has too many items

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 21 @jmortegac Input injection attacks

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 22 @jmortegac Command Injection @app.route('/menu',methods =['POST']) def menu(): param = request.form [ ' suggestion '] command = ' echo ' + param + ' >> ' + ' menu.txt ',shell = True) with open('menu.txt','r') as f: menu = return render_template('command_injection.html', menu = menu)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 23 @jmortegac Command Injection @app.route('/menu',methods =['POST']) def menu(): param = request.form [ ' suggestion '] command = ' echo ' + param + ' >> ' + ' menu.txt ',shell = False) with open('menu.txt','r') as f: menu = return render_template('command_injection.html', menu = menu)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 24 @jmortegac Command Injection

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 25 @jmortegac shlex module

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 26 @jmortegac PyExecCmd

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 27 @jmortegac Common attack vectors on web applications OWASP TOP 10: A1 Injection A2 Broken Authentication and Session Management A3 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) A4 Insecure Direct Object References A5 Security Misconfiguration A6 Sensitive Data Exposure A7 Missing Function Level Access Control A8 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) A9 Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities A10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 28 @jmortegac SQL Injection @app.route('/filtering') def filtering(): param = request.args.get('param', 'not set') Session = sessionmaker(bind = db.engine) session = Session() result = session.query(User).filter(" username ={} ".format(param)) for value in result: print(value.username , return ' Result is displayed in console.'

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 29 @jmortegac Prevent SQL injection attacks Prevent SQL injection attacks ● NEVER concatenate untrusted inputs in SQL code. ● Concatenate constant fragments of SQL (literals) with parameter placeholders. ● cur.execute("SELECT * FROM students WHERE name= '%s';" % name) ● c.execute("SELECT * from students WHERE name=(?)" , name)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 30 @jmortegac Prevent SQL injection attacks

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 31 @jmortegac XSS from flask import Flask , request , make_response app = Flask(__name__) @app.route ('/XSS_param',methods =['GET ]) def XSS(): param = request.args.get('param','not set') html = open('templates/XSS_param.html ').read() resp = make_response(html.replace('{{ param}}',param)) return resp if __name__ == ' __main__ ': = True)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 32 @jmortegac XSS Server Side Template Injection (SSTI)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 33 @jmortegac XSS

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 34 @jmortegac XSS

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 35 @jmortegac Automated security testing Automatic Scanning tools: ● SQLMap: Sql injection ● XSScrapy: Sql injection and XSS Source Code Analysis tools: ● Bandit: Open Source and can be easily integrated with Jenkins CI/CD

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 36 @jmortegac XSScrapy

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 37 @jmortegac SQLMap

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 38 @jmortegac SQLMap

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 39 @jmortegac Bandit

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 40 @jmortegac Bandit

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 41 @jmortegac Bandit Test plugins

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 42 @jmortegac Bandit Test plugins

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 43 @jmortegac Bandit Test plugins

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 44 @jmortegac Bandit Test plugins

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 45 @jmortegac Bandit Test plugins

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 46 @jmortegac Bandit Test plugins

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 47 @jmortegac Bandit Test plugins SELECT %s FROM derp;” % var “SELECT thing FROM ” + tab “SELECT ” + val + ” FROM ” + tab + … “SELECT {} FROM derp;”.format(var)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 48 @jmortegac Syntribos Buffer Overflow Command Injection CORS Wildcard Integer Overflow LDAP Injection SQL Injection String Validation XML External Entity Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Regex Denial of Service (ReDoS)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 49 @jmortegac Other security issues CPython vulnerabilities

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 50 @jmortegac Other security issues Insecure packages – acqusition (uploaded 2017-06-03 01:58:01, impersonates acquisition) – apidev-coop (uploaded 2017-06-03 05:16:08, impersonates apidev-coop_cms) – bzip (uploaded 2017-06-04 07:08:05, impersonates bz2file) – crypt (uploaded 2017-06-03 08:03:14, impersonates crypto) – django-server (uploaded 2017-06-02 08:22:23, impersonates django-server-guardian-api) – pwd (uploaded 2017-06-02 13:12:33, impersonates pwdhash) – setup-tools (uploaded 2017-06-02 08:54:44, impersonates setuptools) – telnet (uploaded 2017-06-02 15:35:05, impersonates telnetsrvlib) – urlib3 (uploaded 2017-06-02 07:09:29, impersonates urllib3) – urllib (uploaded 2017-06-02 07:03:37, impersonates urllib3)

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 51 @jmortegac Other security issues

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 52 @jmortegac Interesting links

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 53 @jmortegac Interesting links s.html g-libraries.html

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Testing python security PyconIE 2018 54 @jmortegac Q&A Q & A