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Gareth Rushgrove Attacking CVE data with automation

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sdsd @garethr

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- An introduction to CVEs - Sources of CVE data - Existing tools - Automation example

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Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

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CVE is a list of information security vulnerabilities and exposures that aims to provide common names for publicly known cyber security issues. The goal of CVE is to make it easier to share data across separate vulnerability capabilities (tools, repositories, and services) with this "common enumeration."

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- CVE-2014-6271 - CVSS v2 Base Score: 10.0 HIGH - Access Vector: Network exploitable Access Complexity: Low Authentication: Not required to exploit Impact Type: Allows unauthorized disclosure of information; Allows unauthorized modification; Allows disruption of service

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Sources of CVE data

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And lots more...

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Many operating system vendors publish CVE data for system packages

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Naming things And other common problems

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I posit that CVE Information is really only useful if you can tie it to a software product and version

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CPE is a structured naming scheme for information technology systems, software, and packages. Based upon the generic syntax for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI), CPE includes a formal name format, a method for checking names against a system, and a description format for binding text and tests to a name.

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How do you link installed software to a CPE?

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How do you link installed software to a CPE? Manually

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Software packaging and distribution vs upstream versioning

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Systemd v220 vs 215-17+deb8u7

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The CVE dataset is centered around CVEs, not around software

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sdsd Normalising data sets and

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Programmatically retrieving a list of CVEs for a given software product is unfortunately non-trivial

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High-level tools Applications you can use today

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Lots of high-level tools exist to try and help with answering the question “am I vulnerable?”

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sdsd Local CVE database

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sdsd Windows developer tools

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sdsd Java packages

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sdsd Application dependencies

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sdsd Containers

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sdsd System scanner

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And lots more...

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However, very few security tools adhere to the unix philosophy

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- Write programs that do one thing - Write programs to work together - Write programs to handle text streams

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Automation example The live demo part

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I have a list of installed software packages and their versions

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I can get package and version information from puppet $ puppet resource package

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$ puppet resource package --param provider package: acl: ensure : '2.2.52-2' provider: 'apt' adduser: ensure : '3.113+nmu3' provider: 'apt' apt: ensure : '' provider: 'apt'

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I can get package and version information about containers with $ lumogon scan

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$ lumogon scan {"$schema":" t-01/schema#1","generated":"2017-08-07 11:35:16.6517922 +0000 UTC","owner":"default","group":["default"],"cli ent_version":{"BuildVersion":"development","Bui ldTime":"2017-05-11 08:24:20 UTC","BuildSHA":"a7f2943697f83ba74514a0169890ec f8ad1cfacb"},"reportid":"c6a8731e-9681-4758-915 1-9c2699769418","containers":{"8c8024760f3e4692 e93c6f4f76dc56eaab879e56ace06f876afeccc5c615ac2 8":{"$schema":" nerreport/draft-01/schema#1","generated":"2017- 08-07 11:35:16.1308581 +0000 UTC","container_report_id":"2e65f6e7-371d-4bae-

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I’d like to know if any of those packages have known CVEs

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Query our package list for known CVEs $ lumogon scan | findcve lumogon

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Live Demo Klaxon

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Summary If all you remember is...

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- A central list of vulnerabilities is useful - Naming things is hard - CPE vs package managers vs GitHub - Still possible to build useful things - Requires work to normalize datasets

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Questions? And thanks for listening