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Don’t Use WordPress Multisite! The best solution is using the right tool (by Mika “Ipstenu” Epstein | )

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DreamHost WordPress Support Manager and Community Specialist (aka ‘Guru’) Mika “Ipstenu” Epstein Half-Elf, Half-Unicorn •  Support Rep •  Plugin Reviewer •  Core Contributor •  Beta Tester •  Trainer WordPress.Org ….

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MULTISITE IS GREAT … EXCEPT WHEN IT’S NOT Just Because I Can … isn’t a great business model

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Multisite is a Good Sharer —  One install of core code —  Common user base —  Shared plugins —  Shared (controlled) themes

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Multisite is a Bad Secret Keeper —  Logged in users are logged in for all sites —  User profiles are the same for all sites —  Changes to theme files are changed for all sites

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It Can’t Do Everything Easily —  It’s not easy to share content or menus —  SubFolder sites have / blog/ in their URL —  Restricting plugins is complicated —  Creating special user roles is hard —  Moving it (or just one site off it) is tricksy

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DO YOU REALLY REALLY NEED MULTISITE? Plan before you build, know your limitations

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Look Before you Leap —  Who is the site for? —  How do they currently use WordPress? —  Will you always want them on the network?

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Plan For The Future —  Mapped domains —  Custom email —  SFTP/Shell access

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Consider Your Themes & Plugins! —  Plugins are not evil —  Good themes are totally awesome —  Put your own ‘functions’ in mu- plugins

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FIFTEEN REASONS YOUR SITE SHOULDN’T BE ON MULTISITE Unless you’re absolutely, totally, 100% sure…

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Categorizing Posts “I have a site I want to organize by categories.”

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The Same The Same The Same “All my sites should look 100% the same.”

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Non- Admins “My site admins won’t change things.”

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Sections “I need a special section for videos.”

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Dissimilar Sections “Each section has to be different.”

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User Privacy “Users on one site cannot know about the other sites.”

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Different Profiles Per Site “Each user should have a different profile per site.”

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Small Sites “It’s just one small site...”

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Rookie Client “It’s for my client, but they’re new at WordPress.”

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iframes and javascript “My admins need to insert iframes and js in posts and widgets.”

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Installing Plugins & Themes “My admins need to install their own plugins and themes.”

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BuddyPress “Each site on the network needs its own BuddyPress instance.”

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Dev Work “I want to build it on Multisite and move it as soon as it’s done.”

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Stores “Every site should share the same store database.”

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Shared Content “I need the same post on every site on my network.”

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The End! You can find me at Grumpy cat images credited to