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ӳޠϓϩισΟͱޠኮ஌ࣝͷਂ͞ͱ ͷ౷߹ΛਤΔࢦಋ࣮ફ үా وಓʢཾ୩େֶʣ َా ਸ࡞ʢಉࢤࣾେֶʣ େ࿨ ஌࢙ʢؔ੢େֶʣ 1 શࠃӳޠڭҭֶձୈ̐̕ճ෱Ԭݚڀେձ 25/08/2024 B36ߨٛࣨɹᶉ10:20-10:50 ΩʔϫʔυɿӳޠϓϩισΟɼޠኮ஌ࣝɼ౷߹

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ँࣙ 2 •ຊݚڀ͸JSPSՊݚඅ JP22K00761ͷॿ੒Λड͚ͨ΋ͷͰ͢ɻ ϋϯυΞ΢τˍεϥΠυ •ຊൃදͷεϥΠυɾิ଍ࢿྉ౳͸ӈԼͷQRίʔυ ʢ͋Δ͍͸ҎԼͷURLʣΑΓμ΢ϯϩʔυͰ͖·͢ɻ ɹ

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ຊൃදͷ໨తͱྲྀΕ 3 •໨త ຊൃදͰ͸ɺେֶੜΛର৅ͱ͠ɺޠኮ߲໨ͷಋೖͱͯ۟͠Λ୯Ґͱ͢Δ͜ͱ ΍ɺϦζϜΛҙࣝͨ͠ԻಡɺϦςϦϯά౳ͷ׆ಈΛ௨ͯ͠ɺӳޠϓϩισΟ ͱޠኮ஌ࣝͷਂ͞ͱͷ౷߹ΛਤΔ͜ͱͰɺࢦಋ߲໨ͷఆணΛ໨ࢦͨ͠तۀʹ ͍ͭͯͷ࣮ફใࠂΛߦ͏ɻ •ຊൃදͷྲྀΕ 1. ͸͡Ίʹ 2. ઌߦݚڀ 2.1.ޠኮࢦಋ 2.2.ൃԻࢦಋͱޠኮࢦಋͷ౷߹ 2.3.ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν 3. ࣮ફใࠂ 3.1.ࢦಋ಺༰ɾखॱ 3.2.ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ

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ຊൃදͷ֓ཁ 4 1. ͸͡Ίʹ 2. ઌߦݚڀ 2.1.ޠኮࢦಋ 2.2.ൃԻࢦಋͱޠኮࢦಋͷ౷߹ 2.3.ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν 3. ࣮ફใࠂ 3.1.ࢦಋ಺༰ɾखॱ 3.2.ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ

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1. ͸͡Ίʹ

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1. ͸͡Ίʹ • ֎ࠃޠͷίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ: • ޠኮͷ஌ࣝɺจ๏ͷ஌ࣝɺൃԻͳͲ༷ʑͳ஌ࣝɾٕೳͷ౷ ߹ • ޠኮࢦಋ • ݸʑͷ୯ޠͷܗࣜʢ௲Γ΍ൃԻʣͱҙຯΛֶशऀʹଟֶ͘ शͤ͞Δʮ޿͞ʯͷΞϓϩʔν • ୯ޠͱ୯ޠͷͭͳ͕ΓɺίϩέʔγϣϯɺϨδελʔͳ Ͳɺޠኮͷ༷ʑͳଆ໘ʢNation, 2013ʣʹ͍ͭͯ΋ֶशͤ͞ Δʮਂ͞ʯͷΞϓϩʔν • ӳޠϓϩισΟͱޠኮ஌ࣝͷਂ͞ͱͷ౷߹Λਤ࣮ͬͨફͷใࠂ 6

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ຊൃදͷ֓ཁ 7 1. ͸͡Ίʹ 2. ઌߦݚڀ 2.1.ޠኮࢦಋ 2.2.ൃԻࢦಋͱޠኮࢦಋͷ౷߹ 2.3.ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν 3. ࣮ફใࠂ 3.1.ࢦಋ಺༰ɾखॱ 3.2.ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ

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2. ઌߦݚڀ

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2.1 ޠኮࢦಋ • ޠኮࢦಋɾֶशݚڀ • ޠኮ஌ࣝɺ޿͚ͩ͞Ͱͳ͘ਂ͞ (Hatch & Brown, 1995; Nation, 2001, 2013; Schmitt, 2010ʣ • 4ٕೳͷ׆ಈͱؔ࿈͚ͮΔ͜ͱͰɺطशޠ΍۟ͷߋͳΔֶशͷଅ ਐɺਂ͞Λ (Schmitt & Schmitt, 2020) • introducing word combinations (phrasal verbs, collocations, idioms) is necessary (Kasahara, 2011; Lewis, 2002) • contextual learning/repetition in different contexts (Schmitt & Schmitt, 2020; Toomer et al., 2024; Suzuki et al., 2022) • Pronunciation, perhaps receiving the least attention in vocabulary research, is also one of the important aspects of speaking proficiency (Uchihara, 2021, p.122). 9 2. ઌߦݚڀ

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2.2 ൃԻࢦಋͱޠኮࢦಋͷ౷߹ •ൃԻࢦಋΛଞٕೳͷࢦಋʹ౷߹తʹ૊ΈࠐΉ •Celce-Murcia et al. (2010) •“teachers must balance the needs of their students within a somewhat fixed curriculum. If this is the case, pronunciation is not always explicitly included even in a speaking course, and teachers need to find ways to integrate pronunciation into existing curriculum and textbook materials (p.281).” •Sicola & Darcy (2015) •“Making pronunciation targets an inherent part of every lesson could represent an effective solution to carryover and automaticity issues (p.427).” ➡ Communicative framework for teaching pronunciation (Celce- Muricia et al., 2010) 10 2. ઌߦݚڀ

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2.2 ൃԻࢦಋͱޠኮࢦಋͷ౷߹ •ൃԻࢦಋΛޠኮࢦಋͱ౷߹͢Δͱ… •ޠڧ੎΍ίϩέʔγϣϯͳͲͷଟ૚తޠኮ஌ࣝΛֶͿ •“learners tend to ignore stress patterns when they learn vocabulary. … After all, if learners have failed to learn the stress pattern for a new word, they may also fail to recognize that word when it occurs in spoken form (Gilbert, 2008, p.6)” •Collocation, co-text, words combinations (Lewis, 2002; Webb & Nation, 2017; Schmitt & Schmitt, 2020) 11 2. ઌߦݚڀ

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3. ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν •͜ͷΞϓϩʔν͸… •ϓϩισΟͷϛχϚϜΤοηϯγϟϧζͱͯ͠ɺԻઅʢݪଇ1ʣɺ ڧ੎ͱϦζϜʢݪଇ2ʣɺΠϯτωʔγϣϯͷ͏ͪ֩഑ஔʢݪଇ3ʣ ΛऔΓ্͛ɺ •ڭࢣͱֶशऀ͕ࢦಋɾֶश্ͷࢦ਑ͱͯ͠༻͍Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ΋ͷ 12 ϓϩισΟࢦಋʹ͓͚Δ3ͭͷݪଇʢେ࿨&үా, 2023ʣ • ݪଇ1ɹ͍͋͏͓͑ʢ฼Իʣͷ͋Δͱ͜ΖͰഥΛࠁΉ • ݪଇ2ɹഥ͕2ͭҎ্ฒͿͱɺڧऑΛ͚ͭΔ • ݪଇ3ɹڧ͍ഥ͕2ͭҎ্͋ΔͱɺͲ͔͜ͻͱͭΛҰ൪໨ཱͨͤΔ 2. ઌߦݚڀ •ൃԻࢦಋͱޠኮࢦಋͷ౷߹ͷͨΊʹ

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3. ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν •ݪଇ1͸… -Իઅߏ଄ΛΧόʔ ‣ϋϛϯάͰഥɾԻઅΛΧ΢ϯτ ‣ෆཁͳ฼ԻૠೖΛ๷͙ 13 ϓϩισΟࢦಋʹ͓͚Δ3ͭͷݪଇʢେ࿨&үా, 2023ʣ • ݪଇ1ɹ͍͋͏͓͑ʢ฼Իʣͷ͋Δͱ͜ΖͰഥΛࠁΉ strike ɹɹ ετϥΠΫ /straɪk/ su to ra i ku 2. ઌߦݚڀ

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3. ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν •ݪଇ2͸… •ޠڧ੎ɾ۟ڧ੎ΛΧόʔ •ऑ฼ԻΛࣔ͢ 14 bananaɹɹ ό φ φ /bənænə/ ba na na 2. ઌߦݚڀ ϓϩισΟࢦಋʹ͓͚Δ3ͭͷݪଇʢେ࿨&үా, 2023ʣ • ݪଇ2ɹഥ͕2ͭҎ্ฒͿͱɺڧऑΛ͚ͭΔ

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3. ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν •ߋʹɺݪଇ2͸… • ಺༰ޠɾػೳޠͷΞΫηϯτߏ଄ΛΧόʔ͢Δ •͔ͦ͜ΒϦζϜߏ଄ʢӳޠͷ౳࣌ੑʣΛࣔ͢ 15 ϓϩισΟࢦಋʹ͓͚Δ3ͭͷݪଇʢେ࿨&үా, 2023ʣ • ݪଇ2ɹഥ͕2ͭҎ্ฒͿͱɺڧऑΛ͚ͭΔ Cats eat ɹ fish. The cats eat ɹ the fish. The cats are eating the fish. The cats will have eaten the fish. 2. ઌߦݚڀ

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3. ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν •ݪଇ3͸… •ޠͰ͋Ε͹ୈҰڧ੎ΛɺจͰ͋Ε͹֩഑ஔΛࣔ͢ •֩഑ஔ͕มΘΔͷ͸࿩ऀͷҙਤ΍৘ใߏ଄͕มΘΔ͜ͱ 16 ϓϩισΟࢦಋʹ͓͚Δ3ͭͷݪଇʢେ࿨&үా, 2023ʣ • ݪଇ3ɹڧ͍ഥ͕2ͭҎ্͋ΔͱɺͲ͔͜ͻͱͭΛҰ൪໨ཱͨͤΔ universityɹI go to school by bus. A: Where do you go by bus? B: I go to school by bus. 2. ઌߦݚڀ

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3. ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν •ίϛϡχΧςΟϒͳൃԻࢦಋͷ࿮૊Έ (Celce-Murcia et al, 2020) 17 1 Description and Analysis oral and written illustrations of how the feature is produced and when it occurs within spoken discourse 2 Listening Discrimination focused listening practice with feedback on learners' ability to correctly discriminate the feature 3 Controlled Practice oral reading of minimal-pair sentences, short dialogues, etc., with special attention paid to the highlighted feature in order to raise learner consciousness 4 Guided Practice structured communication exercises, such as information-gap activities or cued dialogues, that enable the learner to monitor for the specified feature 5 Communicative Practice less structured, fluency-building activities (e.g., role play, problem solving) that require the learner to attend to both form and content of the utterances 2. ઌߦݚڀ

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ຊൃදͷ֓ཁ 18 1. ͸͡Ίʹ 2. ઌߦݚڀ 2.1.ޠኮࢦಋ 2.2.ൃԻࢦಋͱޠኮࢦಋͷ౷߹ 2.3.ϓϩισΟࢦಋͷΞϓϩʔν 3. ࣮ફใࠂ 3.1.ࢦಋ಺༰ɾखॱ 3.2.ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ

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3. ࣮ફใࠂ

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3.1 ࢦಋ಺༰ɾखॱ •͜Ε·ͰͷઌߦݚڀΛ౿·͑ͯࢦಋ࣮ફΛߦ͏ •ର৅ɿ ୈҰൃදऀͷۈ຿ߍͰ͋Δେֶ1೥ੜͷ ඞमͷӳޠतۀ •໨తɿޠኮ߲໨ͷಋೖͱͯ۟͠Λ୯Ґͱ͢Δ͜ ͱ΍ɺϦζϜΛҙࣝͨ͠ԻಡɺϦςϦϯά౳ͷ ׆ಈΛ௨ͯ͠ɺӳޠϓϩισΟͱޠኮ஌ࣝͷਂ ͞ͱͷ౷߹ΛਤΔ͜ͱʹΑΔɺࢦಋ߲໨ͷఆண 20 3.࣮ફใࠂ

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3.1 ࢦಋ಺༰ɾखॱ •ڭࡐɿ ҰఆྔͷӳจύοηʔδʢΞϧΫग़൛ฤू ෦, 2008ʣΛ׆༻ͨࣗ͠ओڭࡐΛ࡞੒ •खॱɿ2िͰ1Ϣχοτ Week 3-4ɿϓϩισΟࢦಋ͋Γ Week 5-6ɿϓϩισΟࢦಋ͋Γ Week 7-8ɿϓϩισΟࢦಋͳ͠ Week 9-10ɿϓϩισΟࢦಋͳ͠ Week 11-12ɿϓϩισΟࢦಋ͋Γ 21 3.࣮ફใࠂ հೖظ

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3.2 ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ •खॱʢ͖ͭͮʣ •ୈ1ि໨ʢWeek 3, 5, 11ʣ: •จষͷ಺༰ཧղʢۭॴ༧૝ͳ Ͳʣ •ཁ఺ͷදݱΛ୳͢ʢ೔ຊޠʹର Ԡ͢ΔӳޠදݱΛ୳͢ʣ •ޠኮɾจ๏౳ͷղઆɺԻಡ࿅श ʢ೔ຊޠΛݟͯӳޠΛݴ͑ΔΑ ͏ʹ֮͑Δʣ •ϖΞͰ࿅शʢҰਓ͕೔ຊޠΛݴ ͍΋͏Ұਓ͕ӳޠΛ౴͑Δʣ 22 3.࣮ફใࠂ

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3.2 ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ 23 3.࣮ફใࠂ

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3.2 ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ •खॱʢ͖ͭͮʣ •ୈ1ि໨ʢWeek 3, 5, 11ʣ: •จষͷ಺༰ཧղʢۭॴ༧૝ͳ Ͳʣ •ཁ఺ͷදݱΛ୳͢ʢ೔ຊޠʹର Ԡ͢ΔӳޠදݱΛ୳͢ʣ •ޠኮɾจ๏౳ͷղઆɺԻಡ࿅श ʢ೔ຊޠΛݟͯӳޠΛݴ͑ΔΑ ͏ʹ֮͑Δʣ •ϖΞͰ࿅शʢҰਓ͕೔ຊޠΛݴ ͍΋͏Ұਓ͕ӳޠΛ౴͑Δʣ 24 3.࣮ફใࠂ

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3.2 ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ 25 3.࣮ફใࠂ

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3.2 ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ •खॱʢ͖ͭͮʣ •ୈ2ि໨ʢWeek 4, 6, 12ʣ: •ୈ1ि໨Ͱಋೖ͞Εͨදݱ Λࢥ͍ग़͢ʢ೔ຊޠΛݟͯ ӳޠΛॻ͘ʣ •Իಡ࿅शɺձ࿩Λ࡞Δʢจ ষͷ಺༰Λୈࡾऀʹ఻͑Δ ձ࿩ͷςϯϓϨʔτΛ༻͍ ͯɺۭཝʹೖΔ৘ใͱӳޠ ͷදݱΛߟ͑Δɻͦͷޙϖ ΞͰձ࿩×3ճʣ 26 3.࣮ફใࠂ

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3.2 ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ 27 3.࣮ફใࠂ

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3.2 ఆண౓߹͍ͷ֬ೝ •հೖظʢϓϩισΟࢦಋ͋Γʣͷํ͕ਖ਼౴ޠ਺ฏۉ΍ׂ߹͕ߴ͍ɻ •ϓϩισΟࢦಋ͕͋Δ͜ͱͰΰʔϧ͕໌֬ʹͳΓɺͦΕʹ޲͔ͬͯߦಈΛௐ ੔͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δɺͳ͓͔ͭ࿅शྔ͕૿͑Δ •ඇհೖظʹ͸֮͑Δํ๏͕͸͖ͬΓͤͣ࿅श͕͓΅͔ͭͳ͍ 28 3.࣮ફใࠂ ϓϩισΟࢦಋ͋Γ ϓϩισΟࢦಋ͋Γ ϓϩισΟࢦಋͳ͠

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29 ӳޠϓϩισΟͱޠኮ஌ࣝͷਂ͞ͱͷ౷߹ΛਤΔࢦಋ࣮ફ үా وಓʢཾ୩େֶʣɾَా ਸ࡞ʢಉࢤࣾେֶʣɾେ࿨ ஌࢙ʢؔ੢େֶʣ ຊεϥΠυɾิ଍ࢿྉ౳͸ӈͷQRίʔυΑΓμ΢ϯϩʔυ •ൃԻࢦಋʢಛʹϓϩισΟࢦಋʣΛޠኮࢦಋͱ౷߹ͤ͞ΔͨΊʹඞཁͳ͜ ͱΛݕ౼ •ଟ૚తޠኮ஌ࣝΛʢޠኮͷʮ޿͞ʯ͚ͩͰͳ͘ʮਂ͞ʯΛʣ •ϓϩισΟͷࢦಋΛίϛϡχΧςΟϒʹ •େֶ1೥ੜΛର৅ͱ࣮ͨ͠ફྫͷ঺հ •ޠኮ߲໨ͷಋೖͱͯ۟͠Λ୯Ґʹ͢ΔɺϦζϜΛҙࣝͨ͠ԻಡɺϦςϦϯ ά౳ͷ׆ಈΛ௨ͯ͠ɺӳޠϓϩισΟͱޠኮ஌ࣝͷਂ͞ͱͷ౷߹ΛਤΔ •ϓϩισΟࢦಋ͕ϑϨʔζهԱʹΑ͍ϖʔεϝʔΧʔʹͳΓɺ࿅शྔ΋ඞ વతʹ૿͑Δ ຊൃදͷ·ͱΊ

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31 Ҿ༻จݙɾࢀߟจݙ • ΞϧΫग़൛ฤू෦ʢฤʣʢ2008ʣʰڀۃͷӳޠϦεχϯά vol. 3ʱ ΞϧΫ • Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M., & Goodwin, J. M. (2005). Teaching pronunciation: A course book and reference guide (2nd Ed.). Cambridge University Press. • Gilbert, J. B. (2008). Teaching pronunciation: Using the prosody pyramid. NY: Cambridge University Press. • Grant, L. (Ed.). (2014). Pronunciation myths: Applying second language research to classroom teaching. Ann Arbor, MH: University of Michigan Press. • Hatch, E., & Brown, C. (1995). Vocabulary, semantics, and language education. Cambridge University Press. • Kasahara, K. (2011). The effect of known-and-unknown word combinations on intentional vocabulary learning. System, 39, 491-499. • Jones, T. (Ed.). (2016). Pronunciation in the classroom: The overlooked essential. TESOL Press. • Lewis, M. (2002). The lexical approach: The state of ELT and a way forward. Thomson-Heinle. • Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge University Press.

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32 Ҿ༻จݙɾࢀߟจݙ • Nation, I. S. P. (2013). Learning vocabulary in another language (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. • Schmitt, N. (2010). Researching vocabulary: A vocabulary research manual. Palgrave Macmillan. • Schmitt, N & Schmitt, D (2020). Vocabulary in language teaching (2nd ed). Cambridge University Press. • Suzuki, Y., Eguchi, M., & De Jong, N. (2022). Does the reuse of constructions promote fluency development in task repetition? A usage-based perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 56(4), 1290-1319. • Toomer, M., Elgort, I., & Coxhead, A. (2024). Contextual learning of L2 lexical and grammatical collocations with and without typographic enhancement. System, 121, • Thomson, I., & Derwing, T. M. (2014). Effectiveness of L2 pronunciation instruction: A narrative review. Applied Linguistics, 36(3), 326-344. • Uchihara, T. (2021). Vocabulary and speaking – current research, tools, and practices. In J. Clenton & P. Booth (Eds.), Vocabulary and the four skills: Pedagogy, practice, and implications for teaching vocabulary (pp. 121– 125). New York, NY: Routledge. • Webb, S. & Nation, P. (2017). How vocabulary is learned. Oxford University Press. • େ࿨஌࢙ɾүాوಓ (2023) ʰϓϩισΟΛॏࢹͨ͠ӳޠԻ੠ࢦಋೖ໳ɿࢦಋͷ࿮ ૊ͱڭՊॻͷ׆༻๏ʱ ᕡਫࣾ