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Autoscale Applications based on external events with KEDA Nilesh Gule @nileshgule

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$whoami { “name” : “Nilesh Gule”, “website” : “", “github” : “" “twitter” : “@nileshgule”, “linkedin” : “”, “YouTube” : “” “likes” : “Technical Evangelism, Cricket”, “co-organizer” : “Azure Singapore UG” }

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@nileshgule KEDA Kubernets based Event Driven Autoscaling Scaling in Kubernetes KEDA Overview TechTalks demo with RabbitMQ Autoscaling with KEDA KEDA Architecture Agenda

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Pre-requisites • Self contained application with all its dependencies Docker • Orchestrates containers • Self healing • Service discovery • Scaling Kubernetes • Dockerhub / private container registry • Repository for storing container images Container Registry • Managed Kubernetes service on Azure • Native integration with other Azure services like Azure Active Directory (AAD), Azure Container registry (ACR), Azure Container Instances (ACI), Azure Monitor etc. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

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Kubernetes scaling options Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Vertical Pod Autoscaler Cluster Autoscaler Manual

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TechTalks Application Architecture TechTalks Consumer TechTalks Producer TechTalks Frontend (UI) Message Broker Polyglot Programming

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Dapr overview

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Techtalks-producer Azure-Singapore-cluster demo-azure-singapore-rg ngacrregistry acrResourceGroup Techtalks-consumer TechTalks with Dapr - AKS

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@nileshgule Demo KEDA in action

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KEDA Architecture

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ScaledObject apiVersion: kind: ScaledObject metadata: name: rabbitmq-consumer namespace: default labels: deploymentName: rabbitmq-consumer-deployment spec: scaleTargetRef: deploymentName: rabbitmq-consumer pollingInterval: 5 # Optional. Default: 30 seconds cooldownPeriod: 30 # Optional. Default: 300 seconds minReplicaCount: 1 # Optional. Default: 0 maxReplicaCount: 30 # Optional. Default: 100 triggers: - type: rabbitmq metadata: queueName: hello queueLength : ‘5’ authenticationRef: name: trigger-auth-rabbitmq-host

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KEDA Features

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Run Containers at scale ❖KEDA supported scale triggers including Azure Event Hub, Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. ❖Robust autoscaling without managing complex infrastructure ❖Scale to zero and pay only for use by the second

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Summary • Modern applications are loosely coupled and highly portable • AKS provides native integrations to Dapr and KEDA • KEDA helps to auto scale on metrics external to Kubernetes • Dapr tries to simplify the Microservices development and deployment • Dapr Components help to extract underlying functionality and provides abstractions • Make app portable to run in serverless as well as managed cloud services

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References Dapr Publish and Subscribe Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling Serverless - Dapr and Azure Container Apps Comparison between ACA and AKS

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Containerize Apps Resources Cloud Native Ninja : Azure Container Apps : Slides Slideshare: Speaker Deck:

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Nilesh Gule ARCHITECT | MICROSOFT MVP “Code with Passion and Strive for Excellence” nileshgule @nileshgule Nilesh Gule NileshGule

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#GlobalAzure Q&A