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A resource orientated framework using the DI /AOP/REST Triangle

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About Us • Akihito Koriyama • A Tokyo based freelance PHP architect • BEAR.Sunday lead, Aura PHP member • Richard McIntyre • Manchester / leeds based freelance PHP developer • BEAR.Sunday contributor, Lithium member

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About Us • Akihito Koriyama • A Tokyo based freelance PHP architect • BEAR.Sunday lead, Aura PHP member • Richard McIntyre • Manchester / Leeds based freelance PHP developer • BEAR.Sunday contributor, Lithium member

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BEAR.Sunday is an application framework. But it offers no libraries. (We have good stuff)

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instead, it offers three object frameworks.

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What is a framework ?

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“imposes a set of design constraints on end-user code.”

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3.hypermedia framework

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DI Benefits • Dependency Inversion Principle • Clear separation of object instantiation and object usage • Object delivery

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DIP • Code should depend on things that are at the same or higher level of abstraction • High level policy should not depend on low level details

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“The principle of dependency inversion is at the root of many of the benefits claimed for object- oriented technology. Its proper application is necessary for the creation of reusable frameworks”

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Ray.DI Dependency Injection Framework

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/** * @Inject */ public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer) { ... 1.annotate at injection point class RendererModule extends AbstractModule { protected function configure() { $this->bind('RenderInterface') ->to('HalRenderer') ->in(Scope::SINGLETON); } $injector = Inject::create([new RendererModule]]; 2 bind abstraction to concretion 3.create an injector

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/** * @Inject */ public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer) { ... 1.annotate at injection point class RendererModule extends AbstractModule { protected function configure() { $this->bind('RenderInterface') ->to('HalRenderer') ->in(Scope::SINGLETON); } $injector = Inject::create([new RendererModule]]; 2. bind abstraction to concretion 3.create an injector

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/** * @Inject */ public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer) { ... 1.annotate at injection point class RendererModule extends AbstractModule { protected function configure() { $this->bind('RenderInterface') ->to('HalRenderer') ->in(Scope::SINGLETON); } $injector = Inject::create([new RendererModule]]; 2 bind abstraction to concretion 3.create an injector

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$user = $injector->getInstance('UserInterface'); 4. Get an object graph from the $injector User Renderer Renderer Interface depends A B

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QSPDFEVSBM PCKFDUPSJFUOFE DPNQJMBUJPO SVOUJNF Implement the structure, not a procedure

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class RendererModule extends AbstractModule { protected function configure() { $this ->bind('RenderInterface') ->to('HalRenderer') ->in(Scope::SINGLETON); } } Only use concrete classes in compilation

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Only abstraction in runtime /** * @Inject */ public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer) {

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DI Best practice “Your code should deal directly with the Injector as little as possible. Instead, you want to bootstrap your application by injecting one root object.”

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Application = one root object

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Application class

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Application is root object retrieved with injector: $injector = Injector::create([new AppModule($context)]]; $app = $injector->getInstance(‘AppInterface’);

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Application has dependency.

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Dependencies have other dependencies Each object either contains or belongs to.

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You get a application object graph. huge, but can be stored one single root value $app

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"QQMJDBUJPODBOCFTFSJBMJ[FE $app can be serialized and stored Injection is reused beyond requests.

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$app Object i/f i/f Object i/f i/f Object Router Response JSON XM L 1st framework: DI Framework • annotations based DI framework w/ binding DSL • compilation / runtime separation • use only “plug/abstraction” at runtime • application a single large cached object • focus on structure not behavior

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Aspect Oriented Programing

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What is AOP? Cache Log Auth A programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns

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/** * @Cache */ public function onGet($id) { // ... $this->body = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $this; } class Post extends AppModel { public function newest() { $result = Cache::read('newest_posts', 'longterm'); if (!$result) { $result = $this->find('all'); Cache::write('newest_posts', $result, 'longterm'); } return $result; } }

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M C Cache Cache is called by method invocation, If the cache is warm the model is never called. $obj->read(2); Miss !

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Aspects Core Concern Cross Cutting Concern Separation

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Rock Concert Example

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interface MethodInterceptor { public function invoke(MethodInvocation $invocation); } $invocation->proceed(); // invoked method $object = $invocation->getThis(); // get source object $args = $invocation->getArgs(); // get arguments

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class Transactional implements MethodInterceptor { public function invoke(MethodInvocation $invocation) { $object = $invocation->getThis(); $ref = new ReflectionProperty($object, 'db'); $ref->setAccessible(true); $db = $ref->getValue($object); $db->beginTransaction(); try { $invocation->proceed(); $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollback(); } } } `Transactional`interceptor Core Concern Cross Cutting Concern

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class CacheInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { public function invoke(MethodInvocation $invocation) { $obj = $invocation->getThis(); $args = $invocation->getArguments(); $id = get_class($obj) . serialize($args); $saved = $this->cache->fetch($id); if ($saved) { return $saved; } $result = $invocation->proceed(); $this->cache->save($id, $result); return $result; } } `Cache`interceptor Core Concern Cross Cutting Concern

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Layering by context • MVC, Is 3 enough ?

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API Client

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API Log Client Valid Auth

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API Log !7BMJE BENJO %&-&5& Client Valid Auth

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Aspect layering by context Model Cache Form Transaction Auth Validation

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rayAopBind[__FUNCTION__])) { return call_user_func_array('parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); } // proceed source method from interceptor if (!$this->rayAopIntercept) { $this->rayAopIntercept = true; return call_user_func_array('parent::' . __FUNCTION__, func_get_args()); } // proceed next interceptor $this->rayAopIntercept = false; $interceptors = $this->rayAopBind[__FUNCTION__]; $annotation = isset($this->rayAopBind->annotation[__FUNCTION__]) ? $this->rayAopBind >annotation[__FUNCTION__] : null; $invocation = new \Ray\Aop\ReflectiveMethodInvocation(array($this, __FUNCTION__), func_get_args(), $interceptors, $annotation); return $invocation->proceed(); } Under the hood: Method interception sub class is created in order enable this interception and keep type safety.

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Runtime injection by aspect • method / parameter lookup • test friendly

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2nd framework: Aspect Oriented Framework • AOP alliance standard • Layering by context • Type safe • Runtime injection

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Hypermedia framework for object as a service It allows objects to have RESTful web service benefits such as client-server, uniform interface, statelessness, resource expression with mutual connectivity and layered components.

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class Author extends ResourceObject { public $code = 200; public $headers = []; public $body = []; /** * @Link(rel="blog", href="app://self/blog/post?author_id={id}") */ public function onGet($id) { ... // change own state return $this; } public function onPost($name) { $this->code = 201; // created return $this; } public function onPut($id, $name)

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$user = $resource ->get ->uri('app://self/user') ->withQuery(['id' => 1]) ->eager ->request(); var_dump($user->body); // Array // ( // [name] => John // [age] => 15 //) echo $user; //
public function onGet($id) { $this[‘name’] = ‘John’; $this[‘age’] = 15; return $this; } User Profile Friend

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$order = $resource ->post ->uri('app://self/order') ->withQuery(['drink' => 'latte']) ->eager ->request(); $payment = [ 'credit_card_number' => '123456789', 'expires' => '07/07', 'name' => 'Koriym', 'amount' => '4.00' ]; // Now use a hyperlink to pay $response = $resource->href('pay', $payment); echo $response->code; // 201 Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

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class Order extends ResourceObject { /** * * @Link(rel="pay", method="put", href="app://self/payment{?order_id,card_number,amount}") */ public function onPost($drink) { // data store here $this['drink'] = $drink; $this['order_id'] = $orderId; // created $this->code = 201; return $this; } Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State

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Order Payment hyper reference: pay HyperMedia Driven API

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The key of success of web • URI • Unified Interface • Hyperlink

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• API is hub • API is core value API driven development DB Mobil e Web API Cloud Moc k URI API API

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Layered Resource UI Mobile Web Page Resource App script App Resource Entity

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Performance • annotation ? dependency injection ? method interception ? DSL ? named parameter ? • Fast • cache all compiled object • http friendly architecture

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Scale • “model proxy” pattern • ‘app://self/blog/entry’ can be anything. • contextual injection makes db scale easy

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Hard spot / Soft spot • DI configure hardspot. QFSTZTUFN • Aop configure softspot, change on request

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Connecting frameworks • DI - object as dependency • AOP - domain logic to application logic • Hypermedia - resource to resource

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Abstraction frameworks • DSL • Annotation • URI • Interface • Aspects • Hypermedia

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“Zen” framework

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Thanks. Arigato @mackstar @koriym