A programmer’s cycle
And all the good stuff that’s coming <3 <3 <3
Vero Rebagliatte
Rails Girls Montevideo 2014
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Let’s get started!
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First you get a mentor, and start learning as much as you can from him/her.
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It’s like a game... you face challenges, you overcome them, that makes you feel good...
You go through each level and keep getting better at it...
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All of a sudden... boom! You get your superpowers!
How can you use them? Which goals/objectives do you have?
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Do you have something to say?
If you want to be heard, now you have the means to get that info out there and make yourself
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Do you care about any causes?
More women in programming, open data, better healthcare, education... you name it.
You can be a useful resource in non profit organizations and help the causes you care about
the most.
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Ship it! Get it out there! You have the means to make it happen <3
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But it’s not just responsibilities... you’ll get plenty of candy as well :)
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You’ll get to travel a lot!
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To have client meetings or just to get together with your team <3
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To attend/speak at conferences!
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To participate in hackatons! Lucía Escanellas (at the right) is traveling to Italy next month to
attend a open data Hackaton. In the picture we were coding back in 2011 in the first DAL
event in Uruguay.
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We got first place on that one. Yay!!!
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Another goodie, is to have the opportunity of working remotely...
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Last year my team and I rented a place at La Pedrera, Rocha and worked from there during
the summer.
We were really focused at the picture...
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In this one we weren’t that focused ;)
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In any case, the most important bits I want you to get out of this talk, is that now you are
holding a seed.
And you will get to grant this superpower you’ve just earned to others as well :)
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You can do this behind scenes helping in the organization of a conference.
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Or in a more visible way... by speaking at one.
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And there’s no excuses!
No matter if you just started, no matter if your company can’t found your trip.
Michelle Guido is a role model in that matter. She’s speaking about just this in her talk in
RubyConf Uruguay next Saturday.
Her talk is entitled: ‘it takes a village to make a programmer’ and will cover how the
community has helped her even to get the founds to get here to give this talk to us.
She’s a go getter, and that’s the right attitude!
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Other ways to spread the seed is to get together people who share your passion and create
connections between them!
You can do this by hosting a meetup group...
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...or by organizing a workshop, just like the one we are at now!
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...and even at a lower scale, by picking someone and couching him/her. Dedicating some of
your time to give back the love.
That’s Antonella Clavero and me on the picture. We’ve done a front-end workshop with her
and Rosina Navazas.
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The workshop included 4 deliverables: 3 projects, and a portfolio one, showcasing the rest of
Here’s Antonella’s: http://holahongo.com/
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And here’s Rosina’s: http://rosinanabazas.com/
So proud of them!!!!!
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So... you get to choose. Are you gonna be the sun shining for everyone?
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Or are you gonna be a laser light, really specific focused on a few individuals?
In any case you are doing good :) You get to share!
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And all of a sudden, we are back when we started. It’s a full cycle.
Now **you** are the one who will mentor someone and help him/her to get the cycle started
all over again.
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And here’s some good news... Your cycle begins today!!!! Make it a good one!
Thanks so much <3