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(C) Copyright 1996-2017 SAKURA Internet Inc A story until offering openSUSE on Sakura VPS openSUSE.Asia Summit 2017 2017/10/21 SAKURA Internet Inc. Hikaru Ashino Engineering Division

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About Me Hikaru Ashino(Ἑ໺ ޫ) Affiliation ɹSAKURA Internet Inc. ɹEngineering Division ɹVPS team ɹ ɹJapan openSUSE UG 2 ը૾

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3 SAKURA Internet 
 Corporate Overview

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Corporate Profile 4 Provision of Internet Infrastructure as a business domain, SAKURA Internet runs 5 data center (IDC) in 3 cities, Osaka, Tokyo, and Hokkaido. Corporate Name SAKURA Internet, Inc. Headquarter s 4-20 Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka Tokyo office 7-20-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Date of foundation Dec. 23rd, 1996: Service Launched Aug. 17th, 1999: Incoporated Directors President & CEO Kunihiro Tanaka Director ɹɹɹɹɹ Masataka Kawada ɹɹ ɹɹɹ Director Takeshi Tsuji Director Koichi Ise Outside director Hiroo Hatashita Outside director Toshihiro Igi Listed date Nov. 27th, 2015: Listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Capital JPY 895.3 million No. of employees 495 (As of March, 2017) Launched in Ishikari-city, Hokkaido in Nov. 2011

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Business Domain 5 Providing a broad range of services from housing to hosting Providing Computing (Data accumulation/processing/transfer) Internet Infrastructure Service Core Business Core Products Providing a server as a service Hosting Keeping customers’ servers Co-location Virtual Hosting VPSɾCloud Service Physical Hosting Private Server Service Rental Server Service Rack Rental Housing Service Space Rental Large Scale Housing (@Ishikari DC) Rental Server Private Server Other Housing VPS/ Cloud Co-location Hosting Sales Composition Ratio (2016, consolidated)

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Services offered by Sakura Internet 6 VPS Cloud Dedicated Server Datacenter New Services Creating cutting-edge service with supporting infrastructure of society Web Hosting (Rental Server) Sakura Rental Server Sakura Managed Server Share Sole use Users may use a server independently or share it with others. Users can delegate hardware management to Sakura Internet Sakura VPS Utilizing virtualization technology, users can built multiple virtual server on one physical server and use virtual server area independently Public cloud service providing high-end server and scalable network with devastating cost performance Sakura Dedicated Server User can utilize high-end, high- scalability and reliability server and customize freely One to multiple servers Housing Remote Housing Service that ensuring private housing space and users can place network equipment, server, and so on IoT Platform service that provide communication environment, data storage, and processing system as all-in-one Docker container to managed environment - simple and easy provisioning-able service Primary usage of services Website operation, blog, internet mail Online business, e-commerce, video and musing delivery, development environment Membership site, campaign site SNS, web application, SaaS, ASP Enterprise Koukaryoku Computing (High Performance Computing) koukaryoku/

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7 Introduction of Sakura VPS

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Introduction of Sakura VPS •Low cost! •It is available VPS from 685 yen / month. •We offer seven plans •512MB/1vCPU ~ 32GB/10vCPU •Free two weeks trial •“SSD and HDD” selectable! •SSD plan is from 20 GB to 800 GB •HDD plan from 100 GB to 1.6 TB •Region •Tokyo(Japan East) •Ishikari(Japan East) •Full virtualization •Linux KVM-based VPS 8

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Introduction of Sakura VPS • You can easily scale up • You can increase the server CPU, memory and disk • Easy, intuitive control! VPS control panel • Server information list and details • Server operation with VNC and serial console • OS Installation 9

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10 When I met openSUSE…

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• A company I was working for when I am a student • Providing public cloud service using SUSE OpenStack Cloud 
 • I got Geeko (Chameleon) stuffed toy 

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• I started using openSUSE on laptop • As a software development environment • And I started using openSUSE on the server too 12

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• After that, I joined Japan openSUSE UG • At Open Source Conference Tokyo 2016, 
 I got Geeko Magazine • openSUSE mini Summit 2016 • openSUSE Leap 42.2 Release Party @Tokyo 13

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14 A story until offering openSUSE on Sakura VPS

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We got a request on SAKURA User’s Voice 15 Please provide openSUSE as a custom OS image

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• The number of votes were increasing!! • The VPS team started to discuss openSUSE support • However, no member of the VPS team did not use openSUSE 16

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• “I am an openSUSE user!!!” • I spread openSUSE in SAKURA Internet • Putting Geeko on desks in our office • Telling them how openSUSE is cool • After my activity • Some of the team member 
 played with openSUSE • They finally decided to support 
 openSUSE 17

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1.Build OS image • We create customized OS image based on Netinstall ISO image • The network setting is set automatically 18

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2.Operation verification of OS installation • Automating network settings • Confirmation that installation can be done normally 19 openSUSE is now on the list!!

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3.Wrote a installation guid for our support website 20

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ɹ4. Release announcement 21 Sakura VPS added openSUSE to our custom OS images

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• Q: How many people are using openSUSE? • A: openSUSE was installed only 7 times in these three months • I really want you to use openSUSE more 
 on Sakura VPS😭😭😭😭😭 22

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• Toward future action • Continuously spread openSUSE in SAKURA Internet • Try SUSE Studio Express to make a disk image • Our service site need to be translated in English😓 23

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Thank you 24