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CJ Hostetter RGST J a nu a ry 2022 Why I made a design div. within an agile company. @chostett

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In order to bring the worlds of agile and design closer together, we must adopt a new language and new POVs.

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“Agile and design will never get along.”

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“Your product sucks.”

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“You need design to fi x it.”

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Backlog Voice of the customer

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Why did I harshly criticize scrum and agile?

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The design process and scrum events don’t agree on what is a team decision and what is an individual decision.

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Double Diamond Divergence Convergence Understanding the Problem Cra ft ing the Solution Divergence Convergence

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Divergence Divergence

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Examples of Divergence • Customer rese a rch, person a cre a tion • Br a instorming ide a s for new fe a tures • Im a gining wh a t the product might look like in f ive ye a rs

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Convergence Convergence

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Examples of Convergence • User Story M a pping • B a cklog Prioritiz a tion • Deciding on Ide a s for a New Fe a ture

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Learnings from coaching design within agile teams

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New feature brainstorming Crafting design systems Wireframing Running user tests

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“Agile and design will never get along.”

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So why did we make a design div. within our agile company?

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Thanks. ࣗ෼ͷTwitterͰ@chostett y a m a necoͷTwitterͰϑΥϩʔ͢Δ: @y a m a neco_ a gile www.y a m a design- a t-y a m a neco/