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Back to the basics... part 2/n Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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1) Email reloaded 2) Local Web Server reloaded Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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The state of local web servers with Symfony php -S Many limitations Docker Might be slow/inconvenient Nginx/Apache Need setup Vagrant Not convenient

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My ideal setup? Local Web Server and local files Remote services Works well on the major platforms Fast and convenient

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PHP built-in server is almost perfect ... but it has too many limitations • Only one connection at a time • No HTTP-2 support • No SSL • Does not re-read env vars if they change • Needs some tweaks to make it work with Symfony (special router) • …

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A better local web server

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…via the new symfony binary • Introduced last week with • Binary with no dependencies, not even PHP
 No global Composer changes • Does more than just the Cloud • symfony security:check
 without calls to • symfony new [--demo] [--full] ...
 to create new Symfony projects • and …

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A Symfony local web server # From your project's directory $ symfony server:start # Done! First port available starts at 8000

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A Symfony local web server $ symfony server:start -d # open in the browser $ symfony open:local # tail the logs $ symfony server:log Start in the background

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Some features • No need to be root • Uses PHP-FPM whenever possible
 fallbacks to PHP-CGI/php -S (on Windows for instance) • HTTP-2 support out of the box • HTTP Link/pre-load/push support • Works with any PHP project
 Use it for plain HTML websites, Symfony ones, Laravel, Drupal, Magento, … • Fire and forget • Great developer experience…

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Managing multiple
 local versions of PHP

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Why? • Testing a new PHP version or a different configuration? • Different projects might need different PHP versions • Most machines have several PHP versions installed
 Think homebrew for instance

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Which PHP versions do you have locally? # Discover what you have $ symfony local:php:list

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Use any of them locally # Change the PHP version for the current directory $ echo "7.1" > .php-version # Or any 7.x version? $ echo "7" > .php-version # Done!

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Each web server can have its own PHP version # Detect the PHP version to use for this directory $ symfony server:start Algorithm (current directory and up) 1/ .php-version? 2/ 3/ $PATH

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The web server uses the “best” backend possible # Detect the best possible backend $ symfony server:start Algorithm 1/ PHP-FPM 2/ PHP-CLI (also FastCGI) 3/ php -S

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Works also in your terminal # Use the symfony wrapper $ symfony php -v $ symfony php -r "echo 'Symfony!';" Algorithm (current directory and up) 1/ .php-version? 2/ 3/ $PATH

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Configure PHP per directory $ symfony php -r "echo ini_get('date.timezone');" Europe/Paris # Create a php.ini file at the project's directory $ cat php.ini [Date] date.timezone = Europe/Lisbon $ symfony php -r "echo ini_get('date.timezone');" Europe/Lisbon # Works with the web server as well

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# Using the wrapper all the time? # Create a copy named php $ cd ~/.symfony/bin/ && cp symfony php # Running php now runs the symfony wrapper! # Works with other PHP binaries $ cd ~/.symfony/bin/ && cp symfony pecl $ cd ~/.symfony/bin/ && cp symfony php-fpm $ cd ~/.symfony/bin/ && cp symfony php-config Want to drink the Kool-Aid?

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Logs, logs, logs

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All the logs $ symfony server:start -d $ symfony server:log Tail the logsss

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All the logs are parsed as semantic JSON logs and "humanized" From the web server From Symfony From PHP

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Errors are easier to spot

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# Use it even if you are using another web server # to get pretty Symfony logs $ symfony server:log --file=/path/to/var/log/dev.log

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Using TLS locally

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Why? • More similar to production • Detect mixed-content early • Having HTTPS is sometimes a requirement: stripe.js?

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How? # From anywhere $ symfony server:ca:install # Done! $ ls ~/.symfony/certs default.p12 rootCA-key.pem rootCA.pem +Creates a local Certificate Authority +Registers it on your system trust store +Registers it on Firefox +Creates a default certificate
 for localhost/

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 on the same port

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Local domain names

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Why? • Useful when a project behaviour depends on the domain name
 Think sub-domains like vs • No need to remember the ports
 ports can change, is it 8000 or 8001? • Stable endpoint across machines
 Think oauth2 redirect URL for instance • Use “regular” ports: 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS • More similar to the production settings

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Optional, independent from the web server # From anywhere $ symfony proxy:start # Done ...almost! No need to be root

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+ Nothing to install + No need to mess up with your DNS + Same configuration on all platforms + Does not intercept regular traffic

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How does it work? $ curl // Only proxy *.wip requests // Configuration file in ~/.symfony/proxy.json function FindProxyForURL (url, host) { if (dnsDomainIs(host, '.wip')) { return 'PROXY'; } return 'DIRECT'; }

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Optional, independent from the web server # Attach a domain to a directory $ symfony proxy:domain:attach --dir=~/Code/ # Start the web server if needed $ symfony server:start -d # Done! is now an “alias” for

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Proxy Configuration { "tld": "wip", "port": 7080, "domains": { "*": ".../github/symfonycorp/", "certif": ".../symfonycorp/", "certification": ".../symfonycorp/", "demo": "/tmp/demo", "": ".../github/symfonycorp/", "": ".../github/symfonycorp/" } } ~/.symfony/proxy.json .wip or anything else .sf? Wildcard support Multiple domains per directory TLS certificates created on demand

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No content

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HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:7080 curl -I https://certif.wip/

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Workers, daemons, ...

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Manage long-running commands # Run yarn in the background $ symfony run -d yarn encore dev --watch $ symfony server:log $ symfony server:status Web server listening on Command "/usr/local/bin/yarn encore dev --watch" running with PID 93398 $ symfony server:stop command logs stops the web server
 and the commands

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Fully integrated
 with SymfonyCloud and optimized for Symfony projects

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Use the local web server Connect SymfonyCloud services Browse, it works as you would expect it to!

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Slide 43 text Project hosted on SymfonyCloud # Init a project and deploy to prod $ symfony project:init # Deploy a cluster of containers PHP, services like DB, TLS, ...
 for the master branch/production env $ symfony deploy # Make it live $ symfony domain:attach ENV=prod DEBUG=false

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Slide 44 text Step 1: Create a branch # Create a new Git branch for the code # Deploy a new cluster of containers # Copy data (DB, files, ...) byte to byte $ symfony env:create some-bug # Open the new deployed URL # Exact copy of production $ symfony open:remote # Debug logs $ symfony log # Or switch to dev/debug with $ symfony debug Exact copy of production ENV=prod DEBUG=false

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Slide 45 text Step 2: Run it locally # Attach a local domain for fun $ symfony proxy:domain:attach # Run the local web server $ symfony server:start -d # Open the local website $ symfony open:local ENV=dev DEBUG=true

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Slide 46 text Step 3: Connect the remote services # Open a tunnel with the "some-bug" env $ symfony tunnel:open # Refresh the page in the browser # It works! ENV=dev DEBUG=true

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.env APP_ENV=dev APP_DEBUG=1 APP_SECRET=67d829bf61dc5f87a73fd814e2c9f629 DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/data/database.sqlite MAILER_URL=null://localhost 47 How does it work? Environment variables FTW! + The local web server detects the tunnel + It exposes the services as env vars in PHP-FPM + Symfony and SymfonyCloud share the same convention + Symfony reads the env vars + You win!

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 for master/prod by default

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prod Debugging like a pro With production data But in a safe isolated environment Local Web prod DB

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prod Debugging like a pro With production data But in a safe isolated environment Local Web prod DB some-bug some-bug Web DB symfony env:create Duplicate infra/data Create a local Git branch 1

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prod Debugging like a pro With production data But in a safe isolated environment Local Web prod DB DATABASE_URL=postgres:// symfony tunnel:open 2 some-bug some-bug Web DB symfony env:create Duplicate infra/data Create a local Git branch 1

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prod Debugging like a pro With production data But in a safe isolated environment Local Web prod DB DATABASE_URL=postgres:// symfony tunnel:open 2 some-bug some-bug Web symfony server:start 3 some-bug some-bug Web DB symfony env:create Duplicate infra/data Create a local Git branch 1

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prod Debugging like a pro With production data But in a safe isolated environment Local Web prod DB DATABASE_URL=postgres:// symfony tunnel:open 2 some-bug some-bug Web symfony server:start 3 some-bug some-bug Web DB symfony env:create Duplicate infra/data Create a local Git branch 1 symfony env:sync

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Slide 54 text Step 4: Fix the issue # Fix the code # Update the DB schema # Change/Add some services $ git commit ... # Deploy on the remote env $ symfony deploy # Check that everything is fine $ symfony open:remote # If the fix takes some time # Sync back the data from prod $ symfony env:sync ENV=prod DEBUG=false

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Slide 55 text === Step 5: Deploy with confidence # Merge everything back (code + infra) to production $ git checkout master $ git merge some-bug # Deploy production # Fast -> same container images $ symfony deploy ENV=prod DEBUG=false

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Bonus: Works in a terminal as well $ symfony tunnel:open $ symfony php -r 'echo $_SERVER["DATABASE_URL"];' postgres://main:main@ # Env vars are useful with bin/console as well $ symfony console ... # Works for "some" other commands as well (connects to the SymfonyCloud DB) $ symfony run psql SymfonyCloud Environment variables are set

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My ideal setup! Local Web Server and local files Remote services Works well on the major platforms Fast and convenient

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