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Declarative, Convergent, Edge Computation Christopher S. Meiklejohn Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal LIGHT ONE

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RA RB 1 set(1)

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RA RB 1 set(1) 3 2 set(2) set(3) Concurrent operations.

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RA RB 1 set(1) 3 2 set(2) set(3) ? ? Nondeterministic outcome.

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Synchronization • To enforce an order
 Makes programming easier 6

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Synchronization • To enforce an order
 Makes programming easier • Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 Prevent race conditions 6

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Synchronization • To enforce an order
 Makes programming easier • Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 Prevent race conditions • Techniques
 Locks, mutexes, semaphores, monitors, Paxos, Raft, etc. 6

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Difficult Cases • “Internet of Things”, 
 Low power, limited memory and connectivity 7

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Difficult Cases • “Internet of Things”, 
 Low power, limited memory and connectivity • Mobile Gaming
 Offline operation with replicated, shared state 7

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The Fundamentals of Distributed Computation 9

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Distributed Computation • Concurrent to distributed programming
 Consistency and now partial failure 10

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Distributed Computation • Concurrent to distributed programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion
 Traditional approach for gaining performance, scalability, fault- tolerance while still “easy to program” 10

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Distributed Computation • Concurrent to distributed programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion
 Traditional approach for gaining performance, scalability, fault- tolerance while still “easy to program” • Consistency models
 Contract between the system and the programmer 10

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Distributed Computation • Concurrent to distributed programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion
 Traditional approach for gaining performance, scalability, fault- tolerance while still “easy to program” • Consistency models
 Contract between the system and the programmer • Correctness criteria
 For both distributed and concurrent programs 10

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Distributed Computation • Concurrent to distributed programming
 Consistency and now partial failure • Enforcing the “single system” illusion
 Traditional approach for gaining performance, scalability, fault- tolerance while still “easy to program” • Consistency models
 Contract between the system and the programmer • Correctness criteria
 For both distributed and concurrent programs • Synchronization as “knob”
 Models live along a spectrum requiring more or less synchronization 10

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Databases Consistency Models 11

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Databases Strong Consistency 12

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R1 C1 C2 13

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R1 C1 C2 14

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R1 C1 C2 Read 15

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R1 C1 C2 Read 16

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R1 C1 C2 17

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R1 C1 C2 CAS 18

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R1 C1 C2 19

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R1 C1 C2 CAS 20 Operation refused because value changed between read/write.

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I won’t diagram the Paxos protocol 21

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R2 C1 C2 Value 2 Value 1 Value 2 R1 R3 Paxos 22 Coordination is extremely expensive.

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Databases Eventual Consistency 23

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 24

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 25

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 Read 26

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 Read 27

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 Write 28

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 Write 29

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 Write C1 30 Do I store both values or do I choose a value arbitrarily?

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 Read 31 If I store both, the programmer must expect multiple values…

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R1 R2 R3 C1 C2 Write 32 …and be able to semantically resolve them in application code.

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Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) • Convergent
 Same updates realize the same state 33

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Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) • Convergent
 Same updates realize the same state • Primary requirement
 “Eventual” replica-to-replica communication 33

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Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) • Convergent
 Same updates realize the same state • Primary requirement
 “Eventual” replica-to-replica communication • Order insensitive!
 Operations are commutative 33

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Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) • Convergent
 Same updates realize the same state • Primary requirement
 “Eventual” replica-to-replica communication • Order insensitive!
 Operations are commutative • Duplicate insensitive!
 Operations are idempotent 33

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RA RB 1 set(1)

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RA RB 1 set(1) 3 2 set(2) set(3)

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RA RB 1 3 2 3 3 set(1) set(2) set(3) max(2,3) max(2,3) Automatic resolution of conflicting updates.

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How can we succeed with Strong Eventual Consistency? 38

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 39

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, “correct-by-construction” applications) 39

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, “correct-by-construction” applications) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication, membership, dissemination) 39

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, “correct-by-construction” applications) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication, membership, dissemination) 40

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Convergent Objects
 Replicated Data Types 41 SSS 2011

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 Replicated Data Types • Many types exist with different properties
 Sets, counters, registers, flags, maps 42

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 Replicated Data Types • Many types exist with different properties
 Sets, counters, registers, flags, maps • Strong Eventual Consistency
 Instances satisfy SEC property per-object 42

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 Replicated Data Types • Many types exist with different properties
 Sets, counters, registers, flags, maps • Strong Eventual Consistency
 Instances satisfy SEC property per-object • Bounded join-semilattices
 Formalized using bounded join-semilattices where the merge operation is the join 42

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Convergent Objects Observed-Remove Set 43

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {b}, {}) add(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {b}, {}) add(1) {} (1, {b}, {b}) remove(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {b}, {}) add(1) {} (1, {b}, {b}) remove(1) {1} {1} {1} (1, {a, b}, {b}) (1, {a, b}, {b}) (1, {a, b}, {b}) Convergence reached.

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Convergent Objects Composition 49

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Replicated set of naturals across two nodes.

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Map Process \x.2x F(RA) {2} {2} {} F(RB) {2} ? Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x {2} Map \x.2x over a set of naturals.

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Map Process \x.2x F(RA) {2} {2} {} F(RB) {2} ? Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x {2} One node…

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Map Process \x.2x F(RA) {2} {2} {} F(RB) {2} ? Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x {2} …another node.

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Map Process \x.2x F(RA) {2} {2} {} F(RB) {2} ? Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x {2}

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Map Process \x.2x F(RA) {2} {2} {} F(RB) {2} ? Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x {2} Nondeterministic outcome.

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Map Process \x.2x F(RA) {2} {2} {} F(RB) {2} ? Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x {2} Correct output that’s seen all updates.

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RA {1} (1, {a}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) RB {1} (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {a}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) add(1) remove(1) add(1) Map Process \x.2x F(RA) {2} {2} {} F(RB) {2} ? Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x {2} “Earlier” value that’s been delayed.

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, “correct-by-construction” applications) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication, membership, dissemination) 58

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Convergent Programs Lattice Processing 59 PPDP 2015

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Lattice Processing • Asynchronous dataflow with streams
 Combine and transform streams of inputs into streams of outputs 60

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Lattice Processing • Asynchronous dataflow with streams
 Combine and transform streams of inputs into streams of outputs • Convergent data structures
 Data abstraction (inputs/outputs) is the CRDT 60

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Lattice Processing • Asynchronous dataflow with streams
 Combine and transform streams of inputs into streams of outputs • Convergent data structures
 Data abstraction (inputs/outputs) is the CRDT • Confluence
 Provides composition that preserves the SEC property 60

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Lattice Processing Confluence 61

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A B Map Process \x.2x 62 Sequential specification.

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A’ A’’ B’ B’’ Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x A B Map Process \x.2x 63 Replication per node.

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A’ A’’ B’ B’’ Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x A B Map Process \x.2x 64 Replication per node.

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A’ A’’ B’ B’’ Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x A B Map Process \x.2x 65 Replication per node.

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A’ A’’ B’ B’’ Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x A B Map Process \x.2x 66 One possible schedule….

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A’ A’’ B’ B’’ Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x A B Map Process \x.2x 67 …another possible schedule.

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A’ A’’ B’ B’’ Map Process \x.2x Map Process \x.2x A B Map Process \x.2x 68

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A B Map Process \x.2x 69 All schedules equivalent to sequential schedule.

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A B F 70 Arbitrary application.

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Lattice Processing Example 71

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72 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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73 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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74 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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75 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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76 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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Processes • Replicas as monotonic streams
 Each replica of a CRDT produces a monotonic stream of states 77

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Processes • Replicas as monotonic streams
 Each replica of a CRDT produces a monotonic stream of states • Monotonic processes
 Read from one or more input replica streams and produce a single output replica stream 77

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Processes • Replicas as monotonic streams
 Each replica of a CRDT produces a monotonic stream of states • Monotonic processes
 Read from one or more input replica streams and produce a single output replica stream • Inflationary reads
 Read operation ensures that we only read inflationary updates to replicas 77

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Lattice Processing Monotonic Streams 78

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RA {} C1 {} C2 {} 79

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} C2 {} 80

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} C2 (1, {b}, {}) {} 81

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) C2 (1, {b}, {}) {} 82

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) C2 (1, {b}, {}) {} (1, {a, b}, {a}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) 83

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) C2 (1, {b}, {}) {} (1, {a, b}, {a}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) 84 Clients can operate with partial state…

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RA {} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) C1 (1, {a}, {}) {} (1, {a}, {a}) C2 (1, {b}, {}) {} (1, {a, b}, {a}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) (1, {a, b}, {a}) 85 … and synchronize with their local replica.

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Lattice Processing Monotonic Processes 86

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} 87

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) 88

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) 89

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) 90

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) (2, {a}, {}) 91 Every time replica changes…

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) (2, {a}, {}) 92 ….the process will compute a new result.

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) (2, {a}, {}) strict_read((1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {}) 93

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) F((1, {a}, {})) (2, {a}, {}) strict_read((1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {a}) F((1, {a}, {a})) (2, {a}, {a}) strict_read((1, {a}, {a}) (1, {a}, {a}) 94

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RA {} P1 F(RA) {} strict_read({}) (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {a}) F((1, {a}, {a})) (2, {a}, {a}) strict_read((1, {a}, {a}) (1, {a}, {a}) 95 Omitted interleaving does not sacrifice correctness.

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Lattice Processing Map Example 96

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RC F(RC) 97

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RC F(RC) {2} Map Process \x.2x (2, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) {1} 98 Transform element, map metadata.

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RC F(RC) {2} Map Process \x.2x (2, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) {1} {} (1, {b}, {b}) {} Map Process \x.2x (2, {b}, {b}) 99

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RC F(RC) {2} Map Process \x.2x (2, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) {1} {} (1, {b}, {b}) {} Map Process \x.2x (2, {b}, {b}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {b}) {2} Map Process \x.2x (2, {a, b}, {b}) 100

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RC F(RC) {2} Map Process \x.2x (2, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) {1} {} (1, {b}, {b}) {} Map Process \x.2x (2, {b}, {b}) {1} (1, {a, b}, {b}) {2} Map Process \x.2x (2, {a, b}, {b}) {1} {2} 101

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, “correct-by-construction” applications) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication, membership, dissemination) 102

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Example Application Advertisement Counter 103

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Advertisement Counter • Lower-bound invariant
 Advertisements are paid according to a minimum number of impressions 104

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Advertisement Counter • Lower-bound invariant
 Advertisements are paid according to a minimum number of impressions • Clients will go offline
 Clients have limited connectivity and the system still needs to make progress while clients are offline 104

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Advertisement Counter • Lower-bound invariant
 Advertisements are paid according to a minimum number of impressions • Clients will go offline
 Clients have limited connectivity and the system still needs to make progress while clients are offline • No lost updates
 All displayed advertisements should be accounted for, with no lost updates 104

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Advertisement Counter Losing Updates 105

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RA RB 106

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RA RB 1 set(1) 107

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RA RB 1 set(1) 2 2 set(2) set(2) 108

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RA RB 1 set(1) 2 2 set(2) set(2) 2 2 max(2,2) max(2,2) 109

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RA RB 1 set(1) 2 2 set(2) set(2) 2 2 max(2,2) max(2,2) 110 Incorrect value is computed because of incompatible lattice.

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Advertisement Counter Application Flow 111

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Server Client Client 112

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Server Client Client 113 Client reads state from the server.

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Server Client Client 114 Client locally mutates state.

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Server Client Client 115 Client pushes changes back to the server.

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Server Client Client 116

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Server Client Client 117 Server enforces invariants over state.

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Server Client Client 118 Client retrieves updated state periodically.

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Server Client Client 119 Clients unable to communicate may violate invariant.

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Advertisement Counter Application Design 120

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Ads Contracts Product Filter Map Ads X Contracts Ads With Contracts Ads To Display Asynchronous Dataflow Counters Counters Counters Counter Ads Update (Insert) Application Initialization Counter Read > 50,000 Ads Update (Remove) Epsilon-Invariant Ads Map Configure Invariant Enforce Invariant 121

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Ads Contracts Product Filter Map Ads X Contracts Ads With Contracts Ads To Display Asynchronous Dataflow 122

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Counters Counters Counters Counter Ads Update (Insert) Application Initialization 123

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Counter Read > 50,000 Ads Update (Remove) Epsilon-Invariant Ads Map Configure Invariant Enforce Invariant 124

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Counter Read > 50,000 Ads Update (Remove) Epsilon-Invariant Ads Map Configure Invariant Enforce Invariant 125 Configure invariants for all of the advertisements.

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Counter Read > 50,000 Ads Update (Remove) Epsilon-Invariant Ads Map Configure Invariant Enforce Invariant 126 Remove the advertisement from the list.

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Advertisement Counter • Completely monotonic
 Disabling advertisements and contracts are all modeled through monotonic state growth 127

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Advertisement Counter • Completely monotonic
 Disabling advertisements and contracts are all modeled through monotonic state growth • Arbitrary distribution
 Use of convergent data structures allows computational graph to be arbitrarily distributed 127

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Advertisement Counter • Completely monotonic
 Disabling advertisements and contracts are all modeled through monotonic state growth • Arbitrary distribution
 Use of convergent data structures allows computational graph to be arbitrarily distributed • Divergence
 Divergence is a factor of synchronization period, concurrency, and throughput rate 127

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, “correct-by-construction” applications) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication, membership, dissemination) 128

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Distributed Runtime Anabranch 129 work-in-progress

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Anabranch • Layered approach
 Cluster membership and state dissemination for large clusters 130

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Anabranch • Layered approach
 Cluster membership and state dissemination for large clusters • Delta-state synchronization 
 Efficient incremental state dissemination and anti-entropy mechanism [Almeida et al. 2016] 130

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Anabranch • Layered approach
 Cluster membership and state dissemination for large clusters • Delta-state synchronization 
 Efficient incremental state dissemination and anti-entropy mechanism [Almeida et al. 2016] • Epsilon-invariants
 Lower-bound invariants, configurable at runtime 130

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Anabranch • Layered approach
 Cluster membership and state dissemination for large clusters • Delta-state synchronization 
 Efficient incremental state dissemination and anti-entropy mechanism [Almeida et al. 2016] • Epsilon-invariants
 Lower-bound invariants, configurable at runtime • Scalable
 Demonstrated high scalability in production Cloud environments 130

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Anabranch Layered Approach 131

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Layered Approach 132

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Layered Approach • Backend
 Configurable persistence layer depending on application. 132

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Layered Approach • Backend
 Configurable persistence layer depending on application. • Membership
 Configurable membership protocol which can operate in a client-server or peer-to-peer mode [Leitao et al. 2007] 132

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Layered Approach • Backend
 Configurable persistence layer depending on application. • Membership
 Configurable membership protocol which can operate in a client-server or peer-to-peer mode [Leitao et al. 2007] • Broadcast (via Gossip, Tree, etc.)
 Efficient dissemination of both program state and application state via gossip, broadcast tree, or hybrid mode [Leitao et al. 2007] 132

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Mobile Phone Distributed Hash Table Application Language Execution KV Store KV Backend Membership Broadcast Layer Client/Server Peer-to-Peer

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Mobile Phone Distributed Hash Table Application Language Execution KV Store KV Backend Membership Broadcast Layer Client/Server Peer-to-Peer Language and applications.

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Mobile Phone Distributed Hash Table Application Language Execution KV Store KV Backend Membership Broadcast Layer Client/Server Peer-to-Peer Storage for CRDT state.

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Mobile Phone Distributed Hash Table Application Language Execution KV Store KV Backend Membership Broadcast Layer Client/Server Peer-to-Peer State dissemination.

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Anabranch Delta-state CRDTs 137

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Delta-based Dissemination • Delta-state based CRDTs
 Reduces state transmission for clients 138

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Delta-based Dissemination • Delta-state based CRDTs
 Reduces state transmission for clients • Operate locally
 Objects are mutated locally; delta’s buffered locally and periodically gossiped 138

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Delta-based Dissemination • Delta-state based CRDTs
 Reduces state transmission for clients • Operate locally
 Objects are mutated locally; delta’s buffered locally and periodically gossiped • Only fixed number of clients
 Clients resort to full state synchronization when they’ve been partitioned too long 138

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RC BufferA BufferB

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RC BufferA BufferB (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) Buffer minimal change representation…

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RC BufferA BufferB (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) {} (1, {b}, {b}) (1, {b}, {b}) (1, {b}, {b})

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RC BufferA BufferB (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) {} (1, {b}, {b}) (1, {b}, {b}) (1, {b}, {b}) {2} (1, {b}, {b}) (2, {c}, {}) (2, {c}, {}) (2, {c}, {}) …then, disseminate state in causal order to neighbors.

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RC BufferA BufferB (1, {b}, {}) {1} (1, {b}, {}) (1, {b}, {}) {} (1, {b}, {b}) (1, {b}, {b}) (1, {b}, {b}) {2} (1, {b}, {b}) (2, {c}, {}) (2, {c}, {}) (2, {c}, {}) {1, 2} (1, {a, b}, {b}) (2, {c}, {}) {1, 2} (1, {a}, {}) (1, {a}, {}) Only ship inflation from incoming state.

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Anabranch Scalability 144

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Scalability • 1024+ nodes
 Demonstrated scalability to 1024 nodes in Amazon cloud computing environment 145

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Scalability • 1024+ nodes
 Demonstrated scalability to 1024 nodes in Amazon cloud computing environment • Modular approach
 Many of the components built and can be operated outside of Lasp to improve scalability of Erlang 145

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Scalability • 1024+ nodes
 Demonstrated scalability to 1024 nodes in Amazon cloud computing environment • Modular approach
 Many of the components built and can be operated outside of Lasp to improve scalability of Erlang • Automated and repeatable
 Fully automated deployment, scenario execution, log aggregation and archival of experimental results 145

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 (ex. deterministic, modeling non-monotonic operations monotonically) 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 (ex. confluence, “correct-by-construction” applications) 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 (ex. replication, membership, dissemination) 146

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What have we learned? 147

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We’ve build up from zero synchronization 148

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We’ve build up from zero synchronization 148 Instead of working to remove synchronization

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 Convergent Objects: Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types [Shapiro et al. 2011] 149

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 Convergent Objects: Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types [Shapiro et al. 2011] 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 Convergent Programs: Lattice Processing
 [Meiklejohn et al. 2015] 149

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Programming SEC 1. Eliminate accidental nondeterminism
 Convergent Objects: Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types [Shapiro et al. 2011] 2. Retain the properties of functional programming
 Convergent Programs: Lattice Processing
 [Meiklejohn et al. 2015] 3. Distributed, and fault-tolerant runtime
 Distributed Runtime: Anabranch
 [Meiklejohn et al. work-in-progress] 149

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Key Points • Synchronization is sometimes not possible
 Mobile and “Internet of Things” applications make synchronization for replicated state impractical 150

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Key Points • Synchronization is sometimes not possible
 Mobile and “Internet of Things” applications make synchronization for replicated state impractical • Apply synchronization only where required
 Global invariants, atomic visibility, etc. 150

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Key Points • Synchronization is sometimes not possible
 Mobile and “Internet of Things” applications make synchronization for replicated state impractical • Apply synchronization only where required
 Global invariants, atomic visibility, etc. • Holistic approach
 Taking a holistic approach to the design of distributed systems is important for building higher-availability applications 150

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Artifacts • Lasp
 CRDT based programming model: testbed for Loquat 151

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Artifacts • Lasp
 CRDT based programming model: testbed for Loquat • Partisan
 TCP-based pluggable membership service offering client/server, static, and HyParView- based protocols 151

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Artifacts • Lasp
 CRDT based programming model: testbed for Loquat • Partisan
 TCP-based pluggable membership service offering client/server, static, and HyParView- based protocols • Plumtree
 Epidemic broadcast trees for use with Partisan 151

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Artifacts • Lasp
 CRDT based programming model: testbed for Loquat • Partisan
 TCP-based pluggable membership service offering client/server, static, and HyParView- based protocols • Plumtree
 Epidemic broadcast trees for use with Partisan • Sprinter
 Service discovery and deployment for Mesos and Kubernetes 151

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Artifacts • Lasp
 CRDT based programming model: testbed for Loquat • Partisan
 TCP-based pluggable membership service offering client/server, static, and HyParView- based protocols • Plumtree
 Epidemic broadcast trees for use with Partisan • Sprinter
 Service discovery and deployment for Mesos and Kubernetes • Types
 CRDT implementations for Erlang 151

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152 Christopher Meiklejohn @cmeik Thanks!