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Build you a static site generator UIT meetup vol.11 2020-12-18

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● Software Engineer at Google. ● This talk has nothing to do with my employer though. Speaker: Jun

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What would you do with a static site generator?

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Existing SSGs for personal blogging ● Difficult to understand how they works internally ○ Most of their features are unneeded though ● Difficult to customize and personalize ○ Custom styling? ○ Custom directory structure? ○ Custom Markdown parsing? ○ Software Trade-off: Customizability v.s. Integrity ● Good for common purposes (documentation, book, etc), but may not fit well for personal usages.

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● 100% in control. ● Can learn how SSG works. ● Easy and fun. Why not build your own?

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Design a static site generator ● Static site generator: pipeline of files ● Pipeline: a set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next one. Wikipedia

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A pipe FileData ● Path ● Content ● Metadata (e.g. date and tags for posts) class Pipe { nextPipes = []; // A virtual function to be overridden. operate(input) { ... } pipe(nextPipe) { if (!this.nextPipes.includes(nextPipe)) this.nextPipes.push(nextPipe); return nextPipe; } async execute(input) { const output = await this.operate(input); if (output) => next.execute(output)); } } Pipe FileData FileData

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FileReader ● No input (source pipe) ● Read from file system. class FileReader extends Pipe { file = new FileData(path); async operate() { this.file.content = await fs.readFile(this.file.path(srcDir)); return this.file; } } File Reader FileData

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class FileWriter extends Pipe { async operate(file) { await fs.mkdir(file.dir(outDir), {recursive: true}); await fs.writeFile(file.path(options.out), file.content); } } FileWriter ● No output (sink pipe) ● Write to file system. File Writer FileData

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// The singleton writer. const writer = new FileWriter(); // Reader for a static file. const reader = new FileReader('sample.jpg'); reader.pipe(writer) // Readers for multiple files const readers = await fileReadersInDir('static'); => reader.pipe(writer)); File Reader Static files ● JS, CSS, fonts, images, etc. File Writer

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● Templates, Markdown, TypeScript, etc. ● Example: Post parser Compilation class PostParser extends Pipe { operate(file) { const {metadata, remainingContent} = this.parseMetadata( file.content.toString('utf8')); file.metadata = metadata; // Convert the markdown content into HTML. file.content = markdownConverter .makeHtml(remainingContent); file.extname = '.html'; return file; } } Target FileData Source FileData Compiler

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● A compiler can use multiple inputs to produce a single output. ● Example: Pug template compiler Compilation (cont.) class PugCompiler extends Pipe { ... // Uses 2 inputs; one is a template file and // the other is a date file. Each data file // will produce an output. async operate(input) { if (input instanceof FileData && input.extname == '.pug') { this.resolveTemplate( pug.compile(input.content)); } else { const template = await this.promisedTemplate; input.content = template(input); return input; } } } Target FileData Source FileData Compiler

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Aggregation class Aggregator extends Pipe { file = new FileData(path); inputs = []; // The count of inputs to be aggregated per // output. aggregationCount; // Determines the order of the aggregated // inputs. compareFunction; operate(input) { this.inputs.push(input); if (this.inputs.length == this.aggregationCount) { this.inputs.sort(this.compareFunction); this.file.metadata.inputs = this.inputs; this.inputs = []; return this.file; } } } Serial FileData Aggregator A single FileData ● Aggregate multiple inputs into a single input. ● Example: Post list page

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Pug Compiler The entire pipeline FileReaders (static files) FileReaders (Posts) FileReader (Post template) FileReader (Post list template) FileWriter PostParser Pug Compiler Aggregator

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● ● The main script contains only ~170 lines of code (and other lines for detailed comments). Demo

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Further (interesting) ideas ● Watch files ○ FileWatcher pipe (similar to FileReader) ● Pagination ○ Pager pipe (similar to Aggregator) ● Testability ○ StringWriter pipe (instead of FileWriter) ○ ... but who cares of tests for a personal blog? ● Cache ○ Per-pipe cache using hash ● Have fun!

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