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i Badass mployee vangelism E E Your Make eam T Melinda Seckington @mseckington

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@mseckington To pioneer the best social learning experiences for everyone, anywhere

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How Define hat Do T o i W ? @mseckington

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developer evangelism developer relations developer advocacy developer outreach @mseckington

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product developer in community developer in company evangelism @mseckington

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employee evangelism @mseckington

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potential employee employee employee evangelism @mseckington @mseckington

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hire good people D O A W E S O M E S T U F F Share With T he Community @mseckington

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How Encourage our eam T o T Y ? @mseckington

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M sers U Your adass B ake j @mseckington

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M eam T Your adass B ake j @mseckington

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@mseckington H E L P T H E M K E E P W A N T I N G T O G I V E T H E M A C O M P E L L I N G R E A S O N H E L P T H E M A C T U A L L Y G E T B E T T E R G I V E T H E M A C O M P E L L I N G C O N T E X T

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G I V E T H E M A C O M P E L L I N G C O N T E X T @mseckington

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Be Great @mseckington

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Be Authentic @mseckington

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On their death bed, nobody will say: ~ Kathy Sierra @mseckington “ ” ‘If only I’d engaged more with brands’

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Be Open @mseckington

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G I V E T H E M A C O M P E L L I N G R E A S O N @mseckington

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What motivates your team? @mseckington

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Drive Daniel H. Pink @mseckington

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Helping others @mseckington

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Build confidence in communication @mseckington

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Build personal reputation @mseckington

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Understand your team’s motivations @mseckington

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H E L P T H E M K E E P W A N T I N G T O @mseckington

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What pulls them forward? @mseckington

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What makes them stop? @mseckington

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What makes them stop? @mseckington nothing i do is worth sharing I get too nervous I’m not a good speaker I can’t write I’m not an expert

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@mseckington Mindset Carol S. Dweck @mseckington

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Fixed mindset @mseckington

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Growth mindset @mseckington

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If you only do what you can do, You’ll never be better than what you are “ ” ~ Master Shifu @mseckington

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What makes them stop? @mseckington nothing i do is worth sharing I get too nervous I’m not a good speaker I can’t write I’m not an expert

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Lead by example @mseckington

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H E L P T H E M A C T U A L L Y G E T B E T T E R @mseckington

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@mseckington Perpetual Exposure

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Start a library @mseckington

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Talks We Love @mseckington

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Expose good examples of sharing @mseckington

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Highlight existing good content @mseckington

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Understand what story to tell @mseckington

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Who is your target audience? @mseckington

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What effect do you want? @mseckington

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What’s the best way to tell the story? @mseckington

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You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows what they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift. “ ” ~ Erin Morgenstein, The night Circus @mseckington

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Encourage failure and candour @mseckington

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failure is a manifestation of learning and exploration. If you aren’t experiencing failure, then you are making a far worse mistake: You are being driven by the desire to avoid it. ~ Ed Catmull, Creativity, Inc. “ ” @mseckington

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Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something “ ” ~ Jake @mseckington

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candour |ˈkandə| noun the quality of being open and honest; frankness @mseckington

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@mseckington Deliberate practice

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@mseckington Lightning Talks

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@mseckington Learning Hour

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@mseckington Conference Club

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collab blog posts @mseckington

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internal blog @mseckington

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pair on posts @mseckington

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Create the time & space to practice new skills

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@mseckington G I V E T H E M A C O M P E L L I N G C O N T E X T H E L P T H E M K E E P W A N T I N G T O G I V E T H E M A C O M P E L L I N G R E A S O N H E L P T H E M A C T U A L L Y G E T B E T T E R

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How to introduce this at your own company? @mseckington

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hire good people D O A W E S O M E S T U F F Share With T he Community @mseckington

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What was the effect on our team? @mseckington

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35% external talks 60% inc. lightning talks 78% inc. learning hours @mseckington

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75% full length blog post 89% inc. collab posts @mseckington

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100% of our team is sharing what they do @mseckington

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50% of interviewees mentioned seeing a talk or reading a blog post @mseckington

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M eam T Your adass B ake j @mseckington

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Every team Can do this @mseckington

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Every team should do this @mseckington

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Thanks for listening… Melinda Seckington FutureLearn @mseckington

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No content

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@mseckington Strawberries https:/ / Strawberry: https:/ / Dancing Lego: https:/ / Free hugs: https:/ / North by Northwest: https:/ / Learning: https:/ / Lego Stormtrooper: https:/ / Sled: https:/ / Question box: https:/ / Pears: https:/ /