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Taming Dependencies Managing Problematic Dependencies: A Path to Sanity Greg Poirier - CTO - @GetOpsee

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Who am I? Why am I here? • CTO at @GetOpsee • Go in production for more than a year. • Building a whole damn product in Go. • I like to talk to people about my problems.

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“In the trenches…”

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Background: Opsee • Two primary components: API and Stream Processing • Stream processing components need to be independently deployable • API downtime cannot affect stream processing downtime. • Microservices to the rescue, and it had nothing to do with organizations.

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In the beginning…

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HTTP JSON RPC APIs • Easy to use and build • Easily parsed by humans when they want to debug • A lot of boilerplate code to write to get them going (this was prior to go-micro being particularly stable or useful).

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Let ‘em bleed…

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gRPC and Protobuf • “Performance”, but not really. • Code generation mechanisms that were language independent and that we didn’t have to write. • Declarative syntax for services and objects.

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Shared Dependencies • Services needed a common grammar to communicate with one another. • It was easier to standardize around a shared library than vendoring most of the same code in many individual components.

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What is the problem?

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gRPC • Tightly coupled ourselves to the transport layer. • Dependency management is hard. • Proliferation of multiple versions of the transport. • gRPC changes its exported interface all the time.

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It can’t be that bad… Can it?

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gmunch • gmunch: a service to abstract away the fact that we’re using AWS Kinesis. • You send it an event, it tells you if it was able to queue it for processing. • Significantly simpler interface to Kinesis, and client authentication doesn’t require IAM privileges.

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Let’s write a new service… package myservicethatusesgmunch import (
 gmunch “”
 func main() {
 // Ignore this obviously bad TLS init.
 client, err := gmunch.New(

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Oopsie… 59486d9c172d7b02e0166fce76fd720a88c24914

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–Chris Knight in Real Genius I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, “… I drank what?”

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This happens more often than you think…

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What do we do now?

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I am bad, and I should feel bad.

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Let’s fix it. • Must haves: • No more gRPC or shared dependency version conflicts causing problems. • A sensible build system.

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Let’s fix it. • Nice to haves: • `go get` still works • `go build` still builds projects • Easily update dependencies across all projects.*

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Well that sounds EASY…

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Solution 1: DIP

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Dependency Inversion Principle • Abstract away the gRPC bits from service clients. • Go vendor experiment takes care of the rest. • Example: • 0ee8067d99797d8430502135639be097

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Advantages • Free of the tyranny of gRPC developers. • `go get` and `go build` keep working. • We feel like we’re being good software engineers. • Don’t have to do either of the next two solutions.

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Disadvantages • Yet another shared dependency. • Have to write generators. • Still haven’t really solved our problem, just delayed having to really address it.

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Solution 2: Monorepo

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“Advantages of monolithic version control”

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Advantages • Atomic updates to dependencies. • `go build` works. • No longer have to use vendoring tools (which are all very annoying for different reasons). • Easier to audit accretion of external dependencies and versions.

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Disadvantages • CI sucks and we have to build a builder. • Ironically, `go get` doesn’t work very well with monorepos. • We probably have to build tools to manage the dependencies themselves.

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Solution 3: Monolithic build container

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Advantages • We already build in containers and this is easy to do in CI and locally. • Per-project CI/CD doesn’t change. • No VCS difficulties (because let’s face it, submodules are a VCS difficulty nobody likes).

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Disadvantages • Bye bye `go get` and `go build`. • Developers have to know what they can and cannot vendor in their project. • Managing dependencies requires all new tooling. • Still have to setup CI fanciness for updating the build container to run tests for every project.

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Well? What do we do?

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–Donald Rumsfeld “I'm not into this detail stuff. I'm more concepty.”

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Not sure yet. • We have our known knowns and our known unknowns, but we’re not sure about our unknown unknowns. • We’re aware of the problem, and we’re actively working on its resolution. • It will likely involve some dependency inversion, because that’s probably just a good idea anyway.

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Thanks! • Greg Poirier - @grepory on Twitter • Try Opsee!