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Productivity is Messing Around and Having Fun Trisha Gee, Gradle Holly Cummins, Red Hat

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@holly_cummins developer productivity engineering developer joy

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@holly_cummins are these opposites, or the same? is development supposed to be fun?

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@holly_cummins As usual, Fred Brooks has the answer.

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins “The Joys of the Craft” 1. The sheer joy of making things 2. The pleasure of making things that are useful to other people. 3. The fascination of fashioning complex puzzle-like objects of interlocking moving parts and watching them work 4. The joy of always learning 5. The delight of working in such a tractable medium

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins ok, so why aren't our jobs fun?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Let's Write More Code solution

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins “a developer writes 10 lines of code per day”

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins 10 lines per day …really?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins 12 lines per day

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins 29 lines per day

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins can we fi x that?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins incentives? solution

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins true story (from the internet): paying the team bonuses for lines of code for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // code } for ( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { // code }

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins __ .__ .__ .__ __ _/ |_| |__ |__| ______ |__| ______ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____/ |_ \ __\ | \| |/ ___/ | |/ ___/ \__ \ _/ ___\/ _ \ / \ / \_/ __ \ / \ __\ | | | Y \ |\___ \ | |\___ \ / __ \_ \ \__( <_> ) Y Y \ Y Y \ ___/| | \ | |__| |___| /__/____ > |__/____ > (____ / \___ >____/|__|_| /__|_| /\___ >___| /__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ the team made comments prettier

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins the experiment lasted one day

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Can AI help us write more code? solution

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins 70% unnecessary code

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins LLMs are much better at writing code than deleting it.

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins is this the equivalent of ascii art comments?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins even old-school code assistance produces bloat /** * @return Returns the xyz. */ public String getXyz() { return xyz; } /** * @param xyz * The xyz to set. */ public void setXyz(String xyz) { = xyz; }

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins comments and commit messages should have a why

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins should we be trying to create more lines of code?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Is a developer’s job writing code?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins “lines of code” is not a good productivity metric for people. or machines.

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins “41% of all code right now is AI generated” – Emad Mostaque, Stability CEO

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins “41% of all code [that is being written using Copilot] right now is AI generated” – Emad Mostaque, Stability CEO

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins copilot users accepted 30% of its suggestions copilot produced 40% of the codebase uh oh, what does that say about the information density?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins “negative lines of code”

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins you pay your junior developers to write code you pay your senior developers to delete code

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins if code is so boring a machine can predict it, maybe it shouldn’t be there?

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enter … developer joy

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@trisha_gee @holly_cummins #Gradle #RedHat package com.example; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; public class MyService { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MyService.class); public void doSomething() {"It works!"); } } example: logging import io.quarkus.logging.Log; Log

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@trisha_gee @holly_cummins #Gradle #RedHat package org.acme; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; @SpringBootApplication public class SpringDemo { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } } example: declaring an application

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@holly_cummins what if… you could inherit boilerplate Hibernate queries from a superclass, instead of having to write them all? example: hibernate

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@trisha_gee @holly_cummins #Gradle #RedHat @ApplicationScoped public class GreetingRepository { public Entity findByName(int name) { return find("name", name).firstResult(); } void persist(Entity entity) {} void delete(Entity entity) {} Entity findById(Id id) {} List list(String query, Sort sort, Object... params) { return null; } Stream stream(String query, Object... params) { return null; } long count() { return 0; } long count(String query, Object... params) { return 0; } } example: hibernate with panache @ApplicationScoped public class GreetingRepository implements PanacheRepository { public Entity findByName(int name) { return find("name", name).firstResult(); } }

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@holly_cummins #RedHat @TestConfiguration(proxyBeanMethods = false) public class ContainersConfig { @Bean @ServiceConnection public PostgreSQLContainer> postgres() { return new PostgreSQLContainer<>(DockerImageName.parse("postgres:14")); } } public class TestApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication .from(MySpringDataApplication::main) .with(ContainersConfig.class) .run(args); } } @Import(ContainersConfig.class) example: testcontainers

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the only thing you need to do to make testcontainers work is not con fi gure a datasource quarkus also auto-invokes fl yway and liquibase example: testcontainers

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@holly_cummins #RedHat but … … the reason Fred Brooks’s developers wrote 10 lines of code a day wasn’t because they were busy writing boilerplate

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins What else are developers doing?

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The 2019 Tidelift survey

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Measure, don’t guess.

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measure local build and test times

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins What gets measured is what gets optimised, make sure to measure the right thing

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@holly_cummins #RedHat SPACE • Satisfaction & Well-being • Performance • Activity • Communication & Collaboration • Ef fi ciency & Flow

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins McKinsey productivity is so wrong. Because it is.

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“E ffi ciency means to do things in the right way (repeatable, controllable, scalable). E ff ectiveness means to do the right thing (trial and error, risk taking, adaptability). " Lex Sisney - Organizational Physics: The Science of Growing a Business”

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Lex Sisney - Organizational Physics: The Science of Growing a Business” “E ffi ciency means to do things in the right way (repeatable, controllable, scalable). E ff ectiveness means to do the right thing (trial and error, risk taking, adaptability). Unless you design against it, ef fi ciency will tend to overpower and snuff out effectiveness."

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Dave Farley Trisha

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Creating boredom

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins “Creating space”

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins toil is bad idleness is … good?

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Default Mode Network science con fi rms it:

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins 14% took showers speci fi cally for the purpose of coming up with ideas

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Holly is most productive while • Showering • Running Trisha is most productive while • Knitting this slide was written while running

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins tip: use voice memo to capture all the work you do while running * the text on this slide was originally a voice memo

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Activities to help your DMN - knitting - running - walking - showers - gardening - unloading the dishwasher - colouring

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins double-win knitting makes you productive … and you get new clothes

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins knitting is useful for a wide range of fi elds aside

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Embrace the dead time Use it well: - problem solving - thinking - staring into space - play Do not just move e ffi ciently from task to task

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Make time for boredom Also make time for play

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Fun has business value.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat piglet litters grow faster if they play more https://www. fl

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@holly_cummins #RedHat “Your brain at positive is 31% more productive than your brain at negative, neutral or stressed. "

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@holly_cummins #RedHat

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@holly_cummins #RedHat "Individuals [who just watched a comedy video] have approximately 12% greater

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@holly_cummins #RedHat Research shows: Fun is good for business.

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job satisfaction is the no. 1 predictor of organizational performance

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@holly_cummins #RedHat play helps creativity we work in a creative industry

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins creativity makes us happy

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins Remember SPACE? The S is developer Satisfaction An important metric in SPACE

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«τελειοῖ δὲ τὴν ἐνέργειαν ἡἡδονή» ΑΡΙΣΤΟΤΈΛΗΣ

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«Η ευχαρίστηση στην δουλειά βάζει την τελειότητα στην εργασία» Αριστοτέλης

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“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” Aristotle

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@holly_cummins it’s not a trade-off. productivity happiness it’s a double-win.

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@holly_cummins #RedHat the double win co-benefits win-win twofer überwinden

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#Gradle #RedHat @trisha_gee @holly_cummins zero-sum is not enough “The only initiatives that will positively impact performance are ones which increase throughput while simultaneously decreasing cost.”

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@holly_cummins #RedHat using AI to generate code that shouldn’t even be there the double-lose

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@holly_cummins #RedHat - be careful how you measure productivity (not LOC!) - get rid of drugdery that stops you being effective at your job - being happier makes you better at your job - having down time (and showers, or knitting jumpers) makes you better at your job

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@holly_cummins thank you messing-around-devoxx/ slides + resources Win a copy of Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA!