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The Case for Progressive Web Apps

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Have you heard the Progressive Web App hype?

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of building online services and delivering them across the Internet, but of using these services. At the very least, it’s not dead. The Progressive Web App The Weather Company offers a smartphone app, like any other sane company that harbors aspirations on the Internet. But it has seen more and more people visit its mobile website in recent years. According to Sheri Bachstein, the Weather Company’s vice president of web, about fifty percent of its web traffic now arrives on mobile phones and tablets (as opposed to the desktop). Yes, more people use the company’s various apps, but increasingly, the mobile web is a vital way of reaching its worldwide audience—not to mention maintaining and expanding that audience. The company now offers what Google calls a “progressive web app.” Basically, this is a website that, in sometimes gradually evolving ways, behaves like a native app. You visit it through a browser, just like any other website. But as you continue to use it, turning on certain tools, it transforms into something more. With a progressive web app, you can set up push notifications, so you know when new content arrives. You can add an icon to your phone’s home screen, so you can rapidly revisit the service. And perhaps most importantly, thanks to a technology called service workers, it can operate both online and off, kinda like a web app. Among other things, this means that when you visit the web app a second time, it loads faster. It’s more like the thing is sitting on your phone. ‘You use it. You like it. And over time, you progressively build a relationship with it.’ —ALEX KOMOROSKE, CHROME PRODUCT MANAGER

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Photo by helin,

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Time Visibility Technology Trigger Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Disillusionment Slope of enlightenment Plateau of Productivity Gartner Hype Cycle

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What is a Progressive Web App?

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Source: Google Developers, | Original definition: Progressive Web App Features

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Source: FlipKart, Flipkart’s Progressive Web App

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Browsers are providing incentives for PWAs. Photo by Stephen Korecky,

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Add to home screen install banners Source: Google,

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Coming Soon… (Likely)

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App Stores

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SEO Benefits

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Progressive Web Apps Simply Make Sense (Irrespective of what you do on native)

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1. Not every customer or potential customer will install your native app.

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Sometimes we need to restate the obvious.

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Plus, there are cracks in the app store.

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Over 2 million apps available in iOS and Android app stores. Source: Statista, | Photo by Blake Patterson,

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8+ apps 5-7 apps 4 apps 3 apps 2 apps 1 app 0 apps 49% 13% 11% 8% 6% 7% 6% U.S. smartphone users’ number of apps downloads per month Source: Comscore 2016 U.S. Mobile App Report,

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Average Android App Retention of Daily Active Users Source: Quettra via Andrew Chen Percentage of Users Still Active 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Days Since App Install 0 1 3 7 14 30 60 90

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© comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 26 Advertising and marketing is becoming a more important driver of app installs, while the app store’s influence may have peaked. App acquisition appears to be moving from ‘pull’ to ‘push’. App stores remain the most important method, but they are no longer growing in importance. Meanwhile, more users are now discovering apps from websites, digital ads and traditional media ads, highlighting the increasing importance of traditional push marketing for user acquisition. Most Common App Discovery Channels Among Smartphone Users Source: comScore MobiLens, U.S., Age 13+, 3 Month Average Ending June 2016 vs. June 2015 21% 14% 16% 9% 8% 9% 8% 6% 21% 14% 16% 11% 8% 11% 9% 9% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Searched app store Featured/ Top List in app store via friend/ family via comment/ review/ social site via news/ print review/ TV show via a website via Ad on device browser/ app via Ad on TV/ print/ billboard % of Smartphone Users Jun-2015 Jun-2016 App Store Word-of-Mouth/Opinion Advertising/Marketing Being in the app store is no longer enough. Cost of acquisition higher.

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© comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 15 And mobile audience growth is being driven more by mobile web properties, which are actually bigger and growing faster than apps. A comparison of the Top 1000 Apps vs. the Top 1000 Mobile Web Properties shows that despite apps dominance in usage time, mobile web is responsible for big audiences on mobile. Mobile web audiences are almost 3x the size and growing 2x as fast as app audiences. Average Monthly Audience: Top 1000 Mobile Apps vs. Top 1000 Mobile Web Properties Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, U.S., Age 18+ - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 Jun-2014 Sep-2014 Dec-2014 Mar-2015 Jun-2015 Sep-2015 Dec-2015 Mar-2016 Jun-2016 Unique Visitors (000) Apps Mobile Web +82% vs. 2014 +45% vs. 2014 “Mobile web audiences are almost 3x the size and growing 2x as fast as app audiences.”

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2. You should provide a secure site or app for your web customers

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Photo by Mario Antonio Pena Zapatería,

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Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We're running a crowdfunding campaign to support our operations, please consider contributing now! Get Started Donate FROM OUR BLOG Nov 1, 2016 Launching Our Crowdfunding Campaign Today we kicked off our first crowdfunding campaign with the goal of raising enough funds to cover about one month of our operations - $200,000. Read more Oct 27, 2016 Our First Grant: The Ford Foundation We are proud to announce that The Ford Foundation has awarded us a grant to help our growing operations. Read more Oct 24, 2016 Squarespace OCSP Stapling Implementation MA JOR SPONSORS Documentation Get Help Donate ▾ About Us ▾

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3. You should provide a fast experience for your web customers

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The Washington Post PWA shows big speed increase

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The Washington Post PWA shows big speed increase

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Service workers key to performance boon Source: Google,

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4. Your web customers would benefit from an offline experience

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Service workers are also key to providing an offline experience

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5. Your web customers might benefit from push notifications

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Push notifications can help increase engagement

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6. You can create a text file and some icons for a Web Manifest

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Manifest files are simple JSON documents

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{ name: "Cloud Four", short_name: "Cloud Four", description: "We design and develop responsive websites and progressive web apps.", icons: [ { src: "/android-chrome-192x192.png", sizes: "192x192", type: "image/png" }, { src: "/android-chrome-512x512.png", sizes: "512x512", type: "image/png" } ], theme_color: "#456BD9", background_color: "#FFFFFF", display: "browser", orientation: "natural", start_url: "/", gcm_sender_id: "482941778795" } Manifest files are simple JSON documents

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Every step on the path to a PWA makes sense on its own.

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Early PWA Returns are Promising

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Konga • 92% less data for initial load, vs. native app • 82% less data to complete first transaction, vs. native app • 63% less data for initial load, vs. previous mobile web experience • 84% less data to complete first transaction, vs. previous mobile web experience Source: Google,

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eXtra Electronics • 12% click-through rate • 100% more sales from users arriving via web push • 4x increase in re-engagement Source: Google,

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5miles • 50% decrease in bounce rates • 30% increase in time spent on site • 30% better conversion for users who arrived via Add to Home screen Source: Google,

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But iOS doesn’t support PWAs…

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PWAs work fine on iOS. They are progressive.

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Billions use browsers that support PWA features

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Billions use browsers that support PWA features Safari has hinted at supporting service workers which is the most critical feature.

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AliExpress • 104% for new users across all browsers in conversion • 82% increase in iOS conversion Source: Google,

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The Washington Post saw 5x increase in user engagement

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Why? Performance. PWA faster even on iOS.

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PWAs are a trojan horse for performance. Photo by Hsing Wei,

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Photo by Kerry J,

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