Slide 66
Slide 66 text
現代密碼學 (double-Modern Cryptography)
On the basis of the same scheme, we can give quantitative estimates on the system size and processing
time for a machine that solves a relevant, hard problem, such as the Shor factoring of a 2048-bit number.
For the calculations, we assume a single-qubit gate time of 2.5 μs, two-s, two-qubit gate time of 10 μs, two-s, ion
separation and shuttling time of 15 μs, two-s each, static magnetic field gradient ramp-up and ramp-down time
of 5 μs, two-s each, and a measurement time of 25 μs, two-s, resulting in a total error correction cycle time of 235
μs, two-s. On the basis of these numbers, performing a 2048-bit number Shor factorization will take on the
order of 110 days and require a system size of 2 × 109 trapped ions. Shor factoring of a 1024-bit
number will take on the order of 14 days.
Assuming that it will also be possible to reduce the error rate of each quantum operation below 0.01%, it
would be possible to perform the 2048-bit number factorization in approximately 10 days, requiring on
the order of 5 × 108 ions.