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The Kotlin Type Hierarchy from top to bottom (including the ins and outs of generics) Nat Pryce @natpryce

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JVM heap CAFE BABE ... foo() { ... } Types classify syntactic expressions, not runtime values fun f() { ... } 101001 011001 011100 1100... kotlinc class class Type Checker

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Types help you avoid common runtime errors

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The same errors occur on the JVM due to reflection

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There’s no trade off between type safety & clarity resources { journalCss methods { GET { _, journalId -> journalId.toPCode().asResultOr { JournalNotFound(journalId) } .flatMap { pCode -> } .map { Response(OK).body(it.toCSS()).contentType(CSS_UTF_8).cacheable().allowedFromAnyOrigin() } .orElse { reportError(it, monitor) } } } journalLogo methods { GET { _, (journalId, format) -> journalId.toPCode().asResultOr { JournalNotFound(journalId) } .flatMap { pCode -> storage.logo(pCode, format) } .map { logoUri -> Response(FOUND).location(logoUri).cacheable() } .orElse { reportError(it, monitor) } } } partnerLogo methods { GET { _, partnerCode -> storage.partnerLogo(partnerCode) .onEachFailure { monitor.notify(MissingBrandingEvent(it)) } .flatMapFailure { storage.defaultPartnerLogo() } .map { logoBytes -> Response(OK).body(logoBytes).contentType(PNG).cacheable() } .orElse { reportError(it, monitor) } } } },,

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Kotlin’s type hierarchy from top to bottom

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Kotlin has built-in and user-defined types Logical Integral Floating Point Structured And these... Boolean Byte Float Array Any Char Double String Nothing Int Function types Unit Long Classes, interfaces and enums create user-defined types Function types, the “nullable” operator and generics compose types The Kotlin language defines some built-in types:

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Kotlin types are related by subtyping Here, Apple is a subtype of Fruit, Fruit is a supertype of Apple. Can be read as "An Apple is a Fruit". A subtype can be passed anywhere that expects its supertype. I can pass an Apple to code that expects a Fruit But not vice versa: I cannot pass arbitrary Fruit to code that expects only Apples Subtyping transitive An Apple is a Fruit, a Pippin is an Apple, therefore a Pippin is a Fruit

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Any is the ultimate supertype of all classes Any is the equivalent of Java's Object type Except: its values are never null

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Any is also the ultimate supertype of interfaces Note: the relationships between interface types is different to the relationships between classes exposed by reflection.

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Any has a few general operations Casting to a useful type sidesteps the type checker Beware of type erasure: not all casts can be fully checked at runtime Avoid unsafe casts by ● Programming to interfaces ● Sealed class hierarchies The compiler can’t help you if you use Any

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fun example() { println("Hello, KotlinConf") } Functions that only have side effects return Unit fun example(): Unit { println("Hello, KotlinConf") return Unit } package kotlin public object Unit { override fun toString() = "kotlin.Unit" } =

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Evaluating an expression of type Unit produces the singleton value Unit Evaluating an expression of type Nothing never produces a value at all. Expressions that do not produce a value have type Nothing

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We can include control flow in expressions Throw: val fruitPerGlass : Int = if (glassesSold > 0) orangesUsed/glassesSold else throw NoGlassesSold() Or even return: fun generateReport(orangesUsed: Int, glassesSold: Int): String { val fruitPerGlass : Int = if (glassesSold > 0) orangesUsed/glassesSold else return "no glasses sold" ... }

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We can write our own control flow statements The compiler's unreachable code analysis will understand them. inline fun forever(block: ()->Unit): Nothing { while(true) { block() } } forever { val m = receiveMessage() dispatchMessage(m) } println("finished") Unreachable code

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There is no way to declare that an expression cannot fail Just admitting the truth: a Kotlin program can, at any time: ● exhaust memory ● be terminated ● receive an unexpected signal ● have it’s thread interrupted ● overflow the stack ● have an incorrect classpath that causes a link error ● fail to load a class because of a hardware error ● ...

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Nulls and Nullability

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Nullable types form a parallel subtype hierarchy

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Nullability is itself a subtype relationship

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Beware: Any does not mean "any value"

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Unit can be nullable — it is not a special case like void

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Nothing? is the subtype of all nullable types

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val someJson = objectOf( "x" of 10, "y" of null ) The null literal can cause overload ambiguity Error: overload ambiguity private val factory = JsonNodeFactory.instance fun objectOf(vararg properties: Pair) = factory.objectNode().apply { setAll(properties.toMap()) } infix fun String.of(propertyValue: Int?) = Pair(this, factory.numberNode(propertyValue)) infix fun String.of(propertyValue: String?) = Pair(this, factory.textNode(propertyValue))

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val someJson = objectOf( "x" of 10, "y" of null ) Avoid ambiguity with explicit overloads for null literal private val factory = JsonNodeFactory.instance fun objectOf(vararg properties: Pair) = factory.objectNode().apply { setAll(properties.toMap()) } infix fun String.of(propertyValue: Int?) = Pair(this, factory.numberNode(propertyValue)) infix fun String.of(propertyValue: String?) = Pair(this, factory.textNode(propertyValue)) infix fun String.of(propertyValue: Nothing?) = Pair(this, factory.nullNode())

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A generic type parameter T (no “?”) is nullable Type variables are nullable, even though they do not have a '?' suffix! E.g. the list created by this function may contain null. fun listOf(vararg items: T): List = ... Constrain a type parameter to be a subtype of Any to declare it non-null E.g. the following function guarantees its result has no null elements fun Iterable.filterNotNull(): List = ...

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The ins and outs of generics

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A generic is not a type, but a "function on types" interface Box { fun put(item: ITEM) fun take(): ITEM } Box Box Applying a generic to a type (or types) produces a type

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By default, generic types do not introduce subtyping interface Box { fun put(item: ITEM) fun take(): ITEM } Box Box

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Use "output" variance to identify what is returned interface Supplier { fun receive(): T } Fruit Supplier Oranges Supplier

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Use "input" variance to identify what is passed in interface Juicer { fun juice(solid: T): Liquid } Juicer Juicer

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Beware: input/output variance is not inferred … except for function types It's easy to make your generic types too restrictive. Be careful if publishing libraries. interface Hopper { fun takeOne(): T } class AutomaticJuicer(val source: Hopper) val apples: Hopper = ... val juicer = AutomaticJuicer(apples)

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Separate types for read, write & read/write interface Store { fun put(item: T) } interface Source { fun take(): T } interface Box: Store, Source Lots of examples in the standard library. E.g. List / MutableList

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The End Nat Pryce @natpryce Libraries cited in this talk: Diagrams generated by PlantUML