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Improving Android Build Performance Cédric Champeau, Gradle Inc.

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About Gradle

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| 3 What is Gradle? - Gradle != Gradle plugin for Android != Android Studio - Gradle is a build and automation tool - JVM based - 100% Free Open Source - Apache Standard License 2.0 - Multi-ecosystem - JVM: Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Scala, … - Native: C/C++, Go… - Android - …

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| 4 Gradle, Inc. The company behind Gradle. • Build Happiness • Employs full time engineers • Providing Gradle Build Scans and Gradle Enterprise • (Gradle consulting, support, development services etc.) • (Training: online, public and in-house)

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| 5 We’re hiring • Fully distributed development team • Exciting project used by millions • Build tool team and Gradle enterprise positions If anything you hear from now on sounds like a great problem to solve, Talk to us! https:/ /

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The Cost of Builds

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| 7 60s waste * 50 builds per day * 50 developers = 42h wasted per day … and that’s not even considering lost focus Fast Builds Matter

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General Advice

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| 9 Process 1. Define scenario to improve 2. Profile scenario 3. Identify biggest bottleneck 4. Fix bottleneck 5. Verify fix by measurement 6. Repeat

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|10 Automate your measurements configurationTime { tasks = ["help"] } sync { tasks = ["generateDebugSources"] } cleanBuild { tasks = ["build"] cleanup-tasks = ["clean"] } cachedCleanBuild { tasks = ["build"] cleanup-tasks = ["clean"] gradle-args = ["--build-cache"] } configurationTime { tasks = ["help"] } sync { tasks = ["generateDebugSources"] } cleanBuild { tasks = ["build"] cleanup-tasks = ["clean"] } cachedCleanBuild { tasks = ["build"] cleanup-tasks = ["clean"] gradle-args = ["--build-cache"] }

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|11 Stay Up-To-Date ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 4.10.2 buildscript { repositories { google() } dependencies { classpath ‘' } } buildscript { repositories { google() } dependencies { classpath ‘' } }

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|12 JVM tuning Provide enough heap space Other tweaks often do more harm than good Spend your time on structural improvements

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|13 The Gradle Daemon The Gradle Daemon is enabled by default Provides a number of in-memory caches Useful for repeated builds Do not disable it!

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Where is the Problem?

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|15 Build Scans

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|16 The Build Lifecycle

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|17 Red Flags Startup/Settings/buildSrc > 1s Configuration time >10ms/project Single-line change ≅ clean build No-op build doing any work at all High GC time

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Startup, buildSrc, Settings

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|19 Startup, buildSrc, Settings Use the Daemon, keep it healthy

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Configuration Time

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|21 Configuration Time Applying plugins Evaluating build scripts Running afterEvaluate {} blocks

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|22 Configuration Time When running any task Even gradle help/gradle tasks Android Studio sync

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|23 Resolution at Configuration Time

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|24 Eager resolution task uberJar(type:Jar) { from sourceSets.main.output from configurations.runtime.collect { ? it : zipTree(it) } classifier "uber-jar" } task uberJar(type:Jar) { from sourceSets.main.output from configurations.runtime.collect { ? it : zipTree(it) } classifier "uber-jar" } Resolution at Configuration Time

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|25 Use lazy evaluation instead task uberJar(type:Jar) { inputs.files configurations.runtime from sourceSets.main.output from { configurations.runtime.collect { ? it : zipTree(it) } } classifier "uber-jar" } task uberJar(type:Jar) { inputs.files configurations.runtime from sourceSets.main.output from { configurations.runtime.collect { ? it : zipTree(it) } } classifier "uber-jar" } Resolution at Configuration Time

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|26 This build script seems expensive I/O at Configuration Time

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|27 task projectStats() { def statsFile = new File(buildDir, 'stats.txt') statsFile.parentFile.mkdirs() statsFile.text = "Source files: ${}" } task projectStats() { def statsFile = new File(buildDir, 'stats.txt') statsFile.parentFile.mkdirs() statsFile.text = "Source files: ${}" } I/O at Configuration Time Careful when writing custom tasks!

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|28 I/O at Configuration Time task projectStats() { def statsFile = new File(buildDir, 'stats.txt') inputs.files outputs.file statsFile doLast { statsFile.parentFile.mkdirs() statsFile.text = "Source files: ${}" } } task projectStats() { def statsFile = new File(buildDir, 'stats.txt') inputs.files outputs.file statsFile doLast { statsFile.parentFile.mkdirs() statsFile.text = "Source files: ${}" } } Don’t forget doLast {}

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|29 task projectStats(type: ProjectStats) { statsFile = new File(buildDir, 'stats.txt') sources = } class ProjectStats extends DefaultTask { @InputFiles FileCollection sources @OutputFile File statsFile @TaskAction def stats() { statsFile.text = "Source files: ${sources.size()}" } } task projectStats(type: ProjectStats) { statsFile = new File(buildDir, 'stats.txt') sources = } class ProjectStats extends DefaultTask { @InputFiles FileCollection sources @OutputFile File statsFile @TaskAction def stats() { statsFile.text = "Source files: ${sources.size()}" } } I/O at Configuration Time

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|30 Inefficient Plugins

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|31 Expensive logic for each project def out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() exec { commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', "HEAD" standardOutput = out workingDir = rootDir } version = new String(out.toByteArray()) def out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() exec { commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', "HEAD" standardOutput = out workingDir = rootDir } version = new String(out.toByteArray()) subprojects { apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/version-from-status.gradle" } subprojects { apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/version-from-status.gradle" } Inefficient Plugins

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|32 Reuse expensive calculations def out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() exec { commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', "HEAD" standardOutput = out workingDir = rootDir } version = new String(out.toByteArray()) subprojects { version = rootProject.version } def out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() exec { commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', "HEAD" standardOutput = out workingDir = rootDir } version = new String(out.toByteArray()) subprojects { version = rootProject.version } Inefficient Plugins

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|33 Variant Explosion Use variantFilter {} to exclude useless flavor/buildType combinations

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Optimising Build Logic

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|35 Extract Script Plugins Makes finding issues easier apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/environment.gradle" apply from: "gradle/chuck-norris-fact.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/version-from-status.gradle" subprojects { apply plugin: 'java' apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/test-fixtures.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/compiler-settings.gradle" } apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/environment.gradle" apply from: "gradle/chuck-norris-fact.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/version-from-status.gradle" subprojects { apply plugin: 'java' apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/test-fixtures.gradle" apply from: "$rootDir/gradle/compiler-settings.gradle" }

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|36 Extract Binary Plugins Use buildSrc Use static compilation Keep build scripts declarative

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|37 Optimise on the Algorithmic Level gradle-profiler --profile jfr

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Execution Time

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|39 Execution Time Executing selected tasks Incremental Cacheable Parallelizable

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|40 Incremental Builds Nothing changed? Executed tasks should be zero!

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|41 Incremental Builds Find volatile inputs

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|42 Example: Crashlytics Unique IDs are the bane of local dev performance apply plugin: 'io.fabric' android { buildT ypes { debug { ext.alwaysUpdateBuildId = false } } } apply plugin: 'io.fabric' android { buildT ypes { debug { ext.alwaysUpdateBuildId = false } } }

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|43 Faster Compilation Modularization => Compile avoidance Decoupled code => Faster incremental compilation Careful with Kotlin migration (for now)

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|44 Incremental Annotation Processing Since Gradle 4.7 Early adopters: Lombok, Android-State, Dagger, Parceller Others:

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|45 Caching

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|46 Parallelism Serial execution

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|47 Parallelism --parallel and small, decoupled projects

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Keeping track of performance

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|50 Gradle Enterprise

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|51 See all Builds Find out what colleagues are struggling with

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|52 Get Deep Insights

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|53 Watch Performance over Time

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|55 Gradle performance guide Android performance guide Plugin development guide Structuring build logic guide Guides

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w Thank you Devoxx Belgium 2018