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Node.js Best Practices Gergely Nemeth @nthgergo

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$ whoami Work - RisingStack Twitter - @nthgergo GitHub - gergelyke Stuff I write -

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Why talking about best practices?

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Why talking about best practices?

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Why talking about best practices?

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Coding style

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Coding style - Callback convention

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Coding style - Callback convention - Always check for errors in callbacks

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Coding style - Callback convention - Always check for errors in callbacks - Return on callbacks

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Coding style - Callback convention - Always check for errors in callbacks - Return on callbacks - Try-catch in sync code only

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Handling errors Operational errors vs. Programmer errors

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Handling Operational Errors ● Try to solve the error - if a file is missing, you may need to create one first ● Retry the operation, when dealing with network communication ● Tell the client, that something is not ok - used, when handling user inputs ● Crash the process, when the error condition is unlikely to change on its own, like the application cannot read its configuration file

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Handling Programmer Errors Crash immediately. (Let supervisor/monit/forever do its job)

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On Workflow Start a new project with npm init

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On Workflow Specify a start and test script

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On Workflow Environment variables (NODE_ENV)

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On Workflow Use a style guide (

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On Workflow Enforce the style guide (npm install --save-dev pre-commit)

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Configuration JS over JSON for configuration

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Operating Node

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Operating Node sudo

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In case you want to learn Node.js with us... Node.js Essentials & Best Practices training Contact us at

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iojs -p "console.log('Questions?')"