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make yourself reader of help 2015/11/21 by janus_wel

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who are you? janus_wel やぬす [email protected]

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I've made some vim plugins

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you can find these at

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did you read help once or twice ? moderately ? hard ?

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learning curve

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!? but we can find some steps novice apprentice expert master

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for novice forget about help and type in your term $ v i m t u t o r

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for apprentice just type in your vim : h e l p and read from beginning to "Getting Started"

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for expert just read your interesting {subject} : h e l p { s u b j e c t } and CTRL-] on words that you don't know to jump

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for master keep going your way!!

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some tips 'helplang' :tab help CTRL-] tag stack :helpgrep

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'helplang' change language to show to use Japanese, in your .vimrc s e t h e l p l a n g = j a

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:tab help show help in new tab to focus reading : t a b h e l p { s u b j e c t }

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CTRL-] when you find colored word, hit CTRL-] on the word to jump

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CTRL-T to back previous page, hit CTRL-T read :help tag-stack for more information

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:helpgrep to search help with your interesting word, use :helpgrep and :cwindow settings to show quickfix window automatically a u g r o u p q u i c k f i x a u t o c m d Q u i c k F i x C m d P o s t h e l p g r e p c w i n d o w a u g r o u p E N D

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problem I don't know appropriate {subject} ...

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reverse lookup !!

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rlhelp.vim for now, only Japanese support I will support i18n ... ? send me pull requests to improve index !!