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Timing is Everything Understanding Event-Time Processing in Flink SQL Sharon Xie,Head of Product Founding Engineer @ Decodable

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Agenda - Flinkʼs event time processing model - Use cases in Flink SQL

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What is Apache Flink ● Highly scalable stream processing engine ● Exactly-once processing semantics ● Layered APIs: SQL (easy to use) ↔ Java/Python DataStream (expressive) ● Support event-driven applications, streaming ETL pipelines, streaming analytics

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Context ● Flink streaming mode ● Flink SQL

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Event Immutable record containing the detail of something that happened at some point in time.

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Time in Flink Event Time ● The time at which the event happened Processing Time ● The time at which the event is observed by Flink

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When is event time used? ● Decisions or insights based on when the event happens ○ Monitoring and alerting ○ Time-based compute or analytics

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Event time vs Processing Time ● Event time is < processing time ● The lag is arbitrary ● Events can be out-of-order

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Challenges How do you know when all of the events are received for a particular window?

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Watermark ● Measures the progress of event time ● Tracks the maximum event time seen ● Indicates the completeness of the event time

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Create table sensors ( id bigint, `value` integer _time timestamp(3), watermark for _time as _time - interval '3' minutes ) WITH ( 'scan.watermark.emit.strategy'='on-event', ... ); Define Watermark

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Watermark Generation (on-event)

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There is a window that ends at 105. When can the window close? Quiz

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There is a window that ends at 105. When can the window close? Quiz - Answer

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Multiple sources/partitions

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Idle source/partition ● If a partition is idle (no events), the watermark will not advance ● No result will be produced ● Solutions ○ Configure source idle timeout ■ set table.exec.source.idle-timeout = 1m ○ Balance the partitions

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Implications ● Tradeoff between Correctness and Latency ● Latency ○ Results of a window is only seen after the window closes ● Correctness ○ Late arriving events are discarded after the window is closed

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Correctness VS Latency In general: Alerting and monitoring: latency Timely analytics: correctness

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But…can I have both? ● Yes! Flink can process & emit “updatesˮ (changelog) ● No watermark is needed ● Downstream system must support “updatesˮ ● Itʼs costly - need to store global state

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Quick Summary ● Event time is the time when the event happens ● Flink uses watermark to account for out-of-order events ● Watermark strategy allows trade-off between accuracy and latency

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Event-time Usage In Flink SQL ● Windowed Aggregations ● Window join ● Temporal join

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Windowing Put unbounded events into finite-sized temporal buckets, over which computation is applied.

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Window Types ● Tumble / Fixed ● Hop / Sliding ● Cumulative ● Session

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Window Types - Tumble/Fixed Ref: ● Fixed window size ● No overlapping ● Each event belongs to exactly 1 window

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Flink SQL Window TVF ● TVF  TableValued Function ● Returns a new relation with all columns of original stream and additional 3 columns: ○ window_start, window_end, window_time

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Tumble Window TVF

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1st window_start value Easy calculation: The nearest multiple of window size before 1st event time Formula: floor( 1st event time - reference time*) / window size ) * window size + window_offsets * reference time is 19700101T000000.000 ndow-offset

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Quiz Whatʼs the fixed window start value for the event time 101 with window size of 5min?

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Quiz - Answer Whatʼs the fixed window start value for the event time 101 with window size of 5min? ● 100

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Example - Tumble Window

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Window Types - Hop/Slide Ref: ● Fixed window size ● Overlaps when slide < window size

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Window Types - Cumulative Ref: ● Similar to tumble window, but with early firing at the defined interval ● Defined by max window size and window step

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Window Types - Session A new window is created when the consecutive event time > session gap Ref:

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Window Join ● A window join adds the dimension of time into the join criteria themselves. ● Use case: compute click-through events

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Example - hop window join

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Example - hop window join

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Example - hop window join

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Temporal Join ● Enrich a stream with the value of the joined record at the event time. ● Example: Continuously computing the price for each order based on the exchange rate happened when the order is placed

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Example - temporal join Ref:

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Summary ● Event time is essential for timely response and analytics ● Watermark and windowing are the key concepts ● Flink SQL simplifies event time processing

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Thank you Q&A @sharon_rxie

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Decodable Talks at Current 2024 Timing is Everything: Understanding Event-Time Processing in Flink SQL 🗣 Sharon Xie 📆 Tuesday 4pm 🗺 Ballroom F Data Contracts In Practice With Debezium and Apache Flink 🗣 Gunnar Morling 📆 Tuesday 3pm 🗺 Meeting Room 18C So You Want to Write a User-Defined Function (UDF) for Flink? 🗣 Hans-Peter Grahsl 📆 Wednesday 1:30pm 🗺 Ballroom F The Joy of JARs (and Other Flink SQL Troubleshooting Tales) 🗣 Robin Moffatt 📆 Wednesday 3pm 🗺 Ballroom F