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Graph databases: What? Why? and How? By Nicky Wrightson - Principal Engineer @ FT

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What? What is a graph database? Why? Why use a graph database? How? How to use a graph database

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What? What is a graph database?

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Graph Theory G = (V, E) Where V is a set of nodes also called vertices E is a set of edges also called links

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“a graph database is a database designed to treat the relationships between data as equally important to the data itself” Neo4J

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What? What is a graph database? Why? Why use a graph database?

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Live demo time:

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Implicitly any content about horsemeat is also about food safety and so on

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What? What is a graph database? Why? Why use a graph database? How? How to use a graph database

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How can we store our Graph?

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Triple Stores

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PREFIX foaf: SELECT ?name WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name . } Find me all subjects (?person) and objects (?name) linked with the foaf:name predicate

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Cosmos DB Property Graphs

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What makes a good candidate for a graph database?

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LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM “characters.csv” AS line

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Give me the details of who killed their own relative? MATCH (killer:Person)- [:HAS_FATHER|:HAS_MOTHER|:HAS_SIBLING]- (relative:Person)-[:KILLED_BY]-(killer) RETURN killer, relative

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Other examples …. Which house killed the most? Which house married the most?

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Gotchas with Property Graphs

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Watch out for the size

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Some more things to look out for

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@nickywrightson We're hiring! Thanks!