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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Just Use Any Lauren Tan (she/her) PRESENTED BY unknown

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA type Spiderman SKIP INTRO

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Type systems at ${work}.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Type Systems at Netflix Studio UI. We're hiring UI Engineers in LA!

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Studio UI Foundations. react redux* Apollo GraphQL TypeScript gatsby/Next.js lerna yarn ??? Top secret stuff Designed by Sophinie Som (my awesome team)

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA TypeScript. GraphQL. gRPC. JVM.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 1. Improve developer productivity. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 2. Reduce bugs. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 3. Performance*. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 4. End to end type safety. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA We also considered the risks of adopting typed JavaScript. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA TypeScript checked most of those boxes. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Building a community.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA MY CODEBASE AFTER 3.7 LANDS yay!?.optional!?.chaining

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA • Matt Greer - Type Widening • Ryan Anklam - TVUI's Experience with TypeScript Tim Branyen - Experience Using TypeScript in AppDirectory • Jordan Gensler - How To Type Everything • Danny Cochran - TypeScript with Maple • Randy Wenas - TS at Employee Apps • Emily Dobervich - TypeScript is just JavaScript • Young Min Kim - Using TypeScript Today Passionate TypeScript users at Netflix. Building a community.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA "Prefer statically typed [!!...] for better developer productivity"

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA TypeScript. GraphQL. gRPC. JVM.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Djikstra, supposedly "If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in."

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA "A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviors by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute." Types and Programming Languages, Benjamin C. Pierce

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA How many ways can this program fail?

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA const half = x !=> x / 2;

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA const TEST_CASES = [ null, undefined, Symbol(1), 10, '10', 'hello world', { name: 'Lauren' }, [1, 2, 3], x !=> x * x ];

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !=> { return { result: half(testValue), test: testValue.toString() } });

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA not my type!

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !=> { return { result: half(testValue), test: testValue.toString() } ^^^^^^^^^^ });

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Spend less time debugging, and more time writing code.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA const TEST_CASES = [ null, !// Uncaught TypeError undefined, !// Uncaught TypeError Symbol(1), !// Uncaught TypeError 10, !// 5 '10', !// 5 'hello world', !// NaN { name: 'Lauren' }, !// NaN [1, 2, 3], !// NaN x !=> x * x !// NaN ];

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA How many ways can this program fail? (Infinity)

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA const half = (x: number) !=> x / 2;

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA How many ways can this program fail (at compile time)?

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 0*.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Less is better.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA What are types anyway?

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA A type is the set of possible values for a term.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA string type T1 = string '中⽂' 'español' '⽇本語' '' '2019' '✌'

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA number number type T2 = number 2019 NaN Infinity 123.45 0x11 123e-1

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA type T3 = string | number '中⽂' 'español' '⽇本語' '' '2019' '✌' 2019 NaN Infinity 123.45 0x11 123e-1 number string

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Why should I care about the cardinality of a type? cardinality · number of elements of the set

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA number type T4 = 'TSConf' | 'dotJS' | 'React Rally' Cardinality: 3 'TSConf' 'dotJS' 'React Rally'

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA number type Option = None | Some Cardinality: 2 None Some

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA number Cardinality: Infinity undefined null number string symbol array object type T5 = unknown

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA type T5 = unknown *slaps roof of typescript* this bad type can fit so many types in it

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA When we restrict what we can do, RUNAR BJARNASON it's easier to understand what we can do.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Being precise helps TypeScript help you.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA I had no idea how interpreters or compilers work. So I decided to build one.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !// Integers & arithmetic expressions!!... let version = 1 + (50 / 2) - (8 * 3); !// !!... and strings let name = "The Monkey programming language"; !// !!... booleans let isMonkeyFastNow = true; !// !!... arrays & hash maps let people = [{"name": "Anna", "age": 24}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 99}];

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !// User-defined functions!!... let getName = fn(person) { person["name"]; }; getName(people[0]); !// !=> "Anna" getName(people[1]); !// !=> "Bob" !// and built-in functions puts(len(people)) !// prints: 2

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA let fibonacci = fn(x) { if (x !== 0) { 0 } else { if (x !== 1) { return 1; } else { fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2); } } };

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !// `newAdder` returns a closure that makes use of the free variables `a` and `b`: let newAdder = fn(a, b) { fn(c) { a + b + c }; }; !// This constructs a new `adder` function: let adder = newAdder(1, 2); adder(8); !// !=> 11

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Lex Parse Evaluate Simple interpreter architecture.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA V8 architecture.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Lex Parse Evaluate Simple interpreter architecture.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA let add = fn(x, y) { x + y; };

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA let add = fn(x, y) { x + y; };

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA [ { type: TokenType.LET, literal: 'let' }, { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'add' }, { type: TokenType.ASSIGN, literal: '=' }, { type: TokenType.FUNCTION, literal: 'fn' }, { type: TokenType.LPAREN, literal: '(' }, { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'x' }, { type: TokenType.COMMA, literal: ',' }, { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'y' }, { type: TokenType.RPAREN, literal: ')' }, { type: TokenType.LBRACE, literal: '{' }, { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'x' }, { type: TokenType.PLUS, literal: '+' }, { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'y' }, { type: TokenType.SEMICOLON, literal: ';' }, { type: TokenType.RBRACE, literal: '}' }, { type: TokenType.SEMICOLON, literal: ';' }, { type: TokenType.EOF, literal: '' }, ];

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export type LiteralType = string; export type Token = { type: TokenType; literal: LiteralType; };

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Lex Parse Evaluate Simple interpreter architecture.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA [ LetStatement { token: { type: 'LET', literal: 'let' }, name: Identifier { token: [Object], value: 'add' }, value: FunctionLiteral { token: [Object], parameters: [Array], body: [BlockStatement] } } ]

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export type BooleanLiteralToken = { type: TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE; literal: LiteralType; }; export default class BooleanLiteral implements Expression { constructor(public token: BooleanLiteralToken, public value: boolean) {} expressionNode() { /** snip **/ } tokenLiteral() { /** snip **/ } toString() { /** snip **/ } }

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export type BooleanLiteralToken = { type: TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE; literal: LiteralType; }; export default class BooleanLiteral implements Expression { constructor(public token: BooleanLiteralToken, public value: boolean) {} expressionNode() { /** snip **/ } tokenLiteral() { /** snip **/ } toString() { /** snip **/ } } We only want to create BooleanLiteralASTNodes if we encounter a boolean literal Token (true | false)

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !(true !== true);

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !(true !== true); currToken

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !(true !== true); currToken

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !(true !== true); currToken

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export type LiteralType = string; export type Token = { type: TokenType; literal: LiteralType; };

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export const enum TokenType { ILLEGAL = 'ILLEGAL', EOF = 'EOF', !// Identifiers + Literals IDENT = 'IDENT', INT = 'INT', !// Operators ASSIGN = '=', PLUS = '+', MINUS = '-', BANG = '!', ASTERISK = '*', SLASH = '/', LT = '<', GT = '>', EQ = '!==', NOT_EQ = '!!=', !// Delimiters COMMA = ',', SEMICOLON = ';', LPAREN = '(', RPAREN = ')', LBRACE = '{', RBRACE = '}', !// Keywords FUNCTION = 'FUNCTION', LET = 'LET', TRUE = 'TRUE', FALSE = 'FALSE', IF = 'IF', ELSE = 'ELSE', RETURN = 'RETURN', } 27 types of Tokens.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export default function parseBoolean(this: Parser): Expression { return new BooleanLiteral(this.currToken, !/* !!... !*/); !// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !// Argument of type 'Token' is not assignable to parameter of type !// 'BooleanLiteralToken'. !// Types of property 'type' are incompatible. !// Type 'TokenType' is not assignable to type !// 'TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE'.ts(2345) } this.currToken could be *any* token!

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Type narrowing.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export default function assertTokenType( token: Token, !!...assertedTokenTypes: T[] ): asserts token is { type: T; literal: LiteralType } { const satisfiesAssertion = assertedTokenTypes.some( type !=> type !!=== token.type ); if (!satisfiesAssertion) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `Token type is not: ${assertedTokenTypes.join(' OR ')}`, }); } }

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export default function assertTokenType( token: Token, !!...assertedTokenTypes: T[] ): asserts token is { type: T; literal: LiteralType } { const satisfiesAssertion = assertedTokenTypes.some( type !=> type !!=== token.type ); if (!satisfiesAssertion) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `Token type is not: ${assertedTokenTypes.join(' OR ')}`, }); } }

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export default function parseBoolean(this: Parser): Expression { assertTokenType(this.currToken, TokenType.TRUE, TokenType.FALSE) return new BooleanLiteral(this.currToken, !/* !!... !*/); !// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !// (property) Parser.currToken: { !// type: TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE; !// literal: string; !// } } ✅ this.currToken MUST be of type TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export default function hasOwnProperty( obj: T, key: PropertyKey ): key is keyof T { return, key); }

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export default function hasOwnProperty( obj: T, key: PropertyKey ): key is keyof T { return, key); }

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export function lookupIdentifier(ident: string) { if (hasOwnProperty(KEYWORDS, ident)) { return KEYWORDS[ident]; } return TokenType.IDENT; }

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export function lookupIdentifier(ident: string) { if (hasOwnProperty(KEYWORDS, ident)) { return KEYWORDS[ident]; } return TokenType.IDENT; } ident starts out as a string. Cardinality is infinite.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA const KEYWORDS = { fn: TokenType.FUNCTION, let: TokenType.LET, true: TokenType.TRUE, false: TokenType.FALSE, if: TokenType.IF, else: TokenType.ELSE, return: TokenType.RETURN, } as const; hasOwnProperty(KEYWORDS, ident)

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA export function lookupIdentifier(ident: string) { if (hasOwnProperty(KEYWORDS, ident)) { return KEYWORDS[ident]; !// ^^^^^ !// (parameter) ident: !// | "fn" !// | "let" !// | "true" !// | "false" !// | "if" !// | "else" !// | "return" } return TokenType.IDENT; } ident is now a string literal, with a cardinality of 7.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA !// inferred by TypeScript function lookupIdentifier( ident: string ): | TokenType.IDENT | TokenType.FUNCTION | TokenType.LET | TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE | TokenType.IF | TokenType.ELSE | TokenType.RETURN;

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Recap.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 1. Improve developer productivity. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 2. Reduce bugs. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 3. Performance*. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA 4. End to end type safety. Making the case for typed JavaScript at Netflix.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Spend less time debugging, and more time writing code.

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA A type is the set of possible values for a term. cardinality · number of elements of the set

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! sugarpirate_ " poteto Just Use Any 2020, Los Angeles, CA Less is better.

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Thank you. ! sugarpirate_ # sugarpirate_ " poteto $